Interface QueryCriteriaHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AGSIdentifyCriteriaHandler, AGSImageIdentifyCriteriaHandler, AGSPredefinedQueryCriteriaHandler, AGSRelatedRecordsCriteriaHandler, AGSTextCriteriaHandler, AIMSIdentifyCriteriaHandler, AIMSPredefinedQueryCriteriaHandler, AIMSTextCriteriaHandler, GraphicsIdentifyCriteriaHandler, WMSIdentifyCriteriaHandler

public interface QueryCriteriaHandler

Defines the query handler method need to be implemented by all query handler implementations. The Java Web ADF provides some default query handlers for supported resources like: ArcGIS Local server, ArcGIS Internet server, ArcIMS server, ArcWeb server etc.

See Also:

Method Summary
 List<QueryResult> handleCriteria(QueryCriteria criteria, List<? extends WebLayerInfo> layers, WebQuery query, QueryFunctionality queryFunc)
          All query handler should implement this method to support query on the given functionality.

Method Detail


List<QueryResult> handleCriteria(QueryCriteria criteria,
                                 List<? extends WebLayerInfo> layers,
                                 WebQuery query,
                                 QueryFunctionality queryFunc)
All query handler should implement this method to support query on the given functionality.

criteria - a criteria object, defines query condition.
layers - the layers to query.
query - the web query object, an attribute of WebContext.
queryFunc - query functionality which performs the query.
the QueryResult in a list.