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WEB_GEOCODE_KEY - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The key for the WebGeocode attribute of the WebContext in the attributes Map.
WEB_GRAPHICS_KEY - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The key for the WebGraphics attribute of the WebContext in the attributes Map.
WEB_MAP_KEY - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The key for the WebMap attribute of the WebContext in the attributes Map.
WEB_OVERVIEW_KEY - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The key for the WebOverview attribute of the WebContext in the attributes Map.
WEB_QUERY_KEY - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The key for the WebQuery attribute of the WebContext in the attributes Map.
WEB_RESULTS_KEY - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The key for the WebResults attribute of the WebContext in the attributes Map.
WEB_SESSION_NAME - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.util.ADFMimeDataServlet
The name of the WebSession object.
WEB_SESSION_NAME - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.util.ADFTileServlet
The name of the WebSession object.
WEB_TOC_KEY - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The key for the WebToc attribute of the WebContext in the attributes Map.
WebActiveRenderer - Interface in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebActiveRenderer extends WebRenderer and is a super type of all WebRenderer classes, i.e.
WebApplication - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
Stores information for the current web application.
WebApplication() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebApplication
Initializes the WebApplication.
WebCircle - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebCircle() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebCircle
WebCircle(WebPoint, double) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebCircle
WebCircle(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebCircle
WebClassBreakInfo - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebClassBreakInfo is a class that is used for expressing the mapping between the range of an attribute value and a WebSymbol that should be used for rendering.
WebClassBreakInfo() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebClassBreakInfo
Creates an empty instance of WebClassInfo.
WebClassBreakInfo(String, String, double, WebSymbol) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebClassBreakInfo
Creates an instance of WebClassInfo.
WebClassBreaksRenderer - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebClassBreaksRenderer is used for rendering features differently depending on the value of a numeric field.
WebClassBreaksRenderer() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebClassBreaksRenderer
WebContext - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebContext maintains references to the GISResources as well as to attributes (GIS business objects) such as WebMap, WebGraphics, WebQuery, etc.
WebContext() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
WebContextInitialize - Interface in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebContextInitialize interface is implemented by attributes of the WebContext to initialize and cleanup themselves at appropriate junctures of the ADF lifecycle.
WebContextObserver - Interface in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebContextObserver interface is implemented by classes that want to update themselves when the WebContext is refreshed.
WebContextRefreshArgs - Interface in com.esri.adf.web.util
WebElementConverter - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
WebElementConverter that is used for drawing a GraphicElement on a bitmap image.
WebElementConverter(int, int) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebElementConverter
Creates an instance of WebElementConverter.
WebExtent - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebExtent is a class used for representing rectangular extent of a map.
WebExtent(double, double, double, double, WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebExtent
Constructs a WebExtent instance.
WebExtent(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebExtent
Constructs a WebExtent instance.
WebExtent(WebExtent) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebExtent
Constructs a WebExtent that is a copy of a given WebExtent.
WebExtent(WebPoint, WebPoint) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebExtent
Constructs a WebExtent using it's lower left and upper right points.
WebExtent() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebExtent
Creates an empty WebExtent.
WebGeocode - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
WebGeocode() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebGeocode
WebGeometry - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebGeometry is an abstract base class for all geometries in the ADF.
WebGeometry() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebGeometry
WebGeometryOperations - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebGeometryOperations() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebGeometryOperations
WebGraphics - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebGraphics class represents a simple way to add feature graphics and images to a map.
WebGraphics() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebGraphics
WEBGRAPHICS_IMAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebGraphics
Default image format that is used for generating WebGraphics.
WebGraphicsPhaseListener - Class in com.esri.adf.web.faces.event
Phase listener to retrieve web graphics image through AJAX.
WebGraphicsPhaseListener() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.WebGraphicsPhaseListener
WebGroupRenderer - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebGroupRenderer is a WebActiveRenderer that holds a list of WebActiveRenderers and applies them in turn to the geometrie passed to the render method.
WebGroupRenderer() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebGroupRenderer
WebGroupRenderer default constructor.
WebGroupRenderer(List<? extends WebActiveRenderer>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebGroupRenderer
Constructs a new WebGroupRenderer using a list of WebActiveRenderers.
WebLayerInfo - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
This class represents a layer in a given GISResource.
WebLayerInfo(int, String, GISResource) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLayerInfo
WebLayerInfo() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLayerInfo
WebLifecycle - Interface in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebLifecycle interface is implemented by WebContext attributes, GISResources and GISFunctionalitys alike to activate and passivate themselves before and after performing user operations respectively.
