ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

IGraphicLeaderStyle Interface

Provides access to members that manage a graphic leader style.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Read-only property CLSID The CLSID of the style class.
Method Construct Modifies the contents of a given graphic leader to comply with the leader style.
Read-only property Description The description of the style.
Method DrawThumbnail Draws the style's example picture or thumbnail to a specified picture control.
Read/write property FillSymbol The fill symbol used by a leader to draw its polygonal geometry.
Read/write property LineSymbol The line symbol used by a leader to draw its linear geometry.
Read/write property MarkerSymbol The marker symbol used by a leader to draw its point geometry.
Read-only property Name The name of the style.
Read-only property Picture The filename of the bitmap (bmp) used to illustrate the leader style.

CoClasses that implement IGraphicLeaderStyle

CoClasses and Classes Description
BracketLeaderStyle A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned and bracketed collection. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon.
BracketLeaderStylePE A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned and bracketed collection. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon.
DogLegLeaderStyle A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon.
DogLegLeaderStyle2 A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line with a dot drawn at its first point. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon.
DogLegLeaderStyle2PE A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line with a dot drawn at its first point. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon.
DogLegLeaderStylePE A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon.
HBarLeaderStyle A leader style that manipulates the contents of graphic leader to resemble a horizontally aligned collection, sandwiched between two horizontal lines. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and/or by echelon.

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