Frequently asked questions

This topic includes some of the problems users encounter when working with the ArcGIS for Windows Phone application, and solutions for those issues.

How do I get started with the application?

You can work with the application immediately, as by default, it connects to ArcGIS Online where you can search and browse for maps. You can view these maps and edit data on the maps (if the map has editing enabled). More information on ArcGIS Online, including videos and common questions, can be found in the help on

To view your personal maps, or those of your organization or portal, connect to your online GIS. If the maps are not publically available, sign in.

To view your data, first you will have to author a map referencing your data. You can then keep this map private to you, share it amongst your groups, or make it public. In the ArcGIS for Windows Phone application, connect to your online GIS. Public maps are viewable by any connected user. To view a private map or one shared with a group, you will need to sign in.

What are the system requirements?

A Windows Phone device is required to run the application. Both the 7.0 and 7.5 (Mango) versions of the operating system are supported. However, the current version of the application and future updates target 7.5 (Mango) devices. You will not have access to all functionality covered in this help system if working on the 7.0 operating system.

How do I enable identify or tapping features on my map?

To tap the map and view details of the features, you need to have pop-up windows authored on your map. Once a map has pop-ups, see View feature information. For details on including pop-ups in your map, see Configuring pop-up windows.

Are secure services supported?

ArcGIS Server token-secured services are supported. Hosted secure services created as part of an ArcGIS Online for organizations account are also supported.

How do I open maps created in ArcMap on my device?

You need to publish your maps to an ArcGIS Server service before you consume them on your Windows Phone device. Once you have your services published, you have two options. You can either make them accessible to the Internet, then author a map for an online geographic informatio system (GIS) or you can author a map on your mobile content server (which comes with ArcGIS for Server). The ArcGIS for Windows Phone application works with maps from online GIS systems (such as ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Online for organizations, and Portal for ArcGIS) and mobile content server.

You can also upload shapefiles to maps in your online GIS. This data will be visible in the ArcGIS for Windows Phone application, but you will not be able to edit your data or update your data directly in your geodatabase. Complete details are available in the help system on

How do I access ArcGIS Server services from my server on my device?

To access services from your ArcGIS for Server, author a map that contains the services. The services need to be accessible to the Internet for them to appear in the application.

How do I use a mobile content server?

More information on the mobile content server included as a part of ArcGIS for Server can be found in the topic Publishing maps to your ArcGIS for Server.

Is offline data or work supported?

Offline or locally cached data is not currently supported in the application.

How do I enable the collect feature or edit button?

To be able to collect data with the application, the map you work with needs to contain an editable layer. Supported editable layers include feature layers within ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Spatial Data Server editable feature services, as well as hosted feature services that are a part of ArcGIS Online for organizations. For more information, see edit features.

Are pop-ups supported?

Yes, the rich pop-up windows that can be authored using an online GIS are fully supported in the ArcGIS application. See View feature information for more details.

Can I query features in my maps?

You can query features by tapping the map. You can also run predefined queries saved with a map.

What versions of ArcGIS for Server are supported?

The application supports services from ArcGIS Server 9.3.1 and above.

What is the licensing of the application?

The ArcGIS for Windows Phone application is available from the Windows Phone Marketplace at no cost.

Can I use a custom basemap in the application?

Yes, when authoring your map in your online GIS, you can use your basemap from ArcGIS Server services and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) layers. Currently, Keyhole Markup Language (KML) layers are not supported as basemaps. You can then add additional layers on top of this basemap. For additional information on authoring with a custom basemap, see the section Select a basemap in the ArcGIS Online help topic Creating maps.

While working in the application, you can also switch the current basemap in a map with any of the basemaps provided by your online GIS. See Change the basemap for details.

How do I get rid of the "invalid token" message?

If you are getting an invalid token message when you try to open a map or view content, sign out of the application, then sign in again. You can sign out from the Application settings panel by selecting account, then tapping the sign out button. Once you sign in again, maps and content will be available.
