ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

IForceElement2525BRenderer Interface

Provides access to members specific to a 2525B force element cached graphic renderer.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Write-only property FrameOutlineColor Modifies the color of, and creates if necessary, the line symbol that surrounds a graphic's frame geometry.
Read/write property FrameOutlineSymbol Specifies a default line symbol that surrounds a graphic's frame geometry.
Write-only property FrameOutlineWidth Modifies the width of, and creates if necessary, the line symbol that surrounds a graphic's frame geometry.
Method GraphicByForceElement The method returns a new force element graphic that symbolizes the provided force element object.
Read-only property GraphicFactory The underlying force element graphic factory object.
Read-only property IsValid Indicates whether the renderer is valid and well behaved.
Method PreloadGraphics Instructs the renderer to pre-process data in MOLE's database to build a collection of commonly used graphics.
Method SetGraphicsForReuse Makes it possible for any pre-loaded graphics to be re-used by the renderer.
Read/write property Style Specifies the default force element graphic style attached to newly rendered graphics.

CoClasses that implement IForceElement2525BRenderer

CoClasses and Classes Description
ForceElement2525BRenderer Renders one or more features as MIL-STD 2525B compliant cached graphics, adding them to a force element display list.

.NET Snippets

Get FEGraphicFactory |