ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

FSPointsChange1 CoClass

Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Interfaces Description
ICacheRenderer Provides access to members that are common to all cached graphic renderer objects.
IClassID (esriSystem) Provides access to methods identifying class ID.
IConstructTacticalElement Provides access to members that support the construction of sample tactical elements.
IFSPointsChange1 Provides access to an identity interface to FSPointsChange1 renderer objects.
IGraphicDefSet Provides access to members that provide access to a set of graphic definitions.
IPersistStream (esriSystem)
IPersistVariant (esriSystem) Provides access to members used for storage of an object through VARIANTs.
IRendererInfo Provides access to functions to return information about a renderer.
ITacticalGraphicRenderer Provides access to members that manage tactical cached graphic renderer objects.
ITacticalGraphicRenderer2 Provides access to members that manage tactical cached graphic renderer objects.