Edit features

One of the benefits of a mobile device is the ease with which you can collect and edit data in the field. Using the ArcGIS for Windows Phone application, you have access to any of your online geographic information system (GIS) maps anywhere you have cellular reception. By authoring your map to support the collection and editing of data, you can do the following with the application:

To author your map to support the collection and editing of data, you need to include one or more editable layers in the map. Supported editable layers include feature layers within ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Spatial Data Server editable feature services, as well as hosted feature services that are a part of ArcGIS Online for organizations.


For an example of the editing workflow of the application, open any of the Collection Sample maps. They contain editable layers and are publically available through the Map Hub gallery panel when connected to ArcGIS Online.

The Collection Sample maps are on the Gallery panel of the Map Hub.
