ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

IParser Interface

Provides access to members that parses a string using a regular expression, capture groups are returned as comma separated tokens.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Parses an InputString according to a regular expression (ParsingExpression) and outputs the parsed elements into comma delimited string (ParsedString) and as items in an array (ParsedStringArray).


Write-only property InputString The string to be parsed.
Read-only property IsValid Indicates if the input was parsed.
Method Parse Parse the InputString into the ParsedString.
Read-only property ParsedString The parsed string, comma delimited.
Read-only property ParsedStringArray The parsed string, array.
Write-only property ParsingExpression Regular expression for parsing input string.

CoClasses that implement IParser

CoClasses and Classes Description
Parser This is the Parser class.