
The geometry package contains various geometries and auxiliary class for working with geometries.


Class Summary
GeometryOperations This class encapsulates the different geometric operations that can be performed on WebGeometry objects.
GeometryUtil GeometryUtil is a utility class that helps to determine spatial relations between two WebGeometries.
SRTransformations Deprecated. This class is deprecated as of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3 SP1, no replacement.
WebCircle Deprecated.
WebExtent WebExtent is a class used for representing rectangular extent of a map.
WebGeometry WebGeometry is an abstract base class for all geometries in the ADF.
WebMultiPoint WebMultiPoint is a WebGeometry for a collection of WebPoints.
WebOval Deprecated.
WebPath WebPath is a class used for representing a several connected segments of a WebPolyline.
WebPoint WebPoint is a class used for representing points.
WebPointCollection WebPointCollection is a convenience base class for geometries with multiple WebPoints such as WebMultiPoint and WebPath.
WebPolygon WebPolygon is a class used for representing polygons.
WebPolyline WebPolyline is a class for representing polyline's, i.e.
WebRing WebRing is a class for representing simple polygons.
WebSpatialReference WebSpatialReference is a class representing a spatial reference.

Exception Summary
ADFGeometryException An instance of ADFGeometryException is thrown if something goes wrong when working with classes in package.
ADFSpatialReferenceException An instance of ADFSpatialReference is thrown if something goes wrong when working with WebSpatialReference.

Package Description

The geometry package contains various geometries and auxiliary class for working with geometries.