Class AGSTileFunctionality

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
GISFunctionality, TileFunctionality, Serializable

public class AGSTileFunctionality
extends Object
implements TileFunctionality, Serializable

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  AGSMapResource agsMapRes
protected  String baseUrl
protected  WebLodInfo currLodInfo
protected  ContainingTile currOriginContainingTile
protected  ArrayList<WebLodInfo> lodInfos
protected  AGSMapFunctionality mfunc
protected  WebPoint origin
protected  com.esri.arcgisws.TileCacheInfo tci
protected  int tileHeight
protected  String tileImageFormat
protected  int tileWidth
protected  boolean tilingAvailable
protected  boolean useVirtualCacheDirectory
protected  WebMap wmap
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  com.esri.arcgisws.EnvelopeN adjustCurrentMapExtent()
 void applyCandidateTileInfo(CandidateTileInfo candidate)
           Computes the tiles to be fetched by applying the info contained in the given candidate tile.
 void computeCurrentOriginContainingTile()
           Computes the top-left tile for the current extent.
 void destroyFunctionality()
           The cleanup chores (such as releasing held resources) for the functionality must be performed in this method.
 String getBaseUrl()
           Returns the base URL for the tiled images.
 WebLodInfo getCurrentLodInfo()
           Returns the level of detail (LOD) used to display the current extent.
 ContainingTile getCurrentOriginContainingTile()
           Returns the top-left tile for the current extent.
 List<WebLodInfo> getLodInfos()
           Returns a List of the levels of detail (LODs) supported by this resource.
 WebPoint getOrigin()
           Returns the origin of the tiling scheme used by this resource.
 AGSMapResource getResource()
           Returns the GISResource associated with this functionality.
 int getTileHeight()
           Returns the height of the tiled images.
 String getTileImageFormat()
           Returns the format of the tiled images.
 int getTileWidth()
           Returns the width of the tiled images.
 long getTokenExpiration()
          Return the token expiration duration in minutes.
 void initFunctionality(GISResource resource)
           The initialization chores for the functionality must be performed in this method.
 boolean isTilingAvailable()
           Returns true if tiling is available for this resource.
 boolean isUseVirtualCacheDirectory()
           Returns true if tiles are to be fetched using a direct URL to the tile image.
 void setTokenExpiration(long minutes)
          Sets the token expiration duration in minutes.
 void setUseVirtualCacheDirectory(boolean useVirtualCacheDirectory)
 void zoomToLevel(int level)
           Zooms the map to the given level of detail (LOD).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected AGSMapResource agsMapRes


protected AGSMapFunctionality mfunc


protected WebMap wmap


protected boolean tilingAvailable


protected WebLodInfo currLodInfo


protected ContainingTile currOriginContainingTile


protected ArrayList<WebLodInfo> lodInfos


protected WebPoint origin


protected String baseUrl


protected String tileImageFormat


protected com.esri.arcgisws.TileCacheInfo tci


protected int tileWidth


protected int tileHeight


protected boolean useVirtualCacheDirectory
Constructor Detail


public AGSTileFunctionality()
Method Detail


public void initFunctionality(GISResource resource)
Description copied from interface: GISFunctionality

The initialization chores for the functionality must be performed in this method. This method is called by the resource when the functionality needs to be initialized. This happens either when the resource itself is being initialized or if users add this functionality to the resource using the GISResource.addFunctionality(String, GISFunctionality) method after the resource has already been initialized.

Classes which implement this method should maintain the resource as a class instance variable and return the same in the GISFunctionality.getResource() method. The functionality is ready for use only after this method has been called.

Specified by:
initFunctionality in interface GISFunctionality
resource - the GISResource that this functionality supports
See Also:


public void destroyFunctionality()
Description copied from interface: GISFunctionality

The cleanup chores (such as releasing held resources) for the functionality must be performed in this method. This method is called by the GISResource when the resource itself is being destroyed.

The functionality is no longer usable after this method has been called.

Specified by:
destroyFunctionality in interface GISFunctionality
See Also:


public void computeCurrentOriginContainingTile()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Computes the top-left tile for the current extent.

This is important because only this information is passed by the MapControl to the client browser. The JavaScript residing on the browser uses this information to fetch the required tiles by directly requesting the tile images from the server.

