Interface WebResultsObserver

All Known Implementing Classes:
PrintTask, WebResultsToc

public interface WebResultsObserver

The WebResultsObserver interface is implemented by objects interesting in being notified when results added added, modified, replaced or removed from WebResults.

The registered observers will have their webResultsUpdate(WebResults, int, ResultNode, Object) invoked when they are to be notified.

Field Summary
           The update type representing the case when the WebResults is cleared of all its results.
static int RESULT_ADDED
           The update type representing the case when a new result is added to the WebResults.
           The update type representing the case when an existing result in the WebResults is modified.
           The update type representing the case when a result is removed from the WebResults.
           The update type representing the case when an old result is replaced by a new result in the WebResults.
Method Summary
 void webResultsUpdate(WebResults results, int updateType, ResultNode affectedNode, Object args)
           This method is called on all WebResultsObservers registered with the WebResults object.

Field Detail


static final int RESULT_ADDED

The update type representing the case when a new result is added to the WebResults.

The observers are notified with this type when the addXXX() methods are called on the WebResults.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int RESULT_REMOVED

The update type representing the case when a result is removed from the WebResults.

The observers are notified with this type when the WebResults.removeResultNode(ResultNode) method is called on the WebResults.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int RESULT_REPLACED

The update type representing the case when an old result is replaced by a new result in the WebResults.

The observers are notified with this type when the WebResults.replaceResultNode(ResultNode, ResultNode) method is called on the WebResults.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int RESULT_MODIFIED

The update type representing the case when an existing result in the WebResults is modified.

The observers are notified with this type when the WebResults.notifyObservers(int, ResultNode, Object) method is called on the WebResults.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ALL_RESULTS_CLEARED

The update type representing the case when the WebResults is cleared of all its results.

The observers are notified with this type when the WebResults.clearAll() method is called on the WebResults.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void webResultsUpdate(WebResults results,
                      int updateType,
                      ResultNode affectedNode,
                      Object args)

This method is called on all WebResultsObservers registered with the WebResults object.

The updateType indicates the type of update that caused this notification. Optionally, the affectedNode is also sent to the observers, in case of updates such as RESULT_ADDED and RESULT_REMOVED. Updates can also send an arbitrary args for observers to react in a more fine-tuned manner to certain updates.

results - the WebResults object that was updated
updateType - the type of update (such as RESULT_ADDED, ALL_RESULTS_CLEARED, etc.)
affectedNode - the primarily affected ResultNode (optional)
args - an arbitrary argument which observers can use to fine-tune their update behaviors (optional)