Class WebQuery

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
WebContextInitialize, Serializable

public class WebQuery
extends Object
implements WebContextInitialize, Serializable

WebQuery is a WebContextAttribute class used in a WebContext for querying attribute data and displaying related geometry objects spatially.

It is generally defined in the faces-config.xml of web applications. The following shows how it can be added as an attribute of the WebContext.


Below is the declaration of a WebQuery managed bean. Note the LayerDefinition managed beans being referenced below.


The layer definitions are generally created through Java Manager or ArcGIS Server Java SDK IDE plug-ins. WebQuery itself does not contain any GIS query objects. The query calls are delegated to each QueryFunctionality existing in the GISResource objects of the WebContext. Following code snippet shows how to perform a query with a where clause.

 // Get WebQuery object from WebContext
 WebQuery wQuery = wContext.getWebQuery();
 resource = wContext.getResourceById(this.resourceId);
 // set query criteria
 if (resource != null && layerId != -1) {
   LayerDefinition lyrDef = this.getLayerDefinition() != null ? this.getLayerDefinition() : null;
   PredefinedQueryCriteria pqc = new PredefinedQueryCriteria();
   //set field for display
   if (lyrDef != null) {
     List<LayerDefinition> lyrDefs = new ArrayList<LayerDefinition>(1);
   //convert layer definition to WebLayerInfo
   WebLayerInfo layerInfo = QueryUtil.getWebLayerInfo(wQuery.getQueryLayers(), resource, layerId);
   ArrayList<WebLayerInfo> list = new ArrayList<WebLayerInfo>();
   //perform query
   results = wQuery.query(pqc, list);

also see QueryFunctionality for detail query implementation.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          A constant layer ID used to instantiates allLayersOption which stands for "All Layers".
static WebLayerInfo allLayersOption
          The layer option stands for to all the layers.
protected  WebContext context
          The WebQuery associated WebContext.
protected  ArrayList<GISFunctionality> funcs
          A list stored the QueryFunctionality within the GIS resources.
protected  ArrayList<WebLayerInfo> layers
          A list stored the WebLayerInfo objects for query
protected  ArrayList<GraphicElement> multipointGraphics
          A list stored the multi-point graphics elements, which are created when process the query.
protected  GraphicElement pointGraphic
          A GraphicElement for rendering point and multi-points.
protected  ArrayList<GraphicElement> pointGraphics
          A list stored the point graphics elements, which are created when process the query.
protected  WebMultiPoint points
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use multipointGraphics
protected  WebSimpleMarkerSymbol pointSymbol
          A Point symbol for drawing point and multi-points.
protected  GraphicElement polygonGraphic
          GraphicElement for rendering polygons.
protected  ArrayList<GraphicElement> polygonGraphics
          A list stored the polygon graphics, which are created when process the query.
protected  WebSimplePolygonSymbol polygonSymbol
          A Polygon symbol for drawing polygons.
protected  WebPolyline polyline
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use polylineGraphics
protected  GraphicElement polylineGraphic
          A GraphicElement for rendering polyline.
protected  ArrayList<GraphicElement> polylineGraphics
          A list stored the polyline graphics, which are created when process the query.
protected  WebSimpleLineSymbol polylineSymbol
          A Polyline symbol for drawing lines.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 WebGeometry addDisplayGeometry(WebGeometry geometry)
          The method will do a projection transformation for the given geometry object, add it to an appropriate geometry collection based on its type and displaying on the map with proper symbol.
 void clearGraphic(WebGeometry geometry)
          Removes the given geometry object from the WebGraphics as well as from geometry collections.
 void clearGraphics()
          Removes all graphic elements from the web graphic of WebContext for display,empties geometry list and refresh the map.
 boolean containsDisplayGeometry(WebGeometry geometry)
          Returns true if the specified geometry and the corresponding symbol available in the WebGraphics.
 void destroy()
           The cleaup chores (such as releasing held resources) of attributes of a WebContext should be performed in this method.
protected  void generateQueryLayers()
          Generates a list of queryable layers from the QueryFunctionality objects.
 List<? extends LayerDefinition> getLayerDefinitions()
          Returns the list of LayerDefinition.
 GraphicElement getLineGraphic()
          Returns the GraphicElement object used to render the line geometries.
 WebSimpleLineSymbol getLineGraphicSymbol()
          Returns the WebSimpleLineSymbol object used to symbolize the line geometry.
 GraphicElement getPointGraphic()
          Returns the GraphicElement object used to render the point geometries.
 WebSimpleMarkerSymbol getPointGraphicSymbol()
          Returns the WebSimpleMarkerSymbol object used to symbolize the point geometry.
 GraphicElement getPolgonGraphic()
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use getPolygonGraphic()
 GraphicElement getPolygonGraphic()
          Returns the GraphicElement object used to render the polygon geometries.
 WebSimplePolygonSymbol getPolygonGraphicSymbol()
          Returns the WebSimplePolygonSymbol object used to symbolize the polygon geometry.
 List<WebLayerInfo> getQueryLayers()
          Returns a list of WebLayerInfo objects
 WebContext getWebContext()
          Returns the WebContext object associated with this query.
 void init(WebContext webContext)
           Initializes the WebQuery object.
 List<QueryResult> query(QueryCriteria criteria, List<? extends WebLayerInfo> queryLayers)
           Do a query based on the given list of queryLayers and criteria.
 void setLayerDefinitions(List<? extends LayerDefinition> layerDefinitions)
          Sets the list of LayerDefinition objects.
 void setLineGraphicSymbol(WebSimpleLineSymbol symbol)
          Sets the WebSimpleLineSymbol object used to symbolize the line geometry.
 void setPointGraphicSymbol(WebSimpleMarkerSymbol symbol)
          Sets the WebSimpleMarkerSymbol object used to symbolize the point geometry.
 void setPolygonGraphicSymbol(WebSimplePolygonSymbol symbol)
          Sets the WebSimplePolygonSymbol object used to symbolize the polygon geometry.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ALL_LAYERS_OPTION_ID
A constant layer ID used to instantiates allLayersOption which stands for "All Layers".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final WebLayerInfo allLayersOption
The layer option stands for to all the layers.