Specified by:
computeCurrentOriginContainingTile in interface TileFunctionality


public void applyCandidateTileInfo(CandidateTileInfo candidate)
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Computes the tiles to be fetched by applying the info contained in the given candidate tile.

If there are no matching LODs for the LOD info contained in the candidate, no tiles will be fetched for this functionality and subsequent calls to TileFunctionality.getCurrentOriginContainingTile() will return null.

Specified by:
applyCandidateTileInfo in interface TileFunctionality
candidate - the CandidateTileInfo based on which the tiles to be fetched will be computed


protected com.esri.arcgisws.EnvelopeN adjustCurrentMapExtent()


public void zoomToLevel(int level)
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Zooms the map to the given level of detail (LOD). If the requested level is not supported no action should be taken.

Specified by:
zoomToLevel in interface TileFunctionality
level - the level of detail (LOD) that the map should be zoomed to


public AGSMapResource getResource()
Description copied from interface: GISFunctionality

Returns the GISResource associated with this functionality.

The resource passed to GISFunctionality.initFunctionality(GISResource) is maintained as a class variable and is accessible through this method.

Specified by:
getResource in interface GISFunctionality
the GISResource associated with this functionality


public boolean isTilingAvailable()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns true if tiling is available for this resource.

If users try to use this functionality even when tiled maps are not supported by this resource, this method should return false. The WebMap uses this method to determine if it should fetch tiles or dynamically export images.

Specified by:
isTilingAvailable in interface TileFunctionality
true if tiling is available


public ContainingTile getCurrentOriginContainingTile()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns the top-left tile for the current extent.

This is important because only this information is passed by the MapControl to the client browser. The JavaScript residing on the browser uses this information to fetch the required tiles by directly requesting the tile images from the server.

Specified by:
getCurrentOriginContainingTile in interface TileFunctionality
the top-left tile for the current extent.


public List<WebLodInfo> getLodInfos()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns a List of the levels of detail (LODs) supported by this resource.

The map tiles are generated by the server for pre-defined scales (LODs). This information is important to compute which LOD should be used to display the current extent requested by the user.

Specified by:
getLodInfos in interface TileFunctionality
a List of the levels of detail supported by this resource


public WebLodInfo getCurrentLodInfo()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns the level of detail (LOD) used to display the current extent.

The map tiles are generated by the server for pre-defined scales (LODs). This information is important to compute which LOD should be used to display the current extent requested by the user.

Specified by:
getCurrentLodInfo in interface TileFunctionality
the level of detail (LOD) used to display the current extent


public WebPoint getOrigin()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns the origin of the tiling scheme used by this resource.

Specified by:
getOrigin in interface TileFunctionality
the origin of the tiling scheme used by this resource


public String getBaseUrl()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns the base URL for the tiled images. The client-side JavaScript append the virtual path or append the query string to this base URL to fetch the appropriate tiled image from the server.

Specified by:
getBaseUrl in interface TileFunctionality
the base URL for the tiled images


public int getTileWidth()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns the width of the tiled images.

Specified by:
getTileWidth in interface TileFunctionality
the width of the tiled images


public int getTileHeight()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns the height of the tiled images.

Specified by:
getTileHeight in interface TileFunctionality
the height of the tiled images


public void setUseVirtualCacheDirectory(boolean useVirtualCacheDirectory)


public boolean isUseVirtualCacheDirectory()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns true if tiles are to be fetched using a direct URL to the tile image. If false, the tiles are fetched using a query string encoded URL.

Specified by:
isUseVirtualCacheDirectory in interface TileFunctionality
true if tiles are to be fetched using a direct URL to the tile image


public String getTileImageFormat()
Description copied from interface: TileFunctionality

Returns the format of the tiled images. (For ex. jpg, png, etc.)

Specified by:
getTileImageFormat in interface TileFunctionality
the format of the tiled images. (For ex. jpg, png, etc.)


public void setTokenExpiration(long minutes)
Sets the token expiration duration in minutes. By default it uses the token service default value.

minutes - the token expiration duration in minutes


public long getTokenExpiration()
Return the token expiration duration in minutes.

the token expiration duration in minutes