WebLodInfo - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
WebLodInfo() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLodInfo
WebLodInfo(int, double, double) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLodInfo
WebLodInfo(int, double, double, int, int, int, int, WebExtent) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLodInfo
WebLodInfo(WebLodInfo) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLodInfo
WebMap - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebMap is an attribute of WebContext (WebMap)context.getAttribute("map"); It defines properties of the map including extent, size, image DPI etc.
WebMap() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebMap
WebMultiPoint - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebMultiPoint is a WebGeometry for a collection of WebPoints.
WebMultiPoint(List<? extends WebPoint>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebMultiPoint
WebMultiPoint(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebMultiPoint
WebMultiPoint() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebMultiPoint
Creates a new WebMultiPoint object with an empty list of points and with no coordinate system set.
WebNorthArrow - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
WebNorthArrow() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebNorthArrow
WebOval - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebOval() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebOval
WebOval(WebPoint, double, double) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebOval
WebOval(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebOval
WebOverview - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
This object represents the business logic behind the Overview map control.
WebOverview() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebOverview
WebPath - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebPath is a class used for representing a several connected segments of a WebPolyline.
WebPath(List<? extends WebPoint>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPath
Constructs a WebPath using the s from the passed list,
WebPath(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPath
Constructs an empty WebPath with the given WebSpatialReference.
WebPath() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPath
Constructs an empty WebPath with null for spatial reference.
WebPictureMarkerSymbol - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol
WebPictureMarkerSymbol is a class used to symbolize point features.
WebPictureMarkerSymbol() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebPictureMarkerSymbol
WebPoint - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebPoint is a class used for representing points.
WebPoint(double, double, WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPoint
Constructs a instance of WebPoint.
WebPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPoint
Constructs an instance of WebPoint.
WebPoint(WebPoint) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPoint
Constructs an instance of WebPoint that is a copy of the given WebPoint.
WebPoint() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPoint
Creates an instance of WebPoint at 0, 0.
WebPointCollection - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebPointCollection is a convenience base class for geometries with multiple WebPoints such as WebMultiPoint and WebPath.
WebPointCollection(List<? extends WebPoint>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPointCollection
Creates a new WebPointCollection object with the given List of WebPoints.
WebPointCollection(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPointCollection
Creates a new WebPointCollection in the given spatial reference.
webPointToTile(WebPoint, WebLodInfo, WebPoint) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.ve.util.VEUtil
Returns a Containing tile for a given point at a particular level of detail.
WebPolygon - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebPolygon is a class used for representing polygons.
WebPolygon(List<? extends WebRing>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPolygon
Constructs an instance of WebPolygon that contains the passed rings.
WebPolygon(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPolygon
Constructs an empty instance of WebPolyhon with the given spatial reference.
WebPolygon() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPolygon
Constructs an empty instance of WebPolygon
WebPolyline - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebPolyline is a class for representing polyline's, i.e.
WebPolyline(List<WebPath>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPolyline
Constructs a WebPolyline instance with the given paths.
WebPolyline(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPolyline
Constructs an empty WebPolyline instance with a given spatial reference.
WebPolyline() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebPolyline
Constructs an empty WebPolyline instance.
WebQuery - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.query
WebQuery is a WebContextAttribute class used in a WebContext for querying attribute data and displaying related geometry objects spatially.
WebQuery() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.query.WebQuery
WebRenderer - Interface in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebRenderer defines a supertype of all renderers.
WebResults - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
The WebResults object is a container of arbitrary result objects.
WebResults() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResults
WebResultsObserver - Interface in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
The WebResultsObserver interface is implemented by objects interesting in being notified when results added added, modified, replaced or removed from WebResults.
WebResultsToc - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
Defines the result view of a web application:
WebResultsToc() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsToc
Instantiates an empty object of WebResultsToc.
webResultsUpdate(WebResults, int, ResultNode, Object) - Method in interface com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsObserver
This method is called on all WebResultsObservers registered with the WebResults object.
webResultsUpdate(WebResults, int, ResultNode, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsToc
Add, remove, replace or modify the given result node.
webResultsUpdate(WebResults, int, ResultNode, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.PrintTask
The implemented method for WebResultsObserver.
WebRing - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebRing is a class for representing simple polygons.
WebRing() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebRing
Creates an empty instance of WebRing.
WebRing(WebSpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebRing
Creates an empty instance of WebRing with the given spatial reference.
WebRing(List<? extends WebPoint>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebRing
Create an instance of WebRing with the given list of points.
WebScaleBar - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebScaleBar renders a scale bar within the map control.
WebScaleBar() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebScaleBar
WebScalebarSymbol - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol
WebScalebarSymbol represents a scalebar symbol.
