Interface |
Description |
I3DSettings |
Provides access to information that controls how an object is displayed in ArcGlobe or a Globe control. |
IAreaObs2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to AreaObs2525B renderer objects. |
IAreaObs2525BG |
Provides access to an identity interface to AreaObs2525BG (green) renderer objects. |
IAreas2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to Areas2525B renderer objects. |
IArrows2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to Arrows2525B renderer objects. |
IAttributeLabel |
Provides access to members that define a text label to be drawn around a force element graphic. |
IAttributeLabel2 |
Provides access to members that define a text label to be drawn around a force element graphic. |
IAttributeText |
Provides access to IAttributeText Interface. |
IAttributeText2 |
Provides access to IAttributeText2 Interface. |
IAutoGroupRule |
Provides access to members that are common to all cached graphic grouping rules. |
IBoundaries2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to Boundaries2525B renderer objects. |
IBracketLeaderStyle |
Provides access to a square bracket leader style object. |
IBracketLeaderStylePE |
Provides access to a square bracket leader style object that performs parent-echelon sorting of graphics. |
IC2GMAreas2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to C2GMAreas2525B renderer objects. |
IC2GMLines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to C2GMLines2525B renderer objects. |
IC2GMPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to C2GMPoints2525B renderer objects. |
ICachedGraphic |
Provides access to members common to all cached graphic objects. |
ICachedGraphic2 |
Provides access to members common to all cached graphic objects. |
ICachedGraphicFeatureLayer |
Provides access to members responsible for handling the feature characteristics of cached graphic layers. |
ICachedGraphicLayer |
Provides access to members common to all layers of cached graphics. |
ICachedGraphicLayer2 |
Provides access to members common to all layers of cached graphics. |
ICachedGraphicSelection |
Provides access to members that manage a set of selected cached graphics. |
ICachedGraphicStyle |
Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed cached graphic. |
ICacheRenderer |
Provides access to members that are common to all cached graphic renderer objects. |
ICacheRendererCollection |
Provides access to members that manage an ordered collection of cached graphic renderers. |
ICallBack |
Provides access to member functions that display list objects invoke before and/or after they perform another operation. |
ICallBack2 |
Provides access to member functions that display list objects invoke before and/or after they perform another operation. |
IConstructTacticalElement |
Provides access to members that support the construction of sample tactical elements. |
IConvertSymbolID |
Provides access to functionality that converts SymbolIDs between 2525B and APP-6A and back. |
ICoordinate |
Provides access to Coordinate Interface. |
ICoordinateTool |
Provides access to members for coordinate conversion. |
ICreateBitmap |
Provides access to a cached graphic to be written to an in-memory bitmap. |
ICreateBitmap2 |
Provides access to a cached graphic to be written to an in-memory bitmap. |
ICSSAreas2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to CSSAreas2525B renderer objects. |
ICSSLines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to CSSLines2525B renderer objects. |
ICSSPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to CSSPoints2525B renderer objects. |
ICustomProperties |
Provides access to members that provide access to custom object properties. |
IDDCoordinate |
Provides access to DD Coordinate Interface. |
IDeclutter |
Provides access to members that manage the decluttering (optimizad placement) of force element graphics, stacks and leaders. |
IDirectionAware |
Provides access to control over the direction of movement indicator on a graphic. |
IDisplayList |
Provides access to members that are common to all display list objects (collections of cached graphics). |
IDMSCoordinate |
Provides access to DMS Coordinate Interface. |
IDogLegLeaderStyle |
Provides access to to a dog leg leader style object. |
IDogLegLeaderStyle2 |
Provides access to a dog leg leader style object that includes a dot at its base. |
IDogLegLeaderStyle2PE |
Provides access to a dog leg and dot leader style object that performs parent-echelon sorting of graphics. |
IDogLegLeaderStylePE |
