Welcome to the ArcGIS Server 10 Help
What is ArcGIS Server?
Working with ArcGIS Server
Components of an ArcGIS Server system
What's included with ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS Server editions
What's new in ArcGIS Server 10
Migration to ArcGIS Server 10
Tutorial: Publishing a map service
Tutorial: Publishing a KML service
Tutorial: Publishing an image service
Tutorial: Publishing a WMS service
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS service
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS-T service
Tutorial: Creating a Web application
Tutorial: Creating a cached map service
What types of services can you publish?
What is a feature service?
Authoring feature services
Publishing feature services
Feature services operations
Using feature services
Editing features with z-values in feature services
Geocode services
What is a geodata service?
Publishing a geodata service directly
Publishing a geodata service with a map service
Geodata service capabilities and allowed operations
Suggestions for configuring geodata services
Geodata service usage
Geometry services
An overview of geoprocessing with ArcGIS Server
Key concepts for geoprocessing services
Guide to related geoprocessing with server topics
Input and output data types
Creating models for geoprocessing services
Preparing map documents containing tool layers
Defining output symbology for geoprocessing tasks
Defining symbology for input feature sets
Publishing geoprocessing services
Managing the jobs directory
Using the local jobs directory when deploying services across multiple computers
Data access considerations for geoprocessing tasks
Creating tasks for the UNIX/Linux environment
Creating script tools for geoprocessing tasks
Using geoprocessing tasks in Python scripts
Spatial reference considerations for geoprocessing services
Performance tips for geoprocessing services
Checklist for authoring and publishing geoprocessing services
Python scripts to zip and unzip data
Zip (compress) Python script
Unzip Python script
Guide to the geoprocessing service examples
GP service step by step: Buffer points
GP service example: Buffer features
GP service step by step: Watershed
GP service example: Stream network
GP Service example: More Stream network
GP Service example: Clip and ship
GP Service example: Data on demand
GP service example: Selecting data
GP service example: Drive-time polygons
GP service example: Shortest route on a street network
GP service example: Finding nearby features over a street network
What is a globe service?
Tips for authoring globe services
Globe service usage
Image services and their capabilities
Preparing image services
Publishing image services
Using (consuming) an image service
KML support in ArcGIS Server
Authoring maps for publishing as KML
Viewing services as KML
Managing KML network links
What is a map service?
Publishing a map service
Map service performance and functionality
Map service capabilities
Map service usage
Common reasons for using map services
Supported functionality in MSD-based map services
Serving time-aware layers
Map service planning
Map authoring considerations for ArcGIS Server
Designing a map to overlay ArcGIS Online, Google Maps, or Bing Maps
Authoring a map to be used by ArcGIS Server on Linux/Solaris
Map Path Editor
Mobile data services
Network analysis services
OGC support in ArcGIS Server
WMS services
WMS scope and compatibility matrix for ArcGIS Server
Communicating with a WMS service in a web browser
Using external capabilities files with WMS services
Using Styled Layer Descriptors with WMS services
WMS Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) support in ArcGIS Server
WMS Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) samples
Customizing a WMS GetFeatureInfo response
Tutorial: Publishing a WMS service
WFS services
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS service
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS-T service
WCS services
Using external capabilities files with WCS services
Viewing OGC services in Manager
Search services
Preparing resources for publishing as services
About publishing GIS resources to the server
Publishing a GIS resource to the server in Manager
Publishing a GIS resource to the server in ArcCatalog
About adding new services
Adding a new service in Manager
Adding a new service in ArcCatalog
Starting, stopping, and pausing services
Removing a service
About GIS server folders
Adding a GIS server folder in Manager
Adding a GIS Server folder in ArcCatalog
Tuning and configuring services
Code example for stopping and starting services
What is map caching?