protected WebContext context
The WebQuery associated WebContext.


protected ArrayList<GISFunctionality> funcs
A list stored the QueryFunctionality within the GIS resources.


protected ArrayList<WebLayerInfo> layers
A list stored the WebLayerInfo objects for query


protected ArrayList<GraphicElement> pointGraphics
A list stored the point graphics elements, which are created when process the query.


protected GraphicElement pointGraphic
A GraphicElement for rendering point and multi-points.


protected WebSimpleMarkerSymbol pointSymbol
A Point symbol for drawing point and multi-points.


protected ArrayList<GraphicElement> multipointGraphics
A list stored the multi-point graphics elements, which are created when process the query.


protected WebMultiPoint points
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use multipointGraphics


protected ArrayList<GraphicElement> polylineGraphics
A list stored the polyline graphics, which are created when process the query.


protected GraphicElement polylineGraphic
A GraphicElement for rendering polyline.


protected WebSimpleLineSymbol polylineSymbol
A Polyline symbol for drawing lines.


protected WebPolyline polyline
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use polylineGraphics


protected ArrayList<GraphicElement> polygonGraphics
A list stored the polygon graphics, which are created when process the query.


protected GraphicElement polygonGraphic
GraphicElement for rendering polygons.


protected WebSimplePolygonSymbol polygonSymbol
A Polygon symbol for drawing polygons.

Constructor Detail


public WebQuery()
Method Detail


public void init(WebContext webContext)

Initializes the WebQuery object. The method will generate a list of QueryFunctionality objects internally by going through all GISResource in the given WebContext

Then it will use the QueryFunctionality list to collect all queryable layers from the QueryFunctionality, and instantiates the graphic elements used to display the returned geometries.

