ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

ICachedGraphicFeatureLayer Interface

Provides access to members responsible for handling the feature characteristics of cached graphic layers.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Read-only property DisplayList The cached graphic display list wrapped by the layer.
Read/write property FeatureLayer The feature layer that is symbolized by this cached graphic layer.
Read/write property FieldNameSet An optional property set that maps expected field names to physical field names.
Read/write property IsLiveUpdateEnabled Indicates whether the layer should periodically refresh its graphic contents.
Read/write property LiveUpdateInterval The minimum number of seconds between each refresh of the layer's graphic contents.
Write-only property VisibleExtent The method returns an envelope representing the visible extent.

CoClasses that implement ICachedGraphicFeatureLayer

CoClasses and Classes Description
ForceElementLayer A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a force element display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display.
TacticalGraphicLayer A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a tactical graphic display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display.


While it is possible to create and manipulate MOLE cached graphics as stand alone representations of military entities, this interface provides the ability to link a atandard feature layer, and its attendant feature class, to a MOLE layer.  This provides a layered view of a set of features depicted using familiar military symbology.

.NET Snippets

Load Tactical Graphic Layer | Load Force Element Layer |

.NET Samples

Displaying MOLE symbology with the GlobeControl (Code Files: MainForm) |

.NET Related Topics

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