A quick tour of map caching
Map caching concepts and terms
Planning a map cache
Available map cache properties
Accessing map cache properties in Manager
Accessing map cache properties in ArcCatalog
Creating map cache tiles
Strategies for creating map cache tiles
Map caching based on feature boundaries
Map caching on demand
Allocation of server resources to creating a map cache
Map cache usage by clients
Overlaying map caches in the Java Web ADF
Overlaying your own caches with ArcGIS Online services in the Java Web ADF
Map cache updates
Exporting and importing map caches
Inside the compact cache storage format
Labels in map caches
Local cache directories on the server
Designing a map to overlay ArcGIS Online, Google Maps, or Bing Maps
Tips and best practices for map caches
Tutorial: Creating a cached map service
How globe caches work
Accessing globe cache properties
Available globe cache properties
Creating globe cache tiles
Globe cache creation based on feature boundaries
Allocation of server resources to creating a globe cache
Globe cache usage
Globe cache updates
Tips and best practices for globe caches
Automating cache creation and updates with geoprocessing
Copying caches
Cache generation and updates on Linux/Solaris
Common caching questions
Introduction to creating Web applications with Manager
Selecting layers to display
Configuring tasks
Choosing the look and feel of the application
Using ArcGIS Online services in your Web application
Performance tips for Web applications
Tutorial: Creating a Web application
Deploying the application
Deploying the application to JBoss Application Server
Deploying the application to Tomcat
Deploying the application to Oracle WebLogic Application Server
Deploying the application to WebSphere Application Server
Creating .NET Web applications
Creating Java Web applications
Creating JavaScript applications
Creating Flex applications
Creating Web applications with the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
Creating Silverlight applications
Retrieving your Bing Maps key in Manager
An overview of Web GIS
A framework for deploying Web GIS
Web GIS concepts for GIS users
Steps for implementing GIS map applications
How to build online basemaps
Building operational map layers
Editing in Web applications
Configuring a one-machine deployment
Configuring a multiple-machine deployment
Network ports used by Manager processes
Viewing and managing network ports on Linux and Solaris
ArcGIS Java Manager and Web Server settings
How the GIS server works
Guidelines for configuring ArcGIS Server components
Data storage considerations for ArcGIS Server
Anticipating and accommodating users
Deployment scenarios
Exporting the Web services handler
Exporting the REST handler
How configuration files work
Server configuration files
Service configuration files
Security configuration files
Interpreting server statistics
How log files work
Log message structure
Configuring logging
Troubleshooting map service performance with log files
Log codes overview
Core server log codes
Map service log codes
ArcObjects log codes
Enabling error reports
Logging in to Manager
About connecting to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog
Making an administrative connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog
Making a user connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog
About server object container (SOC) machines
Adding a server object container in Manager
Adding a server object container in ArcCatalog
About specifying the log file location
Specifying the log file location in Manager
Specifying the log file location in ArcCatalog
Setting the capacity of a server object container in Manager
Setting the capacity of a server object container in ArcCatalog
About server directories
Creating a server directory in Manager
Creating a server directory in ArcCatalog
Configuring the ArcGIS Web Service Handler cache
Displaying server statistics
Performing diagnostics on Linux/Solaris
Registering ArcGIS Image Server with ArcGIS Server
Registering JPIP Server with ArcGIS Server
Running ArcCatalog under a different operating system account
Adding multiple services at once
Using a proxy server to connect to the Internet
Exposing your services to external users
Ways to implement security in ArcGIS Server
Accounts used by the GIS server
Firewalls and ArcGIS Server
Securing local connections to services
Adding administrative users to the agsadmin group
Adding administrative users to the agsadmin group on Linux/Solaris
Adding users to the agsusers group
Adding users to the agsusers group on Linux/Solaris
Internet security overview
Overview of ArcGIS Server security configuration
Overview of security store configuration
Configuring an external database as the security store
Configuring LDAP as the security store
Configuring Active Directory as the security store
Managing users and roles
Securing Web services
Enabling security
Securing Web applications
ArcGIS Server integrated security
Special roles in ArcGIS Managed authentication
Tokens and token services
Exporting the ArcGIS token service
Extending the Principal Store API (custom store access)
Accessing secured services from ArcGIS Desktop
Managing GIS Server user accounts on Linux/Solaris
Adding administrative users to the agsadmin group on Linux/Solaris
Adding users to the agsusers group on Linux/Solaris
Performing diagnostics on Linux/Solaris
Viewing and managing network ports on Linux and Solaris
<ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/logs folder
Scripts in the <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/scripts folder
Step by step: ArcGIS Server Distributed Setup on Linux/Solaris
Cache generation and updates on Linux/Solaris
What is a geodatabase?
