Quick tour of finding places, coordinates, and addresses
Watch the short video Finding and saving places in a map
Finding places
You can search for locations such as addresses, places, streets, and geographical coordinates, and find their location on a map. Type the name of the place you want to locate into the Find Places box shown at the right of the Mapping toolbar, and press ENTER. Places found will be shown in the Results drop-down list.
The location of each result is shown as a pushpin on the map.
If there are multiple results, you can zoom to each item by selecting it in the list of results.
You can also use Find Places to locate a set of latitude and longitude coordinates on the map. You can enter coordinates as either Decimal Degrees (DD), for example 40.7166667, -74.0; or Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS), for example 40°43′0"N 74°W.
The Find Places allows you to search a global data set, but does not search the features and attributes that you have added to your map; if you want to find features in the layers in your map, consider using a query instead.
Learn more about asking questions with queries
As a general rule, the more specific you are in your search, the greater the likelihood is that you'll find the specific place you were looking for. Searching for Pleasantville for example may find a variety of results, but searching for Pleasantville, OH will find only a single result.
ArcGIS Explorer Online will navigate directly to the found result. If more than one result is found, Explorer Online will navigate to the first item in the Results drop-down list. You can navigate to each result by clicking the item in the list.
If you want to return to a specific result later, you can add the map location as a bookmark by clicking the Bookmark link to the right of the result. Bookmarks are stored in your map. You can quickly go to any bookmark by opening the Bookmarks drop-down list from the button on the toolbar next to the Find Places box.
Alternatively, you can add the result to the map as a feature. Click the item in the Results drop-down list to open the result callout in the map (if not already visible), and then use the Add To menu.