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zoom() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.AddressCandidate
zoom() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.query.QueryResult
Zoom the map control to the area represented by this result.
ZOOM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.OverviewEvent
ZOOM_TO_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSNAFunctionality
The default zoom to factor.
ZOOM_TO_LAYER_CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSTocLayerContent
ZOOM_TO_LAYER_CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.aims.data.AIMSTocLayerContent
ZOOM_TO_LAYER_CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSTocLayerContent
A Context Menu Item name: "zoomToLayer".
ZOOM_TO_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocResourceContent
zoomFullExtent(TaskEvent) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.MapToolsTask
ZoomFullExtentListener - Class in com.esri.adf.web.faces.event
ZoomFullExtentListener() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.ZoomFullExtentListener
zoomGraphics() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPRasterDataParamResult
zoomGraphics() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPRecordSetParamResult
zoomGraphics() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPStringParamGraphicsResult
zoomIn(MapEvent) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.MapToolsTask
ZoomInToolAction - Class in com.esri.adf.web.faces.event
ZoomInToolAction() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.ZoomInToolAction
zoomOut(MapEvent) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.MapToolsTask
ZoomOutToolAction - Class in com.esri.adf.web.faces.event
ZoomOutToolAction() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.ZoomOutToolAction
ZOOMTO_POINT_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPRecordSetParamResult
ZOOMTO_POINT_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.AddressCandidate
ZOOMTO_POINT_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.query.QueryResult
The default factor to zoom by for point features.
zoomToFactor - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.AddressCandidate
zoomToFactor - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.query.QueryResult
The factor to zoom by for point features.
zoomToLayer - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSTocLayerContent
zoomToLayer - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.aims.data.AIMSTocLayerContent
zoomToLayer - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.wms.data.WMSTocLayerContent
zoomToLevel(int) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSTileFunctionality
zoomToLevel(int) - Method in interface com.esri.adf.web.data.TileFunctionality
Zooms the map to the given level of detail (LOD).
zoomToLevel(int) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ve.data.imagery.VETileFunctionality
zoomToResource - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocResourceContent
zoomToTileLevel(int) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebMap
Zooms to the given tile level.

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