Quick tour of exploring and navigating maps


Watch the short video Navigating around a map

Navigating around a map

To pan the map, use the left mouse button, the arrow keys on your keyboard, or the arrow controls on the Navigator.

To zoom in or out, use the mouse wheel, the + (plus) or - (minus) keys on your keyboard, or the slider on the Navigator.

You can also use the Zoom to Rectangle button Zoom to Rectangle button to zoom in, by clicking the button and then dragging a rectangle on the map of the area you wish to zoom in to.

The Navigator is shown at the bottom left of the map. Move the mouse cursor over the Navigator to activate it and show the controls for panning and zooming.

The inactive Navigator, shown at the bottom of the mapThe active Navigator, when the mouse cursor is over it

The toolbar at the top of the application includes other controls that let you do more with the map. For example, you can zoom the map to a place or an address by typing the name of a place into the Find Places box.

Find Places Results list and result shown on map

Exploring the contents of a map

All of the layers that make up the map are shown in the Layers panel; show the panel by clicking the Layer tab in the left side panel. You can turn layers on and off using the check boxes in the panel, and zoom the map to the extent of a layer by double-clicking that layer in the list. You can find out more about each layer, and also change the layer opacity, by clicking the arrow next to the layer to open the Layer Details view.

Click the Map Legend tab in the left side panel to show a legend (key) of information for visible layers in the map. If the map does not contain any layers with legend information, then the Legend tab will not be available.

The Map Legend showing a key for layers in the map

Click the arrow tab to close the left side panel if you want to maximise the amount of space to show the map.

You can find out more about features by clicking on a feature shown in the map. This will open a pop-up window of information about the clicked feature, if the layer is configured to show pop-ups.

A pop-up window

Learn more

See the following other topics for quick pointers on how to find and share maps, create presentations, and more.

Quick tour of creating maps and adding content

Quick tour of finding places, coordinates, and addresses

Quick tour of queries

Quick tour of dashboards

Quick tour of communicating with features

Quick tour of presentations

Quick tour of sharing your maps