Provides access to a dog leg leader style object that performs parent-echelon sorting of graphics. |
IEchelonScaleFilter |
Provides access to an echelon scale filter object. |
IEngineOptions |
Provides access to control over general MOLE options. |
IEngineStatus |
Provides access to status information on the MOLE core engine. |
IEnumAttributeLabel |
Provides access to sequential control over a collection of AttributeLabel objects. |
IExportGraphic |
Provides access to members that enable cached graphics to export themselves. |
IFactoryTooling |
Provides access to members that alter the way the factory produces graphics. |
IFeatureGraphic |
Provides access to members that access the feature information attached to a graphic. |
IFeatureGraphicSet |
Provides access to members that provide access to a set of graphics, based upon the association between those graphics and features. |
IFEGraphic |
Provides access to members that are specific to force element cached graphics. |
IFEGraphicFactory |
Provides access to members that create force element graphics and parse symbol IDs. |
IFEGraphicStyle |
Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed force element graphic. |
IFEGraphicStyleCollection |
Provides access to members that manage a collection of force element graphic styles. |
IFELuminen |
Controls the rendering of MOLE force elements as OpenGL billboards in ArcGlobe. |
IFLOT2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to FLOT2525B renderer objects. |
IForceElement |
Provides access to members that enable an object to provide attribute information for a graphic to symbolize. |
IForceElement2525BRenderer |
Provides access to members specific to a 2525B force element cached graphic renderer. |
IForceElementAPP6ARenderer |
Provides access to members specific to an APP-6A force element cached graphic renderer. |
IForceElementDisplayList |
Provides access to members that are specific to force element display lists. |
IForceElementEvents |
Events that are triggered by ForceElement objects. |
IForceElementGraphicSet |
Provides access to members that provide access to a set of graphics, based upon the association between those graphics and force elements. |
IForceElementLayer |
Provides access to members that manage a force element cached graphic layer. |
IForceElementRenderer |
Provides access to members common to any force element cached graphic renderer. |
IForceElements |
Provides access to an identity interface to ForceElement class extension objects. |
IFormatter |
Provides access to a formatting expression to format a string. |
IFSAreas2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to FSAreas2525B renderer objects. |
IFSAreasChange1 |
Provides access to an identity interface to FSAreasChange1 renderer objects. |
IFSLines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to FSLines2525B renderer objects. |
IFSLinesChange1 |
Provides access to an identity interface to FSLinesChange1 renderer objects. |
IFSPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to FSPoints2525B renderer objects. |
IFSPointsChange1 |
Provides access to an identity interface to FSPointsChange1 renderer objects. |
IGeoEllipse |
Provides access to members that generate GeoEllipse geometries. |
IGeoEllipseElement |
Indicator interface that identifies a GeoEllipseElement. |
IGeometryLimits |
Provides access to the geometry restrictions for a GraphicDef. |
IGeoPolygon |
Provides access to members that generate GeoPolygon geometries. |
IGeoPolygonElement |
Indicator interface that identifies a GeoPolygonElement. |
IGeoPolyline |
Provides access to members that generate GeoPolyline geometries. |
IGeoPolylineElement |
Indicator interface that identifies a GeoPolyline. |
IGlobeSink |
Controls the automatic sinking/unsinking of IGlobeDisplayEvents used for OpenGL rendering. |
IGpMaFunctionFactory |
Provides access to IGpMaFunctionFactory Interface. |
IGraphicCallout |
Provides access to members that manage a graphic's displaced drawing ability. |
IGraphicComponent |
Provides access to members common to components of force element graphics. |
IGraphicDef |
Provides access to members that define a graphic definition. |
IGraphicDef2 |
Provides access to members that define a graphic definition. |
IGraphicDefSet |
Provides access to members that provide access to a set of graphic definitions. |
IGraphicExporter |
Provides access to members that maintain a list of exportable cached graphics. |
IGraphicGroup |
Provides access to members that are common to groups of cached graphics (stacks and leaders). |