The architecture of a geodatabase
A quick tour of the geodatabase
Essential readings about the geodatabase
Table basics
Feature class basics
Raster basics
Types of geodatabases
Client and geodatabase compatibility
A quick tour of geodatabase upgrades
ArcView and the geodatabase
A quick tour of the Building a geodatabase tutorial
Exercise 1: Organizing your data in the Catalog
Exercise 2: Importing data into your geodatabase
Exercise 3: Creating subtypes and attribute domains
Exercise 4: Creating relationships between objects
Exercise 5: Building a geometric network
Exercise 6: Creating annotation
Exercise 7: Creating layers for your geodatabase data
Exercise 8: Creating a topology
An overview of geodatabase design
Geodatabase design steps
Using ArcGIS data model designs
Documenting your geodatabase design
Modeling feature classes
A note about the use of UML for geodatabase design
Design tips
An overview and definition of geodatabase properties
An overview of table properties
Defining tables
Defining fields in tables
Geodatabase field data types
Data types in the DBMS
A quick tour of Unicode
An overview of spatial indexes in the geodatabase
A quick tour of setting a spatial index
Modifying a spatial grid index
An overview of spatial references
The properties of a spatial reference
Working with pre-9.2 spatial references
Choosing the resolution and domain of a low-precision spatial reference
What are configuration keywords?
Configuration keywords for file geodatabases
Configuration keywords for ArcSDE geodatabases
An overview of creating geodatabases
A comparison of geodatabase types
Creating a personal geodatabase
Creating a file geodatabase
Creating file and personal geodatabases using geoprocessing tools
Creating a geodatabase on a database server
Creation of ArcSDE geodatabases licensed through ArcGIS Server Enterprise
Schema locking
About copying the schema of a geodatabase
Exporting a geodatabase schema to an XML workspace document
Importing a geodatabase schema from an XML workspace document
Copying a geodatabase schema using Extract Data Wizard in ArcMap
Copying the geodatabase schema of an ArcGIS data model template
Using CASE tools and UML to create a geodatabase schema
Overview of copying geodatabases
Copying a geodatabase using the Copy tool
Copying a geodatabase using geodatabase XML workspaces
Copying a geodatabase using Extract Data Wizard in ArcMap
Copying feature classes using Export
Migrating to the file geodatabase
Migrating to high precision
An overview of adding datasets to the geodatabase
Creating datasets in the Catalog tree
Copying feature datasets, classes, and tables to another geodatabase
A quick tour of registering tables with the geodatabase
Registering a table with the geodatabase
A quick tour of exporting data
Exporting feature datasets, classes, and tables
Exporting features or records to an export file
About exporting selected features and records
Exporting selected features with the Extract Data wizard
Exporting selected features with the Export Data command
Exporting selected records from a table
About loading data into existing feature classes and tables
Workflow strategies for loading data
Loading data in the Catalog tree
About loading data in ArcMap
Adding the Load Objects command to ArcMap
Loading data with the Load Objects command
Loading an XML recordset document in the Catalog tree
Adding the Load XML Recordset Document command to ArcMap
Loading an XML Recordset document in ArcMap
An overview of importing datasets
About importing feature classes
Importing a feature class (single)
Importing a feature class (multiple)
About importing tables
Importing a table (single)
Importing a table (multiple)
Importing a raster dataset
Importing feature datasets, classes, and tables from an XML workspace document
How data converts when importing
What is a file geodatabase?
