Author a map

ArcGIS for Windows Phone is a map viewing application: it does not contain an authoring experience. However, you can author your maps to use your geographic information system (GIS) data within the application. To author maps for use on the phone, create a web map and host it in an online GIS or mobile content server. The workflow for creating a map depends on where the map will be hosted.

If your map will be hosted through an online GIS such as ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Online for organizations, or Portal for ArcGIS, you can use the browser to author your map with map viewer or ArcGIS Explorer Online. See Creating web maps in the ArcGIS Online help for details.

If your map will be hosted on your ArcGIS Server using mobile content server, the map will be manually authored. See Publish a map to your ArcGIS Server.


In maps at either of those locations, you can include your GIS data. You will need to first publish your data as an ArcGIS Server service on your ArcGIS Server, or as a hosted services as part of your ArcGIS Online for organizations. Once your data is available online, you can reference it from your map, then open the map in the application.
