Class WebMap

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
WebContextInitialize, WebContextObserver, Serializable

public class WebMap
extends Object
implements WebContextInitialize, WebContextObserver, Serializable

The WebMap is an attribute of WebContext (WebMap)context.getAttribute("map"); It defines properties of the map including extent, size, image DPI etc.

A WebMap object generally is defined in the faces-config.xml file of web applications. The following shows how it can be configured as an attribute of the WebContext.

The object gets instantiated when WebContext initializes. The default settings of a WebMap are:

A WebMap can have a set of functionalities which can be either of type MapFunctionality or TileFunctionality. When the resource is cached, it can have a TileFunctionality, otherwise it is a dynamic resource and have a MapFunctionality.

A set of pre-defined ADF web controls (e.g. MapControl) can work with WebMap to provide extend functions on a map such as map navigation, zoom etc.

The MapControl works with WebMap to render maps. The MapRenderer class renders the control to the appropriate markup, and the MapTag class exposes the control as a JSP custom tag named map.

For users who don't use web controls to manipulate maps, they can use WebMap directly. Following code snippet shows how to create a set of map images with ExportFunctionality.

 //get WebMap from WebContext
 WebMap webMap = webContext.getWebMap();
 //specify output size and format etc.
 ExportProperties exportProperties = new ExportProperties();
 exportProperties.setDpi(screenDPI); // constant;
 ArrayList<InputStream> imageStreams = new ArrayList<InputStream>();
 Collection<MapFunctionality> mapFuncs = webMap.getMapFunctionalities();
 InputStream is = null;
 //Create images for each MapFunctionality
 for (MapFunctionality mf : mapFuncs) {
   if (mf.isDisabled()) {
   if (mf instanceof ExportFunctionality) {
     ExportFunctionality exf = (ExportFunctionality) mf;
     //create the image byte array.
     is = exf.export(exportProperties);
     if (is != null) {

Similarly, user can change layer's visibility or other map definitions with MapFunctionality.