Specified by:
init in interface WebContextInitialize
webContext - - a WebContext object
See Also:
WebContext.init(WebContext), WebContext.addResource(String, GISResource, int), WebContext.removeResource(GISResource)


public void destroy()
Description copied from interface: WebContextInitialize

The cleaup chores (such as releasing held resources) of attributes of a WebContext should be performed in this method.

Typically this method is called by the WebContext when the context itself is destroyed.

The WebContext attribute is unusable after this method has been called.

Specified by:
destroy in interface WebContextInitialize
See Also:


protected void generateQueryLayers()
Generates a list of queryable layers from the QueryFunctionality objects.

See Also:


public WebGeometry addDisplayGeometry(WebGeometry geometry)
The method will do a projection transformation for the given geometry object, add it to an appropriate geometry collection based on its type and displaying on the map with proper symbol.

geometry - a WebGeometry object
a projected WebGeometry object


public boolean containsDisplayGeometry(WebGeometry geometry)
Returns true if the specified geometry and the corresponding symbol available in the WebGraphics.

geometry - - a WebGeometry object
boolean - returns true if the specified geometry available in WebGraphics.
See Also:
getPointGraphicSymbol(), getLineGraphicSymbol(), getPolygonGraphicSymbol()


public void clearGraphic(WebGeometry geometry)
Removes the given geometry object from the WebGraphics as well as from geometry collections. It will refresh the WebContext if the isFuseGraphics of the WebMap object returns true

geometry - - a WebGeometry object
See Also:


public void clearGraphics()
Removes all graphic elements from the web graphic of WebContext for display,empties geometry list and refresh the map.

See Also:


public List<QueryResult> query(QueryCriteria criteria,
                               List<? extends WebLayerInfo> queryLayers)

Do a query based on the given list of queryLayers and criteria. The results will be returned in a List of QueryResult objects.

The method delegates the actual query to the appropriate query handler found in the QueryFunctionality based on the type of the given criteria.

criteria - the QueryCriteria based on which the query is performed
queryLayers - the List of WebLayerInfos to query.
a List of QueryResult objects


public WebContext getWebContext()
Returns the WebContext object associated with this query.

the WebContext object


public List<WebLayerInfo> getQueryLayers()
Returns a list of WebLayerInfo objects


public GraphicElement getPointGraphic()
Returns the GraphicElement object used to render the point geometries.


public void setPointGraphicSymbol(WebSimpleMarkerSymbol symbol)
Sets the WebSimpleMarkerSymbol object used to symbolize the point geometry.


public WebSimpleMarkerSymbol getPointGraphicSymbol()
Returns the WebSimpleMarkerSymbol object used to symbolize the point geometry.


public GraphicElement getLineGraphic()
Returns the GraphicElement object used to render the line geometries.


public void setLineGraphicSymbol(WebSimpleLineSymbol symbol)
Sets the WebSimpleLineSymbol object used to symbolize the line geometry.


public WebSimpleLineSymbol getLineGraphicSymbol()
Returns the WebSimpleLineSymbol object used to symbolize the line geometry.


public GraphicElement getPolygonGraphic()
Returns the GraphicElement object used to render the polygon geometries.


public void setPolygonGraphicSymbol(WebSimplePolygonSymbol symbol)
Sets the WebSimplePolygonSymbol object used to symbolize the polygon geometry.


public WebSimplePolygonSymbol getPolygonGraphicSymbol()
Returns the WebSimplePolygonSymbol object used to symbolize the polygon geometry.


public void setLayerDefinitions(List<? extends LayerDefinition> layerDefinitions)
Sets the list of LayerDefinition objects.

layerDefinitions - the list of layer definition objects


public List<? extends LayerDefinition> getLayerDefinitions()
Returns the list of LayerDefinition.

the list of layer definition objects


public GraphicElement getPolgonGraphic()
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use getPolygonGraphic()

Returns the GraphicElement object used to render the polygon geometries.