<ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/logs folder
The <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/logs folder contains the log files generated by the various components of ArcGIS Server. The contents of this folder are described in detail below.
- ecs: Under this folder are Enterprise Core Services log files including rpcss.log and regss.log.
server: This folder contains log files that record information from ArcGIS Server as it runs.
- RemoteSA.log—This file records user authentication information. You can record debugging information to this log file by running the following command:
% <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/scripts/switchlogging on
- SOC_logs—These files contain information logged by the SOC processes. By default, this logging feature is turned off. You can turn on this feature by running the following:
% <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/scripts/switchlogging on
- SOM_logs—This folder is actually a symbolic link to the default SOM log directory. The contents of the logs in this folder are displayed in the GIS Server > Log files page in ArcGIS Server Manager. If the ArcGIS Server administrator uses ArcGIS Server Manager to change the location where the log files are stored, this link must be re-created to point to the new log file location.
- Startup.log—The output generated while running the startserver.sh and stopserver.sh scripts is recorded to this file.
SunDS.log—This is the log file for Directory Server. Warning or error messages in this log file similar to the ones below can be safely ignored.
<ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/servercore/agsidsvr/agsldap/slapd-/stop-slapd: No such file or directory There is an ns-slapd process already running: XXXX
- xvfb.log—Any errors that occur when starting Xvfb are recorded to this file. The absence of this log file indicates that there were no errors during the startup of the Xvfb process.
- RemoteSA.log—This file records user authentication information. You can record debugging information to this log file by running the following command:
- manager: Log files created by the ArcGIS Server Web Manager application are contained in this folder.
- Setup: This folder contains log files created during the installation or configuration of ArcGIS Server.
- splog: This folder contains log files created during the installation of a service pack. If no service packs have been applied to ArcGIS Server, this folder will be empty.