See Also:
MapFunctionality, TileFunctionality, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  WebContext context
          The WebContext associated with the map.
protected  WebExtent currExtent
          The current map's boundary.
static int DEFAULT_DPI
          Default DPI of the map, 96 by default.
          Default height of the map, 400 by default.
          Default image format of the map is "png"
static int DEFAULT_WIDTH
          Default width of the map, 400 by default.
protected  int dpi
          The DPI of the map.
protected  WebExtent fullExtent
          The map's full boundary that all of the map's feature layers fall within its bounds.
protected  boolean fuseGraphics
          Set to true to create both graphics elements and base map in one image.
protected  int height
          The height of the map.
protected  byte[] imageBytes
          The byte array of the map image.
protected  Map<MapFunctionality,byte[]> imageDataBytes
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 10.0, no replacement
protected  String imageFormat
          The image format of the map.
protected  boolean init
          Indicates whether the map is initialized, "false" by default.
protected  WebExtent initExtent
          The map's boundary when instantiated.
protected  ArrayList<MapFunctionality> mapFuncs
          Defines functionality list of the map.
protected  boolean useMIMEData
          Indicates whether MIME data is used, "true" by default.
protected  boolean visible
          The visibility of the map, "true" by default.
protected  int width
          The width of the map.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void centerAt(WebPoint mapPoint, double zoomFactor)
          Recalculates the map extent by the given center and zoom factor.
 byte[] createCustomImage(WebSymbol symbol)
          Creates an image used by Map Control if all the resources associated with WebContext are unavailable.
 void destroy()
           The cleaup chores (such as releasing held resources) of attributes of a WebContext should be performed in this method.
 void exportMapImage()
          Creates a map image based on current map settings, and it may return null.
 Map<GISResource,GISFunctionality> getAvailableFunctionalities()
          Returns the available web map functionalities for all the resources.
 List<TileFunctionality> getAvailableTileFunctionalities()
          Returns all TileFunctionality associated with the map.
 TileFunctionality getAvailableTileFunctionality()
          Returns the first available TileFunctionality associated with the map.
 Map<TileFunctionality,ContainingTile> getContainingTiles()
          Gets the valid zoom levels and their associated functionality.
 WebExtent getCurrentExtent()
          Gets the new map extent.
 int getCurrentTileLevel()
          Gets the tile zoom lever of the current map.
 int getDpi()
          Returns the DPI of the map.
 WebExtent getFullExtent()
          Gets the full extend of the map.
 double getGraphicsTransparency()
          Returns the transparency value for the custom graphics.
 int getHeight()
          Returns the height of the map.
 byte[] getImageBytes()
          Similar to getImageUrl(), it returns byte array.
 Map<MapFunctionality,byte[]> getImageDataBytes()
          Gets the map image byte array for each resources.
 String getImageFormat()
          Returns the format of the map image.
 String getImageUrl()
          Returns the fused map image URL if all the resources of the map are dynamic.
 Map<MapFunctionality,String> getImageURLs()
          Gets the map URLs for each resources.
 WebExtent getInitExtent()
          Gets the initialize extent.
 Collection<MapFunctionality> getMapFunctionalities()
          Returns all the functionality associated with this map which can be either of type MapFunctionality or TileFunctionality.
 double getMapScale()
          Gets the map scale from associated functionality.
 double getRotation()
          Returns the number of degrees by which the map will be rotated.
 int getTileLevelCount()
          Gets the number of levels that the map will be tiled at .
 WebContext getWebContext()
          Return the WebContext associated with this WebMap.
 int getWidth()
          Returns the width of the map in pixels, by default the map size is 400 * 400.
 void init(WebContext webcontext)
          Initializes the WebMap by associating itself with this context.
 boolean isBrowserBlending()
          Returns whether the individual map images from different resources should be blended on the browser or fused into a single map image on the web server.
 boolean isCacheFeaturesOnBrowser()
          Specifies whether the GraphicFeatures used for displaying maptips should be cached on the browser.
 boolean isEnableInfoWindow()
          Returns an indicator whether the Map Control is configured to send an AJAX request for displaying Info Window.
 boolean isFuseGraphics()
          Returns an indicator whether the control add custom graphics or not.
 boolean isInit()
          Returns an indicator of whether WebMap is initialized.
 boolean isLastEnabledMapFunctionality(MapFunctionality mapFunc)
          Returns true if the functionality the last one in the stock and which is enabled.
 boolean isUseMIMEData()
          Returns whether the map image will be fetched as MIME data from the GIS service.
 boolean isVisible()
          Returns an indicator whether the map is visible.
 boolean isWebMapAvailable()
           Returns true if this WebMap is in a valid state and available to the clients.
 boolean isZoomBeyondCache()
          By default, when a application contains both cached and dynamic services, it displays data only at cached services’ scale-levels.
 void setBrowserBlending(boolean browserBlending)
          Specifies whether the individual map images from different resources should be blended on the browser or fused into a single map image on the web server.
 void setCacheFeaturesOnBrowser(boolean cacheFeatures)
          Specifies whether the GraphicFeatures used for displaying maptips should be cached on the browser.
 void setCurrentExtent(WebExtent webextent)
          Changes the current extent to the given one.
 void setDpi(int dpi)
          Sets the DPI of the map.
 void setEnableInfoWindow(boolean enableInfoWindow)
          Setting this property to true will enable the Info Window AJAX request on Map Control.
 void setFullExtent(WebExtent fullExtent)
          Sets the full extent to override the calculated extent.
 void setFuseGraphics(boolean fuseGraphics)
          Sets whether the control fuse the custom graphics or not.
 void setGraphicsTransparency(double transparency)
          Sets the transparency for the custom graphics.
 void setHeight(int height)
          Sets the height of the map.
 void setImageFormat(String imageFormat)
          Sets the format of the map image.
 void setInit(boolean init)
          Sets an indicator whether to initialize WebMap.
 void setInitExtent(WebExtent initExtent)
          The extent to initialize the map.
 void setMapScale(double scale)
          Sets the map scale.
 void setRotation(double rotation)
          Sets the number of degrees by which the map will be rotated.
 void setUseMIMEData(boolean useMIMEData)
          Sets whether the map image should be requested as MIME data from the GIS service.
 void setVisible(boolean visible)
          Sets the visibility of the map.
 void setWidth(int width)
          Sets the width of the map in pixels, by default the map size is 400 * 400.
 void setZoomBeyondCache(boolean zoomBeyondCache)
          Sets the value of the property "zoomBeyondCache".
 void update(WebContext webcontext, Object arg)
           This method is called by the WebContext on its registered WebContextObservers when users call the refresh() methods on the context.
 void zoomToTileLevel(int level)
          Zooms to the given tile level.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH
Default width of the map, 400 by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT
Default height of the map, 400 by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_DPI
Default DPI of the map, 96 by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE_FORMAT
Default image format of the map is "png"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected WebContext context
The WebContext associated with the map.


protected int height
The height of the map. Initialized to DEFAULT_HEIGHT.


protected int width
The width of the map. Initialized to DEFAULT_WIDTH.


protected boolean visible
The visibility of the map, "true" by default.


protected boolean useMIMEData
Indicates whether MIME data is used, "true" by default.


protected boolean init
Indicates whether the map is initialized, "false" by default.


protected int dpi
The DPI of the map. Initialized to DEFAULT_DPI.


protected String imageFormat
The image format of the map. By default it is "png".


protected WebExtent fullExtent
The map's full boundary that all of the map's feature layers fall within its bounds.


protected WebExtent initExtent
The map's boundary when instantiated. It is the bounds defined in the map document.


protected WebExtent currExtent
The current map's boundary. It's used in exporting map image.


protected boolean fuseGraphics
Set to true to create both graphics elements and base map in one image.

See Also:


protected ArrayList<MapFunctionality> mapFuncs
Defines functionality list of the map. A WebMap can have a set of functionalities which can be either of type MapFunctionality or TileFunctionality. When the resource is cached, it can have a TileFunctionality, otherwise it is a dynamic resource and have a MapFunctionality.


protected byte[] imageBytes
The byte array of the map image.


protected Map<MapFunctionality,byte[]> imageDataBytes
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 10.0, no replacement
Map the export image bytes

Constructor Detail


public WebMap()
Method Detail


public void init(WebContext webcontext)
Initializes the WebMap by associating itself with this context. Concrete implementations may want to override this method to do other initialization tasks. This method is called by the ADF when the WebMap is initialized.

Specified by:
init in interface WebContextInitialize
webcontext - WebContext
See Also:
WebContext.init(WebContext), WebContext.addResource(String, GISResource, int), WebContext.removeResource(GISResource)


public void destroy()
Description copied from interface: WebContextInitialize

The cleaup chores (such as releasing held resources) of attributes of a WebContext should be performed in this method.

Typically this method is called by the WebContext when the context itself is destroyed.

The WebContext attribute is unusable after this method has been called.

Specified by:
destroy in interface WebContextInitialize
See Also:


public void update(WebContext webcontext,
                   Object arg)
Description copied from interface: WebContextObserver

This method is called by the WebContext on its registered WebContextObservers when users call the refresh() methods on the context.

To setup an object to be updated by the context, one needs to use the WebContext.addObserver(WebContextObserver) to register itself with the context. All context attributes are wired up to the WebContext. When users change state on any of the attributes and need to intimate other attributes of the context to react to the change they call either the WebContext.refresh() or WebContext.refresh(Object) methods. The context in turns calls the WebContextObserver.update(WebContext, Object) methods on all its registered observers.

Specified by:
update in interface WebContextObserver
webcontext - the WebContext that has been refreshed
arg - the argument passed to the WebContext's refresh(arg) method
See Also:
WebContext.refresh(Object), WebContext.addObserver(WebContextObserver), WebContext.removeObserver(WebContextObserver)


public TileFunctionality getAvailableTileFunctionality()
Returns the first available TileFunctionality associated with the map.

TileFunctionality instance or null.
See Also:


public List<TileFunctionality> getAvailableTileFunctionalities()
Returns all TileFunctionality associated with the map.

the TileFunctionality or an empty List
See Also:


public int getTileLevelCount()
Gets the number of levels that the map will be tiled at .

See Also:


public int getCurrentTileLevel()
Gets the tile zoom lever of the current map. When one or more resources of a map have been cached, the map can only be zoomed to certain pre-defined levels. If the returned level is -1 or equal to the return of getTileLevelCount(), it means the map is zoom beyond the cache levels.

returns the tile level or -1 if there is no cached tile.
See Also:


public void zoomToTileLevel(int level)
Zooms to the given tile level. The map extent will be recalculated based on the new zoom level.

See Also:


public Map<TileFunctionality,ContainingTile> getContainingTiles()
Gets the valid zoom levels and their associated functionality. The method calculates all the ContainningTile of the current map, and return them with the associated TileFunctionality. With a cached resource, the map will only be available on certain pre-defined zoom levels when zoomBeyondCache == false. This methods returns qualified TileFunctionality and pre-defined zoom levels.

See Also:
isZoomBeyondCache(), TileFunctionality


public Map<GISResource,GISFunctionality> getAvailableFunctionalities()
Returns the available web map functionalities for all the resources. The functionalities can be either of type MapFunctionality or TileFunctionality.

the available web map functionalities for all the resources <GISResource, GISFunctionality>


public Map<MapFunctionality,String> getImageURLs()
Gets the map URLs for each resources. A map may have multiple resources, this method returns map image for each individual resource.

the functionality and URL pairs.


public Map<MapFunctionality,byte[]> getImageDataBytes()
Gets the map image byte array for each resources. Similar to getImageURLs(), this method returns byte array instead of URLs.

the functionality and byte array pairs.


public void exportMapImage()
Creates a map image based on current map settings, and it may return null. This method will generate a map image only when all the resources of the map are dynamic (not cached) and the fuse graphics equals to true.


public String getImageUrl()
Returns the fused map image URL if all the resources of the map are dynamic. It will return null if there are cached resources associated with the map.

the URL as a String.


public byte[] getImageBytes()
Similar to getImageUrl(), it returns byte array.

image byte array or null.


public Collection<MapFunctionality> getMapFunctionalities()
Returns all the functionality associated with this map which can be either of type MapFunctionality or TileFunctionality. When the resource is cached, it can have a TileFunctionality, otherwise it is a dynamic resource and have a MapFunctionality.

functionalities or an empty list.


public WebExtent getFullExtent()
Gets the full extend of the map. It is the map's full boundary that all of the map's feature layers fall within its bounds.

the full extent.


public void setFullExtent(WebExtent fullExtent)
Sets the full extent to override the calculated extent. By default the full extent is calculated based on layers extent. Some resources may have no extent.

fullExtent -


public WebExtent getInitExtent()
Gets the initialize extent. By default it is defined in map documents.


public void setInitExtent(WebExtent initExtent)
The extent to initialize the map. This setting will override the initialize extent in map document.

initExtent -


public WebExtent getCurrentExtent()
Gets the new map extent. It is used for generating map images.

the extent.


public void setCurrentExtent(WebExtent webextent)
Changes the current extent to the given one. All the functionalities associated this map will reset the extent with the given one.

webextent - the new extent.


public void centerAt(WebPoint mapPoint,
                     double zoomFactor)
Recalculates the map extent by the given center and zoom factor.

mapPoint - the map center in real world spatial reference.
zoomFactor - Factor must be greater than zero. WebExtent is enlarged horizontally and vertically by deltaw and deltah respectively, where deltaw = this.getWidth() * (1 - factor) / 2; deltah = this.getHeight() * (1 - factor) / 2;


public double getMapScale()
Gets the map scale from associated functionality. If user has not explicitly set the map scale, it will be the map scale of the last functionality associated with this map.

the scale.


public void setMapScale(double scale)
Sets the map scale. Map scale is generally generated based on the map's functionality, but if user explicitly set the scale through this method, getMapScale() will return user's setting instead of use map scale on functionality; however it won't change map's extent or zoom level.

scale - the use defined scale.


public boolean isLastEnabledMapFunctionality(MapFunctionality mapFunc)
Returns true if the functionality the last one in the stock and which is enabled.

mapFunc - the object to check.
true if the functionality the last one in the stock, and it is enabled.


public WebContext getWebContext()
Return the WebContext associated with this WebMap.

WebContext- the WebContext


public void setHeight(int height)
Sets the height of the map. By default the map size is 400 * 400.

height - the height


public int getHeight()
Returns the height of the map. By default the map size is 400 * 400.

int- the height


public void setWidth(int width)
Sets the width of the map in pixels, by default the map size is 400 * 400.

width - the width


public int getWidth()
Returns the width of the map in pixels, by default the map size is 400 * 400.

int- the width


public void setVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the visibility of the map.

visible - if true, visible


public boolean isVisible()
Returns an indicator whether the map is visible.

boolean- if true, visible


public void setInit(boolean init)
Sets an indicator whether to initialize WebMap.

init - if true, initialize


public boolean isInit()
Returns an indicator of whether WebMap is initialized.

boolean- if true, it is initialized


public void setDpi(int dpi)
Sets the DPI of the map. It is 96 by default.

dpi - the DPI


public int getDpi()
Returns the DPI of the map. It is 96 by default.

int the DPI


public void setImageFormat(String imageFormat)
Sets the format of the map image. By default it is "png"

The formats supported are png, png24, dib, emf, bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif

imageFormat - a valid image format string


public String getImageFormat()
Returns the format of the map image.

The formats supported are png, png24, dib, emf, bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif

String- the image format


public void setUseMIMEData(boolean useMIMEData)
Sets whether the map image should be requested as MIME data from the GIS service. The default value is false; map image is returned via a URL from the GIS service for better performance.

useMIMEData - if true, map image is returned as MIME data.


public boolean isUseMIMEData()
Returns whether the map image will be fetched as MIME data from the GIS service.

boolean- if true, MIME data is used


public void setFuseGraphics(boolean fuseGraphics)
Sets whether the control fuse the custom graphics or not. By default it is false. When set to it to true, map and graphics will be created in one image, otherwise the graphics objects will be created on client side through AJAX.

fuseGraphics - if true, the custom graphics are added


public boolean isFuseGraphics()
Returns an indicator whether the control add custom graphics or not.

boolean- if true, custom graphics are added into the map


public void setBrowserBlending(boolean browserBlending)
Specifies whether the individual map images from different resources should be blended on the browser or fused into a single map image on the web server. Typically, blending on the browser is faster because the web server does not spend time and CPU resources fusing the images together. But it also requires the browser to fetch and hold more more map images. The default value is true; map images are blended on the browser. Also, if the WebMap contains atleast one cached map service, browser blending is always enabled and this property is not consulted.
When browser blending is enabled, isFuseGraphics() is not consulted and the graphics are overlayed on top of the map images in the browser.

browserBlending - if true, the browser blending is turned on


public boolean isBrowserBlending()
Returns whether the individual map images from different resources should be blended on the browser or fused into a single map image on the web server. The default value is true; map images are blended on the browser.

true if the browser blending in on


public void setEnableInfoWindow(boolean enableInfoWindow)
Setting this property to true will enable the Info Window AJAX request on Map Control. By default the value is true.

enableInfoWindow - if true, the Map Control enable the AJAX request for Info Window
See Also:
InfoWindowPhaseListener, InfoWindowPhaseListener.REQUEST_PARAM


public boolean isEnableInfoWindow()
Returns an indicator whether the Map Control is configured to send an AJAX request for displaying Info Window.

boolean- if true, the Map Control enable the AJAX request for Info Window
See Also:
InfoWindowPhaseListener, InfoWindowPhaseListener.REQUEST_PARAM


public void setGraphicsTransparency(double transparency)
Sets the transparency for the custom graphics. By default it is 1(opaque). The value range from 0 to 1

transparency - the custom graphics transparency


public double getGraphicsTransparency()
Returns the transparency value for the custom graphics.

the custom graphics transparency value


public void setRotation(double rotation)
Sets the number of degrees by which the map will be rotated.

rotation - the number of degrees


public double getRotation()
Returns the number of degrees by which the map will be rotated.

double- the number of degrees


public boolean isWebMapAvailable()

Returns true if this WebMap is in a valid state and available to the clients.

A WebMap is not in a valid state if there are not map functionalities associated with it. This typically happens when all map resources fail to initialize rendering the WebMap unusable.

true if this WebMap is in a valid state and available to the clients


public byte[] createCustomImage(WebSymbol symbol)
Creates an image used by Map Control if all the resources associated with WebContext are unavailable.

byte[] PNG image byte array


public boolean isZoomBeyondCache()
By default, when a application contains both cached and dynamic services, it displays data only at cached services’ scale-levels. The dynamic services are fitted into these scale-levels and users won't take full advantage of their dynamic data This property allows users view their dynamic services at arbitrary levels of detail when zooming out of the range of cached services. For example, if a cached service has 3 cache levels: 1:16, 1:32, 1:64. By default the map can only be rendered at those 3 levels. With zoomBeyondCache == true, the map not only can be rendered at those 3 levels, but also can be zoomed out beyond 1:16 and be zoomed in beyond 1:64 if there is a available dynamic service at the given scale.

Returns the useCacheLevelsOnly.


public void setZoomBeyondCache(boolean zoomBeyondCache)
Sets the value of the property "zoomBeyondCache".

zoomBeyondCache - The zoomBeyondCache to set.
See Also:


public void setCacheFeaturesOnBrowser(boolean cacheFeatures)
Specifies whether the GraphicFeatures used for displaying maptips should be cached on the browser. It is true by default. When set to false, the features are not cached on the browser. Instead, they are re-sent to the browser by the web server everytime the map's extent changes.

cacheFeatures - if true, the maptips features are cached on the browser


public boolean isCacheFeaturesOnBrowser()
Specifies whether the GraphicFeatures used for displaying maptips should be cached on the browser. It is true by default.

true if the maptips features are cached on the browser