About server directories

A server directory represents a physical directory on the network that is specially designated for ArcGIS Server to store and write certain kinds of information. There are five types of server directories: cache, index, jobs, output, and input.

Server jobs and output directories store temporary files and can be cleaned at specified intervals. There is no cleaning mechanism for server cache, index, or input directories because the files in these directories are expected to always be available.

The server object container (SOC) account that you established during the post installation (which on Linux/Solaris, is the same as the install owner) must have Write access to your server directories. You will need to use the operating system tools to set the appropriate access. You can give the SOC account permissions using the folder Properties page. You may need to grant both share and file (NTFS) permissions to the SOC account. On Linux/Solaris, you need to give permission to every directory down to the server directories. See Configuring a multiple-machine deployment for more information about setting share and file permissions.

When you install all the components of ArcGIS Server on one machine, one default server directory of each type is created at <ArcGIS Server Installation location>/arcgis/server/serverdir. The installation grants the SOC account access to the directories and establishes corresponding virtual cache, index, jobs, and output directories.

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