WebScalebarSymbol() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebScalebarSymbol
Creates an empty instance of WebScalebarSymbol
WebSession - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
Stores the information pertinent to a web session.
WebSession() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebSession
Creates a new WebSession.
WebSession(String) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebSession
WebSimpleLineSymbol - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol
WebSimpleLineSymbol represents a symbol for a line feature.
WebSimpleLineSymbol() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebSimpleLineSymbol
Creates an empty instance of WebSimpleLineSymbol.
WebSimpleMarkerSymbol - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol
WebSimpleMarkerSymbol class is used to symbolize point features using one of the predefined symbol types: CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, CROSS or a STAR.
WebSimpleMarkerSymbol() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebSimpleMarkerSymbol
WebSimplePolygonSymbol - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol
WebSimplePolygonSymbol represents a symbol for a polygon feature.
WebSimplePolygonSymbol() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebSimplePolygonSymbol
Constructs a WebSimplePolygonSymbol object by setting default value for width to 1 and color to "0,0,0".
WebSimpleRenderer - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebSimpleRenderer is a class that holds a WebSymbol that is used during rendering.
WebSimpleRenderer() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebSimpleRenderer
WebSpatialReference - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry
WebSpatialReference is a class representing a spatial reference.
WebSpatialReference() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebSpatialReference
Constructs an empty instance of WebSpatialReference.
WebSpatialReference(int, String, int) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebSpatialReference
WebSymbol - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol
WebSymbol is an abstract super class for all symbol classes.
WebSymbol() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebSymbol
WebToc - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data
The WebToc represents the business object that works with the TocControl using the TocFunctionality objects configured with the GISResources.
WebToc() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebToc
Initializes the WebToc.
WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol
WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol is a class used to symbolize point features.
WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol
Constructs an instance of WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol.
WebUniqueValueInfo - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebUniqueValueInfo is a class that is used for expressing the mapping between a value and a WebSymbol that should be used for rendering.
WebUniqueValueInfo() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebUniqueValueInfo
Creates an empty instance of WebUniqueValueInfo.
WebUniqueValueInfo(String, String, String, WebSymbol) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebUniqueValueInfo
Creates an instance of WebUniqueValueInfo.
WebUniqueValueRenderer - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer
WebUniqueValueRenderer is a renderer that is used for rendering features differently depending on the values of three fields.
WebUniqueValueRenderer() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebUniqueValueRenderer
WebUtil - Class in com.esri.adf.web.util
Utility methods to retrieve information about the controls.
WebUtil() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.util.WebUtil
whereClause - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.query.PredefinedQueryCriteria
Where clause of the query.
width - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebOval
width - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebMap
The width of the map.
width - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebOverview
Width of the overview map.
WINDOW_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.TaskRenderer
wmap - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSTileFunctionality
WMSIdentifyCriteriaHandler - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.query
Handles Query for WMS data source.
WMSIdentifyCriteriaHandler() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.query.WMSIdentifyCriteriaHandler
WMSMapFunctionality - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.data
An implementation of MapFuntionality, which handles the WMS resource.
WMSMapFunctionality() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSMapFunctionality
WMSMapResource - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.data
The WMSMapResource represents a GISResource for WMS Services.
WMSMapResource() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSMapResource
WMSOverviewFunctionality - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.data
Represents the overview functionality implementation for the WMS Resource.
WMSOverviewFunctionality() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSOverviewFunctionality
WMSQueryFunctionality - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.query
Defines query capabilities on WMS data source.
WMSQueryFunctionality() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.query.WMSQueryFunctionality
Instantiates an object of WMSQueryFunctionality.
WMSTocFunctionality - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.data
An implementation of TocFunctionality, which handles the WMS Resource.
WMSTocFunctionality() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSTocFunctionality
WMSTocLayerContent - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.data
Defines layer nodes of TOC for WMS resources.
WMSTocLayerContent() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSTocLayerContent
Constructs an empty WMSTocLayerContent object.
WMSTocLayerContent(Layer) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSTocLayerContent
Constructs the WMSTocLayerContent object and stores the information needed for the layer.
WMSTocLayerContent(WMSTocFunctionality, Layer) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSTocLayerContent
Constructs the WMSTocLayerContent object and stores the information needed for the layer.
WMSUtil - Class in com.esri.adf.web.wms.util
This class contains the utility methods that are specific to WMS Resource in ADF.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSLocalConnection
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebSpatialReference
writeResponse(FacesContext, Document) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.AJAXUtil
This method is the preferred way to render AJAX XML responses to be returned to the client.
writeResponse(FacesContext, Document, Properties) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.AJAXUtil
This method is the preferred way to render AJAX XML responses to be returned to the client.

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