What is a personal geodatabase?
A quick tour of managing file and personal geodatabases
Creating a file geodatabase
File geodatabase size and name limits
Creating a personal geodatabase
File geodatabases: compressing vs. compacting
Compressing file geodatabase data
Compacting file and personal geodatabases
File geodatabases and Windows Explorer
File geodatabases and locking
Renaming a geodatabase
Moving a file or personal geodatabase
Upgrading file and personal geodatabases
What are database servers in ArcGIS?
A quick tour of setting up and using database servers
Essential database server vocabulary
Installing SQL Server Express
Enabling SQL Server Express to store geodatabases
Adding a database server to ArcGIS Desktop
The administrative user for database servers
Adding users or groups to a database server
Creating a geodatabase on a database server
What is the full-text search engine?
Full-text catalogs and database servers
Making sure SQL Server Express with Advanced Services is installed
Setting the language for linguistic analysis in ArcSDE geodatabases for SQL Server Express
What types of connections are made to database servers?
What client and ArcSDE geodatabases for SQL Server Express versions are compatible?
Connecting to a database server
Connecting to a geodatabase on a database server
Connecting to an ArcSDE geodatabase for SQL Server Express
Saving a geodatabase connection to a specific version
Disconnecting from a database server
Database server connection states
Pausing a database server
Stopping a database server
Restarting a database server that was stopped or paused
Troubleshooting database servers
A quick tour of permissions for database servers
Granting or revoking server administrator permissions
Altering geodatabase permissions
Altering dataset permission in ArcSDE geodatabases for SQL Server Express
A quick tour of administering database servers
Creating a backup of a geodatabase on a database server
Restoring a geodatabase to a database server
Detaching a geodatabase from a database server
Attaching a geodatabase to a database server
Compressing a geodatabase on a database server
Updating statistics in a geodatabase on a database server
Rebuilding indexes in a geodatabase on a database server
Shrinking a geodatabase on a database server
Deleting a database server connection from the Catalog window
Deleting a geodatabase from a database server
Uninstalling a SQL Server 2005 Express instance
Uninstalling a SQL Server 2008 Express instance
Upgrading a SQL Server Express instance to Advanced Services
Upgrading from SQL Server 2005 Express to SQL Server 2008 Express
Changing license keys for database servers and their geodatabases
Upgrading a geodatabase on a database server
A quick tour of the database servers tutorial
Exercise 1: Add a database server to the Catalog tree and create a geodatabase
Exercise 2: Load data into a geodatabase and update statistics
Exercise 3: Attach, create a backup of, and upgrade a geodatabase
Exercise 4: Add users and administer their permissions
Exercise 5: Make nonversioned edits as a read/write user
Exercise 6: Restore a geodatabase
Exercise 7: Connect as a geodatabase administrator, load data, register it as versioned, and create a version
Exercise 8: Making versioned edits as a read/write user
Exercise 9: Compress the Osokopf geodatabase, rebuild indexes, and shrink the geodatabase while logged in as a geodatabase administrator
Exercise 10: Detach the buildings geodatabase from the database server
An overview of data maintenance and transactions
What is a transaction?
Transactions and geographic data
Data maintenance strategies
Deciding how to register data
A quick tour of working with nonversioned data
Configuring an ArcMap edit session to perform nonversioned edits
Concurrency and locking
Isolation levels
Working with data integrity features
Editing nonversioned data with constraints
Nonversioned editing and the feature cache
What is a version?
A quick tour of versioning
Essential versioning vocabulary
Version scenarios
A quick tour of registering and unregistering data as versioned
Registering data as versioned
Adding the Unregister As Versioned command to ArcCatalog
Unregistering data as versioned
Creating versions and setting permissions
Version creation and permissions example
Changing versions in ArcMap
Refreshing a version
The version editing process
Saving edits to a version
Using the Version Changes command
A quick tour of reconciling a version
Reconciling a version
A quick tour of reviewing conflicts
Interactive conflict resolution
Resolving conflicts interactively at the field level
Resolving conflicts interactively at the row level
Resolving conflicts interactively at the class level
Resolving conflicts interactively at the root level
Posting changes
Automated reconcile and post
The compress operation and geodatabases
Adding the Compress command to ArcCatalog
Compressing an ArcSDE geodatabase licensed under ArcGIS Server Enterprise
Compressing a geodatabase on a database server
Understanding distributed data
Scenarios using distributed data
Working with geodatabase replication
Replicas and geodatabases
Replication types
Connected and disconnected replication
Preparing data for replication
Replica creation and versioning
Replication and related data
Replication and topology
Replication and geometric networks
Replication and raster data
Replication and terrains, network datasets, parcel fabrics, and representations
Geodatabase replication and ArcGIS Server
The Create Replica wizard
Creating a checkout replica
Creating a one-way or two-way replica
Feature information models for replicas
Replicas in a disconnected environment
Replicas created with the option to register with existing data
Reusing a schema to create a replica
What is synchronization?
Synchronizing with filters and related data
Synchronization and geometric networks
Synchronization and topology
Synchronization and versioning
A quick tour of synchronizing connected replicas
Connected synchronization
Synchronizing connected replicas
A quick tour of synchronizing disconnected replicas
Disconnected synchronization
Exporting a data change message
Exporting an acknowledgment message
Reexporting a data change message
Importing a data change message
Resolving synchronization conflicts manually
Schema changes
Working with schema changes
Exporting a replica schema
Comparing replica schema
Importing a replica schema
A quick tour of replica management
The replica activity log
Creating replica footprints
Replication and geodatabase releases
Geodatabase archiving
Enabling archiving
The archive process
Working with a historical version
Working with historical markers
Working with the Geodatabase History Viewer
Working directly with the archive class
Schema changes and archiving
Disabling archiving
Archiving scenarios
What is ArcSDE?
A quick tour of administering ArcSDE geodatabases
Essential ArcSDE geodatabase vocabulary
ArcSDE error messages
What is a geodatabase?
Geodatabase storage is based on relational principles
The geodatabase is object relational
Geodatabase storage in relational databases
How are geodatabases stored in a DBMS?
Geodatabase transaction management
Geodatabase XML
A short history lesson on simple features
A quick tour of using SQL with ArcSDE geodatabases
What is SQL?
Essential vocabulary for using SQL with an ArcSDE geodatabase
Connections to a geodatabase from SQL clients
SQL access to geodatabase data
What are multiversioned views?
Creating multiversioned views
Deleting multiversioned views
Reading versioned data in DB2 using multiversioned views
Reading versioned data in Informix using multiversioned views
Reading versioned data in Oracle using multiversioned views
Reading versioned data in PostgreSQL using multiversioned views
Reading versioned data in SQL Server using multiversioned views
A quick tour of geodatabase system tables
Browsing geodatabase system tables with SQL
Relationship queries
XML column queries
System table spatial queries
Example: Finding domain owners using SQL
Example: Resolving domain codes to description values using SQL
Example: Discovering domain usage using SQL
Example: Finding subtype codes and descriptions using SQL
Example: Finding the geodatabase release using SQL
Example: Returning a list of relationship classes
Example: Determining which datasets are versioned in a geodatabase
What type of data can be edited using SQL?
What is an object ID?
Editing nonversioned geodatabase data in DB2 using SQL
Editing nonversioned geodatabase data in Informix using SQL
Editing nonversioned geodatabase data in Oracle using SQL
Editing nonversioned geodatabase data in PostgreSQL using SQL
Editing nonversioned geodatabase data in SQL Server using SQL
Editing versioned data in DB2 using multiversioned views and SQL
Editing versioned data in Informix using multiversioned views and SQL
Editing versioned data in Oracle using multiversioned views and SQL
Editing versioned data in PostgreSQL using multiversioned views and SQL
Editing versioned data in SQL Server using multiversioned views and SQL
Inserting a value into a global ID or GUID column in Oracle using SQL
Inserting a value into a global ID or GUID column in PostgreSQL using SQL
Inserting a value into a global ID or GUID column in SQL Server using SQL
What are spatial types?
What are user-defined data types?
Spatial relationships
Spatial operations
Geometry properties
Rules to follow when creating spatial tables to be used with a geodatabase
Spatial references in the geodatabase
What is in the "Working with ST_Geometry and ST_Raster using SQL" book of the help?
A quick tour of using SQL with the ST_Geometry and ST_Raster types
Configuring the Oracle listener to access the geodatabase with SQL
SQL implementation differences for the ST_Geometry type
Implementation differences for the ST_Raster type
How is ST_Geometry implemented?
ST_Geometry function calls
Spatial accessor functions for ST_Geometry
Spatial relationship functions for ST_Geometry
Spatial operation functions for ST_Geometry
Geometry validation on tables containing ST_Geometry columns
Parametric circles and ellipses
Spatial indexes and ST_Geometry
When are spatial indexes used?
The R-tree index
The spatial grid index
Guidelines for choosing a spatial index grid size
Tips on using a spatial grid index
Enhance ArcGIS functionality using ST_Geometry
Spatial SQL queries on tables with an ST_Geometry column
Using spatial views on tables with an ST_Geometry column
Workflow: Using SQL with existing feature classes
Creating tables with an ST_Geometry column
Creating spatial references using SQL
Inserting features to a table with an ST_Geometry column
Creating spatial indexes on tables with an ST_Geometry column
Updating values in an ST_Geometry spatial column
Deleting values from an ST_Geometry spatial column
Registering a table containing an ST_Geometry column with ArcSDE
Registering a layer with the geodatabase
Workflow: Creating tables with SQL and registering them with ArcSDE and the geodatabase
Installing the ST_Raster type in a local Oracle database
Installing the ST_Raster type in a remote Oracle database
Installing the ST_Raster type in a local PostgreSQL database
Installing the ST_Raster type in a remote PostgreSQL database
Installing the ST_Raster type in a local SQL Server database
Installing the ST_Raster type in a remote SQL Server database
Creating a table that contains an ST_Raster column
Initializing an ST_Raster column
Inserting images into a table that contains an ST_Raster column
Functions that return the properties of an ST_Raster value
Functions that alter the properties of an ST_Raster value
Building pyramids on a raster value in an ST_Raster column
Applying a color map to raster values in an ST_Raster column
Calculating statistics on a raster value in an ST_Raster column
Deleting statistics from an ST_Raster value
Cropping an ST_Raster value
Removing a color map from an ST_Raster value
Accessing ST_Raster properties
Exporting a TIFF file from an ST_Raster column
Extracting a raster subset from an ST_Raster value
Workflow: Updating the pixel data in an ST_Raster value
Workflow: Creating a raster catalog with SQL
Workflow: Mosaicking raster data to an existing ST_Raster value
Workflow: Migrating a registered raster catalog from binary to SQL types
Workflow: Creating an ArcObjects raster field
The ST_PixelData object
Creating a table that contains an ST_PixelData column
Fetching ST_PixelData from an ST_Raster column into an ST_PixelData column
Workflow: Updating the pixel data in an ST_Raster value
A quick tour of SQL functions used with ST_Geometry and ST_Raster types
A ST_StartPoint
Geoportal extension
Network extension
Image extension
Introducing ArcGIS Server Schematics
Displaying schematic diagrams
Generating and updating schematic diagrams
Developing with ArcGIS Server: An overview
Common problems and solutions
Copyright information
ArcGIS Acknowledgments
Geodatabases in DB2
Geodatabases in Informix
Geodatabases in Oracle
Geodatabases in PostgresSQL
Geodatabases in SQL Server