Welcome to the ArcGIS Explorer Online Help

The links below can help you quickly get started with ArcGIS Explorer Online. You can also use the table of contents on the left to browse the help, or search the help using the box above.

The following quick tour topics give an overview of different areas of functionality:

ArcGIS Explorer Online now in extended phase support

ArcGIS Explorer Online will continue to be available; however it is no longer being updated or actively developed.

For more information, see Esri Product Life Cycle Policy.

Opening maps in ArcGIS Explorer Online

Maps from ArcGIS Online can be opened in ArcGIS Explorer Online, even if they were created using different applications (for example, the ArcGIS.com map viewer). To open a specific map, first find the details page of the map using the ArcGIS Online website, click the arrow next to the Open button to show a list of choices, and choose Open in ArcGIS Explorer Online.

You can also open Explorer Online directly from www.arcgis.com/explorer.

More resources for ArcGIS Explorer Online

Use the links below to find more information about ArcGIS Explorer Online:
