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RADIO_RENDERER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.tasks.TaskParamDescriptor
The radio button renderer type.
radius - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebCircle
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSLocalConnection
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.geometry.WebSpatialReference
readInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.util.ImageUtil
reaspect(WebExtent, double, double) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.util.ADFUtil
Adjusts the current envelope based on the aspect ratio of the given width and height.
reaspect(WebExtent, double, double) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.util.WebUtil
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Server 10.0, instead use ADFUtil.reaspect(WebExtent, double, double)
RECENTER - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.OverviewEvent
rect - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.DragRectangleArgs
recursiveToString(int) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultNode
A convenience method to recursively iterate through and return the contents of the children nodes as a String.
REDIRECT_PAGE_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.util.ADFSessionTimeoutFilter
The parameter name for the page to redirect to if the session has timed out.
redo() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.EditBean
A task tool to redo edits
redo() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.ResourceBean
Redo the action
redo() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.EditWorkspace
Redo previous edit if the action can be redone.
redo() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.ExtentHistory
reexecute() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPTaskResult
refresh() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.EditBean
Redraws the associated MapControl.
refresh(Map<?, ?>, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.EditBean
Handles the AJAX "refresh" call.
refresh() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
Refreshes this context by updating all registered WebContextObservers.
refresh(Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
Refreshes this context by updating all registered WebContextObservers with arg as the argument.
refresh(MapToolsTask) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.MapToolsTaskInfo
refresh(PrintTask) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.PrintTaskTaskInfo
refresh(QueryAttributesTask) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.QueryAttributesTaskInfo
Refresh the task info object based on the specified task object.
refresh(SearchAttributesTask) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.SearchAttributesTaskInfo
refreshGraphics() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPRasterDataParamResult
refreshGraphics() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPRecordSetParamResult
refreshGraphics() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPStringParamGraphicsResult
registerMapToolItem(FacesContext) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.ButtonControl
Registers the button as a MapToolItem.
REGULAR - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol
Regular font style
REGULAR - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebNorthArrow
RelateCriteria - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.query
A source table or layer may participate in one or more relationships with one or more target tables or layers.
RelateCriteria() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.query.RelateCriteria
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.ButtonTag
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.CommandTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.ContextTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.MapTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.OverviewTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.SelectOneTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.SeparatorTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.TaskTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.TocTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.ToolbarTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
release() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib.ToolTag
Resets the attribute values to defaults.
RELEASE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.Version
reload() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsToc
Reloads the whole TOC tree from the associated result.
reloadImageRectangle() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebOverview
Reloads the extent of area of interest box based on the current extent of map control.
REMOVE_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocResourceContent
removeAllGraphicFeatures() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.GraphicsLayer
Removes all features from the layer.
removeAllGraphicFeatures() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.GroupGraphicsLayer
removeAllGraphicsLayer() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.DefaultGraphicsResource
removeAllGraphicsLayer() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.GraphicsResource
Removes all graphics layers.
removeChild(String) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocNode
Removes a child node according to the key provided.
removeChild(long) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocNode
Removes a child node according to the nodeId provided.
removeChild(TocNode) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocNode
Removes a node from this node's children.
removeEventListener(ActionEventListener) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.EditAction
Removes the event listener.
removeEventListener(ActionEventListener) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.EditWorkspace
Unregisters an event listener.
RemoveFeature - Class in com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.action
Removes the selected features.
RemoveFeature() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.action.RemoveFeature
Instantiates an object of RemoveFeature.
removeFindCriteriaHandler(String) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.query.QueryFunctionality
Removes the QueryCriteriaHandler associated with the given criteriaType.
removeGraphicFeature(GraphicFeature) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.GraphicsLayer
Removes a feature from the layer.
removeGraphicFeature(GraphicFeature) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.GroupGraphicsLayer
removeGraphics(GraphicElement) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebGraphics
Removes the specified element from WebGraphics.
removeGraphicsLayer(GraphicsLayer) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.DefaultGraphicsResource
removeGraphicsLayer(GraphicsLayer) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.GraphicsResource
Removes a given graphics layer.
removeImage(GraphicImage) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebGraphics
Removes the specified image from the WebGraphics.
removeMimeData(String) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebSession
Remove the MIME data from a Hashtable based on the unique identifier.
removeNode(long) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocModel
removeObserver(WebResultsObserver) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResults
Removes the observer from the list of registered WebResultsObservers.
removeObserver(WebContextObserver) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
Removes the observer from the set of WebContextObservers associated with this context.
removeRecords(TaskEvent) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPRecordSetParam
removeRenderer(GraphicRenderer) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebGraphics
Removes the specified renderer from the WebGraphics.
removeResource - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocResourceContent
removeResource(GISResource) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
Removes a GISResource from this context.
removeResultNode(ResultNode) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResults
Removes a ResultNode to this instance of WebResults.
removeSublayer(GraphicsLayer) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.graphics.GroupGraphicsLayer
Finds a given layer in the list of sublayers and removes it.
removeValidationRule(String) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.tasks.validator.GenericValidator
Removes the specified key if there is one exist in the validation rule.
RemoveVertex - Class in com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.action
Removes the selected vertex.
RemoveVertex(IPoint) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.action.RemoveVertex
Instantiates an object of AddVertex.
removeVertex(double, IGeometry, IPoint, IServerContext) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.util.EditUtil
Removes a vertex the geometry if it is in the search distance.
removeWebSession(WebSession) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebApplication
Removes a WebSession from the WebApplication.
render(List<? extends WebGeometry>, WebElementConverter) - Method in interface com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebActiveRenderer
Applies the rendering strategy of this renderer to the passed geometries.
render(List<? extends WebGeometry>, WebElementConverter) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebClassBreaksRenderer
render(List<? extends WebGeometry>, WebElementConverter) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebGroupRenderer
Iterates through the list of WebActiveRenderers and applies them to geometries.
render(List<? extends WebGeometry>, WebElementConverter) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebSimpleRenderer
render(List<? extends WebGeometry>, WebElementConverter) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.renderer.WebUniqueValueRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.EditRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.GPAsyncTaskResultsRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in interface com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.AJAXRenderer
Render AJAX xml response for this control.
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.MapRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.OverviewRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.TaskRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.TocRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.ToolbarRenderer
renderAjaxResponse(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object, boolean, Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.ajax.PrintTaskRenderer
Rendering the printing task response in a XML format.
renderAttribute(Element, Attribute) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.EditBean
Converts the attribute to an element and appends it to the given root element.
renderConfig(Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.EditBean
Converts the ConfigBean to an element and appends it to the given parent element.
RENDERER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPDataFileParam
RENDERER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPLinearUnitParam
RENDERER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.GPRecordSetParam
rendererType - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.tasks.ButtonDescriptor
The renderer type of this parameter.
renderLayers(Element) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.EditBean
Converts the layers to an element and appends it to the given parent element.
renderPrintTaskXml(Element, TaskControl) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.ajax.PrintTaskRenderer
Private method to render XML.
renderResponse(FacesContext) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.renderkit.xml.ajax.AJAXResponseRenderer
Once the updates have been made to the components, calling this method calls all registered AJAXRenderers renderAjaxResponse method to allow these to render the content appropriately.
replaceAliasName(Map<? extends String, ?>, Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.util.QueryUtil
Convenient method to replace the default field name with the alias field name.
replaceResultNode(ResultNode, ResultNode) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResults
Replaces an existing ResultNode with a new node.
REPOSITORY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.util.ADFUploadServlet
REQUEST_PARAM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.ContinuousPanPhaseListener
REQUEST_PARAM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.InfoWindowPhaseListener
REQUEST_PARAM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.TaskRenderPhaseListener
REQUEST_PARAM - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.WebGraphicsPhaseListener
requestParameters - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.ClientActionArgs
The associated request parameters.
requestVirtualEarthToken(VEUser, VETokenInfo) - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.ve.util.VEUtil
Retrieves a token for Microsoft Virtual Earth web services.
reset(String, ConfigBean) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.ResourceBean
Resets ResourceBean with the given version.
resetSelectionIndex() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.EditBean
Resets the index of the selection queue to "0".
resetToolItemCollections() - Static method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.ToolItemCollection
resetWebGraphics() - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebGraphics
This method resets the WebGraphics and forces the next exportGraphics() call to redraw the graphics even though the current extent of WebMap may not have changed.
resolution - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLodInfo
resource - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocResourceContent
resource - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebLayerInfo
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_DIR - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebApplication
RESOURCE_MOVED - Static variable in interface com.esri.adf.web.util.WebContextRefreshArgs
RESOURCE_REMOVED - Static variable in interface com.esri.adf.web.util.WebContextRefreshArgs
ResourceBean - Class in com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean
Defines all the dependencies for the edit bean, e.g.