IGraphicGroupStyle |
Provides access to members that are common to all graphic group styles. |
IGraphicLeader |
Provides access to the members that manage a graphic leader. |
IGraphicLeaderStyle |
Provides access to members that manage a graphic leader style. |
IGraphicStack |
Provides access to members that manage a stack of cached graphics. |
IGraphicTextFactory |
Provides access to members that create polygonal graphic text. |
IGSGeoSymRenderer |
Provides access to the NGA standard GeoSym symbology for VPF data. |
IGSGeoSymRenderer2 |
Provides access to members of IGSGeoSymRenderer2 Interface. |
IGSRenderingProfile |
Provides access to and allows the configurations of a GeoSym Rendering profile. Rendering profiles can be shared by various GeoSym Renderers in order to simplify the configuration of one or more layers that create a specific Product. |
IHBarLeaderStyle |
Provides access to a horizontal bar leader style object. |
ILabeledGraphic |
Provides access to text labeling information used by a graphic. |
ILabellingProperties |
Provides access to a layer's AttributeLabel settings and general labelling properties. |
ILeaderable |
Provides access to members that provide leadering status information about a graphic. |
ILeaderAffiliationRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderAffiliationRule objects. |
ILeaderedGraphics |
Provides access to members that enable a force element display list to explicitly leader and unleader graphics. |
ILeaderHigherFormationRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderHigherFormationRule objects. |
ILeaderingProperties |
Provides access to members that manage the force element graphic leadering environment. |
ILeaderingRule |
Provides access to members specific to rules that govern whether two cached graphics should be leadered. |
ILeaderProximityRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderProximityRule objects. |
ILeaderValueRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderValueRule objects. |
ILineObs2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to LineObs2525B renderer objects. |
ILineObs2525BG |
Provides access to an identity interface to LineObs2525BG (green) renderer objects. |
ILines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to Lines2525B renderer objects. |
ILuminenGL |
Controls additional, non-MIL-STD-2525B OpenGL rendering. |
ILuminenSettings |
Global settings used to control the appearance and functioning of OpenGL rendering. Changes are immediately propagated to all renderables. |
IMADatasets |
Provides access to members for working with individual datasets in MALayers. |
IMADtedLayer |
Provides access to members that create or modify MADtedLayers. |
IMALayer |
Provides access to Indicator IMALayer Interface. |
IMARasterLayer |
Provides access to members that create or modify MARasterLayers. |
IMeasurementTool |
Provides access to members that perform measurements along Geolines between two points. |
IMETOCAreasChange1 |
Provides access to an identity interface to METOCAreasChange1 renderer objects. |
IMETOCLines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to METOCLines2525B renderer objects. |
IMETOCLinesChange1 |
Provides access to an identity interface to METOCLinesChange1 renderer objects. |
IMETOCPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to METOCPoints2525B renderer objects. |
IMETOCPointsChange1 |
Provides access to an identity interface to METOCPointsChange1 renderer objects. |
IMGRSCoordinate |
Provides access to MGRS Coordinate Interface. |
IMoleCoreHelper |
Provides access to members unique to the MOLE helper class. |
IMoleDeclutterElement |
Provides access to IMoleDeclutterElement Interface. |
IMoleFillSymbol |
Provides access to IMoleFillSymbol Interface. |
IMoleGroupElement |
Provides access to IMoleGroupElement Interface. |
IMoleLeaderElement |
Provides access to IMoleLeaderElement Interface. |
IMoleLineSymbol |
Provides access to IMoleLineSymbol Interface. |
IMoleMarkerSymbol |
Provides access to IMoleMarkerSymbol Interface. |
IMoleStackElement |
Provides access to IMoleStackElement Interface. |
IMoleSymbol |
Provides access to IMoleSymbol Interface. |
IMoleSymbolImportExport |
Provides access to IMoleSymbolImportExport Interface. |
IMSAreas2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to MSAreas2525B renderer objects. |
IMSLines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to MSLines2525B renderer objects. |
IMSPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to MSPoints2525B renderer objects. |
IMultipointArrows |
