
The results package contains the business data objects that work with the query results.


Interface Summary
WebResultsObserver The WebResultsObserver interface is implemented by objects interesting in being notified when results added added, modified, replaced or removed from WebResults.

Class Summary
ResultDefinition ResultDefinition defines how to render query results in the result view of a map application.
ResultDescriptor The ResultDescriptor contains the metadata for the result object wrapped by the ResultNode object.
ResultNode The ResultNode object wraps the actual result objects that are added to the WebResults.
ResultNodeContent A TOC content implementation for result view.
ResultsUtil The ResultsUtil has utility methods useful while working with WebResults.
WebResults The WebResults object is a container of arbitrary result objects.
WebResultsToc Defines the result view of a web application:

Package Description

The results package contains the business data objects that work with the query results. Some examples of objects in this package are WebResults, WebResultsToc, ResultDefinition etc.