What's new

ArcGIS for Windows Phone version 2.4 was released in April 2012. It includes enhancements and also addresses some issues.


Version 2.4 of the application includes the following enhancements:

Support additional online GIS connections

Additional online GIS connections to ArcGIS Online for organizations and Portal for ArcGIS are now supported. You can now view organizational and portal content using the ArcGIS application. The app also includes the ability to pin the connection to Start. For more details on working with online GIS connections, see Add a connection to an online GIS, Switch your online GIS connection, Sign in to an online GIS, Pin a connection to Start, and Remove a connection to an online GIS.

Screen shot of Start with maps and online GIS connections as tiles.
Screen shot of the panorama from starting a connection through its tile.

Support for secure services

When loading a map that contains an ArcGIS Server token-secured service or a secured hosted service, the user is now prompted for credentials. If they are invalid or not provided, the map loads without that layer. For more information, see Use secured services.

Editing experience enhancements

When editing a feature's location or providing the location for a new feature, you can now display your Global Positioning System (GPS) location on the map separate from using it to create a point. This allows you to decide when your GPS point is accurate enough that you'd like to use it. You can also now clear the existing geometry to create it from scratch. For more information, see Add a new feature and Update location.

Screen shot of the new editing location app bar and context menu, including use location and clear.

If you add attachments to a feature, you can monitor their upload progress and you are notified if they fail to upload. For more information, see Add attachments.

Screen shot of the pending attachment notification.
Screen shot of the uploads page.

Measurement experience enhancements

When measuring on the map, you can now display your location without using it to create a point, and you can specify when to use the current location as a point.


Eight additional languages are now supported, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian. The language used by the application is determined by your phone's display language setting.

Screen shot of the app in French on the map page with the app bar extended.

Issues addressed

The 2.4 release also addresses a number of issues, so the following are now working as expected:
