- DG027 - check process:<process name>
This verifies if the process started by ArcGIS Server is running. ArcGIS Server won't function properly if the process is not running. If you encounter this type of failure, stop ArcGIS Server, then make sure there are no ArcGIS Server processes running. Restart ArcGIS Server. If the error still occurs, try running ServerConfig.
This type of check includes:
DG027 - check process: mwrpcss
This verifies if the process "mwrpcss" which represents the "RPC Server" is running. The ArcGIS Server framework is built on the DCOM technology that supports distribution of COM objects across different machines and communication between them. The mwrpcss process provides this support on Linux/Solaris.
DG027 - check process: regss
This verifies if the process "regss" which represents the "Registry Service" is running. The Registry Service is responsible for managing the registry data used by Core Services.
DG027 - check process: watchdog
This verifies if the process "watchdog" is running. Watchdog is part of the Core Services and is responsible for keeping the "mwrpcss" and "regss" processes alive. If the mwrpcss and/or regss processes terminate unexpectedly, the watchdog will start them again immediately.
DG027 - check process: remotesa
This verifies if the Identification process (remotesa) is running. Identity Server provides authentication services for ArcGIS Server.
DG027 - check process: ns-slapd
This verifies if the Directory Server process (ns-slapd) is running. Directory Server is a repository for storing ArcGIS Server user accounts.
DG027 - check process: arcsom.exe
This verifies if the Server Object Manager (SOM) is running.
DG027 - check process: java -jar arcgis_manager
This verifies if ArcGIS Server Manager is running as the ArcGIS Server install owner.
DG027 - check process: java/manager/service/tomcat/managerappserver
This verifies if the Tomcat server which hosts the deployed Web applications and Web services is running as the ArcGIS Server install owner.
DG027 - check process: Xvfb
This verifies if the Xvfb process is running.
DG027 - check process: java/manager/service/derby
This verifies if the Java process required by ArcGIS Server Manager security is running.