Provides access to an identity interface to MultipointArrows renderer objects. |
IObjectDictionary |
Controls members that manage a keyed dictionary of objects. |
IOtherLines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to OtherLines2525B renderer objects. |
IOtherPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to OtherPoints2525B renderer objects. |
IParser |
Provides access to members that parses a string using a regular expression, capture groups are returned as comma separated tokens. |
IPointObs2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to PointObs2525B renderer objects. |
IPointObs2525BG |
Provides access to an identity interface to PointObs2525BG (green) renderer objects. |
IPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to Points2525B renderer objects. |
IProgID |
Provides access to the prog ID of the class. |
IRendererInfo |
Provides access to functions to return information about a renderer. |
IScaleFilter |
Provides access to members that are common to all scale filter objects. |
IScaleFilterManager |
Provides access to members that manage a set of scale filter objects. |
IStackable |
Provides access to members that provide stacking status information about a graphic. |
IStackHigherFormationRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to StackHigherFormationRule objects. |
IStackingProperties |
Provides access to members that manage the force element graphic stacking environment. |
IStackingRule |
Provides access to members specific to rules that govern whether two cached graphics should be stacked. |
IStackProximityRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to StackProximityRule objects. |
IStackSymbolIDRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to StackSymbolIDRule objects. |
IStackValueRule |
Provides access to an identity interface to StackValueRule objects. |
IStatefulRenderOptions |
Stateful settings used to control the rendering of MOLE tactical graphics. Changes affect only subsequently-rendered renderables. |
ISwoopArrows |
Provides access to an identity interface to SwoopArrows renderer objects. |
ISymbologyOptions |
Provides access to control over MOLE's symbology options. |
ITacticalAreas |
Provides access to an identity interface to TacticalArea class extension objects. |
ITacticalElement |
Provides access to members that enable an object to provide attribute information for a graphic to symbolize. |
ITacticalElementEvents |
Events that are triggered by TacticalElement objects. |
ITacticalGraphic |
Provides access to members that are specific to tactical cached graphics. |
ITacticalGraphic2 |
Provides access to members that are specific to tactical cached graphics. Includes new SymbolID property. |
ITacticalGraphic2525BRenderer |
Provides access to an identity interface to the compound tactical graphic renderer. |
ITacticalGraphicAPP6ARenderer |
Provides access to an identity interface to the compound tactical graphic renderer. |
ITacticalGraphicDisplayList |
Provides access to members that are specific to tacticl graphic display lists. |
ITacticalGraphicLayer |
Provides access to members that manage a tactical cached graphic layer. |
ITacticalGraphicRenderer |
Provides access to members that manage tactical cached graphic renderer objects. |
ITacticalGraphicRenderer2 |
Provides access to members that manage tactical cached graphic renderer objects. |
ITacticalGraphicStyle |
Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed tactical graphic. |
ITacticalGraphicStyle2 |
Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed tactical graphic. |
ITacticalGraphicStyleCollection |
Provides access to members that manage a collection of tactical graphic styles. |
ITacticalLines |
Provides access to an identity interface to TacticalLine class extension objects. |
ITacticalLuminen |
Controls the rendering of MOLE tactical graphics as extruded OpenGL graphics in ArcGlobe. |
ITacticalPoints |
Provides access to an identity interface to TacticalPoint class extension objects. |
ITaskAreas2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to TaskAreas2525B renderer objects. |
ITaskLines2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to TaskLines2525B renderer objects. |
ITaskPoints2525B |
Provides access to an identity interface to TaskPoints2525B renderer objects. |
IUSNGCoordinate |
Provides access to USNG Coordinate Interface. |
IUTMCoordinate |
Provides access to UTM Coordinate Interface. |
IWireframeDisplayProps |
Provides access to members that control the wireframe display for an MALayer. |