ResourceBean(AGSLocalMapResource, String, ConfigBean) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.ResourceBean
Instantiates an object of ResourceBean from a given resource.
ResourceBean(AGSLocalMapResource) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.edit.bean.ResourceBean
resourceNode - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.TocResourceContent
resourceNodes - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebToc
resources - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The List of GISResources maintained by this context.
resourceType - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.aims.data.AIMSMapResource
The type of ArcIMS Service.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.ButtonControl
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.CommandControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.ContextControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.MapControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.OverviewControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.SelectOneControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.SeparatorControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.TaskControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.TocControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.ToolbarControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.ToolControl
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.UIToolbar
Restores the state of the control.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.util.ConstantMethodBinding
RESULT_ADDED - Static variable in interface com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsObserver
The update type representing the case when a new result is added to the WebResults.
RESULT_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsObserver
The update type representing the case when an existing result in the WebResults is modified.
RESULT_REMOVED - Static variable in interface com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsObserver
The update type representing the case when a result is removed from the WebResults.
RESULT_REPLACED - Static variable in interface com.esri.adf.web.data.results.WebResultsObserver
The update type representing the case when an old result is replaced by a new result in the WebResults.
ResultDefinition - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
ResultDefinition defines how to render query results in the result view of a map application.
ResultDefinition() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultDefinition
ResultDescriptor - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
The ResultDescriptor contains the metadata for the result object wrapped by the ResultNode object.
ResultDescriptor(Class, String, String, Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultDescriptor
Creates a new ResultDescriptor object for the given resultClass and the designated method names.
resultMapDescription - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.AGSGPResource
resultMapResource - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.AGSGPResource
resultMapServerInfo - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.AGSGPResource
ResultNode - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
The ResultNode object wraps the actual result objects that are added to the WebResults.
ResultNode(String) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultNode
Creates a new ResultNode object for this String result.
ResultNode(Object, String, String, Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultNode
Creates a new ResultNode object.
ResultNode(Object, ResultDescriptor) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultNode
Creates a new ResultNode object.
ResultNode(Object, ResultDescriptor, List<? extends ResultNode>) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultNode
Creates a new ResultNode object.
RESULTNODE_TAG - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.PrintableResult
ResultNodeContent - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
A TOC content implementation for result view.
ResultNodeContent(ResultNode, WebResultsToc, boolean) - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.data.results.ResultNodeContent
Instantiates an object of ResultNodeContent.
results - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.WebContext
The WebResults referenced by this context.
RESULTS_TAG - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.tasks.PrintableResult
ResultsUtil - Class in com.esri.adf.web.data.results
The ResultsUtil has utility methods useful while working with WebResults.
reverseGeocodeAddress(WebPoint) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ve.data.geocode.VEGeocodeFunctionality
This method returns a list of possible addresses for a given location.
REVISION - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.Version
RIGHT - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebTrueTypeMarkerSymbol
Right text position
RIGHT_TEXT_POSITION - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.ToolbarControl
The text is displayed to the right of the image if the tool bar style is IMAGEANDTEXT.
ROAD_LABEL - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ve.data.imagery.VETocNodeContent
Label for the Bing Maps map style "Road"
ROUND - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.data.symbol.WebSimpleLineSymbol
Used for both cap and join line type for this symbol.
ROUND_ROBIN - Static variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSLocalConnection
The round-robin cluster type.
routeElement - Variable in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.AGSNAFunctionality
Stores the Route Geometry and Symbol.
RoutingTask - Class in com.esri.adf.web.ags.tasks
RoutingTask() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.ags.tasks.RoutingTask
RoutingTaskInfo - Class in com.esri.adf.web.ags.tasks
RoutingTaskInfo() - Constructor for class com.esri.adf.web.ags.tasks.RoutingTaskInfo
runTask(TaskEvent) - Method in class com.esri.adf.web.ags.data.gp.AGSGPFunctionality

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