Managing users and roles
Managing users
The Users page in the Security menu lists the consumers of the Web services published by ArcGIS Server. These users, also called Web users, are separate from the users authorized to administer and access ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Server Manager.
ArcGIS Server Manager accesses the list of Web users from the user store. The user store is specified during the process of enabling security. For more information on how to set up the user store, see Overview of configuring the security store.
Adding a new user
The Users page on the Security panel lists all the Web users currently in the system. To add a new user, click Add User. A dialog box will open in which you can enter user information.
The table below describes the fields in the Add User dialog box.
Field | Required/Optional | Description |
User name | Required | A unique identifier for the user. |
Full name | Optional | Full name of the user that is useful for display purposes. |
Optional | The user's email address. | |
Password | Required | The password for this user account. |
Confirm password | Required | Confirms the typed password. |
Secret question | Required | A secret question to ask the user in case the user forgets his/her password. |
Answer | Required | The answer a user needs to enter when asked the secret question. |
Available Roles | N/A | This list box displays all the roles that can be assigned to the user. If the list of available roles contains too many records, only the first set of roles is displayed. |
Member of | Optional | Shows the list of roles that are currently assigned to this user. To assign a role to the user, select the role in the Available Roles list and click the arrow pointing towards the Member Of list. To remove a role, select the role in the Member of list and click the arrow pointing towards the Available Roles list. |
Find | N/A | This tool allows you to filter the roles displayed in the Available Roles list box. This tool is useful when the security store contains a large number of roles. To find a specific role, type in the entire role name and click on the Find icon. To display all roles that match a string of letters, enter the string into the input box and click the Find icon. All roles that match the given string will be returned. To display all the roles, click the Remove Filter link. |
When the user information is added to the dialog box, click Add User.
Listing assigned roles
To view the roles that are assigned to a particular user, click the Username link for that user.
Deleting a user
To delete a particular user, click the Delete icon next to the particular user.
Editing user information
To edit information associated with a particular user, click the Edit icon. This will open a dialog box that will allow you to edit user information. To remove roles assigned to a user, click the left arrow to move the roles out of the Member Of list.
Managing roles
The Roles page in the Security menu lists the roles that control access to the Web services published by ArcGIS Server. In a role based access control system, privileges are assigned to roles instead of an individual user. When a user is added as a member of a role, the user automatically inherits all the privileges assigned to that role.
These roles are associated with Web Users only. They are not related to the operating systems roles that are created by ArcGIS Server. ArcGIS Server Manager accesses the list of roles from the role store. The role store is specified during the process of enabling security. For more information on how to set up the role store, see Overview of configuring the security store.
Adding a new role
The Roles page on the Security panel lists all the roles currently in the system. To add a new role, click the Add Role button on the page. A dialog box will open in which you can enter role information.
The table below describes each field of the Add Roledialog box:
Field | Required/Optional | Description |
Role Name | Required | A unique identifier for the role. |
Description | Optional | A description of the role. |
Available Users | N/A | The list of users in the user store. If the user store contains too many records, only the first set of users is returned. Use the Find tool to retrieve a particular user. |
Role Members | Optional | The list of users that are members of this role. If the list of role members contains too many records, only the first st of users is returned. Use the Find tool to retrieve a particular user. |
Deleting a role
To delete a particular role, click the delete icon for the particular role.
Editing role membership
To edit role membership, click the edit icon for the particular role. This will open a dialog similar to the Add Role dialog. Using the arrow buttons, add or remove a user by moving the user between the Role Members and Available Users lists.
Listing users assigned to a role
To view the users currently assigned to a particular role, click the Rolename link.