
The symbol package contains various WebSymbols that are used while rendering features.


Class Summary
WebPictureMarkerSymbol WebPictureMarkerSymbol is a class used to symbolize point features.
WebScalebarSymbol WebScalebarSymbol represents a scalebar symbol.
WebSimpleLineSymbol WebSimpleLineSymbol represents a symbol for a line feature.
WebSimpleMarkerSymbol WebSimpleMarkerSymbol class is used to symbolize point features using one of the predefined symbol types: CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, CROSS or a STAR.
WebSimplePolygonSymbol WebSimplePolygonSymbol represents a symbol for a polygon feature.
WebSymbol WebSymbol is an abstract super class for all symbol classes.
WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol is a class used to symbolize point features.

Package Description

The symbol package contains various WebSymbols that are used while rendering features.