B U S I N E S S A N A L Y S T S E R V E R 10.2 R E S T D A T A T Y P E S
This document provides summary descriptions of Business Analyst Server REST data types, including syntax and examples if applicable. Business Analyst Server REST types are listed in alphabetical order. Additional notes related to implementation and syntax may be found in the documentation of the individual endpoints.
Business type classification filter.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="BusinessTypeFilter"
Property |
Description |
Classification |
Business classification name. Type string. |
Codes |
The business type filter specifies a list of classification codes to search businesses. A business point matches the filter if its classification code starts with one of the codes specified in the filter list.
JSON Example (North American Industry Classification System filter) |
{ "Classification" : "NAICS", "Codes" : [ "55", "212111", "56291001"] } |
JSON Example (Standard Industrial Classification filter) |
{ "Classification" : "SIC", "Codes" : [ "09", "5063", "506417"] } |
See Also
Data layer.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="DataLayer"
Property |
Description |
Item |
Folder item. Type esriFolderItem. |
RecordSet |
Record set. Type RecordSet. |
StdLayer |
Standard geography layer. Type StdLayer. |
In a data layer, all properties are mutually exclusive. Only one of these properties should be specified. The Item property allows specifying a data layer stored in Business Analyst Server repository. The RecordSet property allows direct population of a data layer with fields and records. The StdLayer property refers to features of a standard geography layer.
Typically, a data layer is a Business Analyst trade area layer or a standard geography layer. Its areas are uniquely identified with an area ID field which is the "AREA_ID" field for a trade area layer and the "ID" field for a standard geography layer.
JSON Example (using esrifolderItem) |
{ "Item" : { "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "San Francisco Tutorial Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderTradeAreas", "itemName" : "Drive Time Polygons 1" } } |
JSON Example (using RecordSet) |
{ "RecordSet" : { "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolygon", "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 }, "features" : [ { "geometry" : { "rings" : [ [ [-117.07193,32.772579], [-117.23774,32.746418], [-117.232982,32.870448], [-117.07193,32.772579] ] ], "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } }, "attributes" : { "OID" : 1, "AREA_ID" : "1_1", "STORE_ID" : "1", "RING" : 1, "RING_DEFN" : "triangular_study_area", "AREA_DESC" : "area defined by three closed points" } }, { "geometry" : { "rings" : [ [ [-117.58154,33.66412], [-117.29076,33.66412], [-117.29076,33.56997], [-117.58154,33.56997], [-117.58154,33.66412] ] ], "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } }, "attributes" : { "OID" : 2, "AREA_ID" : "2_1", "STORE_ID" : "2", "RING" : 1, "RING_DEFN" : "rectangular_study_area", "AREA_DESC" : "area defined by four closed points" } } ] } } |
JSON Example (using StdLayer) |
{ "StdLayer" : { "ID" : "US.ZIP5", "GeographyIDs" : [ "19703", "19706", "19707" ] } } |
Properties of a feature to edit.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="EditFeature"
Property |
Description |
Object ID of feature to edit. Type int. |
Geometry (optional) |
Feature geometry to edit. Type Geometry. |
Attributes (optional) |
Feature attributes to edit. Type JSON Object. |
The OID property specifies Object ID of a feature to be edited. To get OIDs of features from the repository feature layer use the Open Feature Layer utility. Both Geometry and Attributes properties are optional. If defined, they specify attributes of a feature to be changed.
JSON Example |
{ "OID":1, "attributes":{"STORE_ID":"200", "RING":100, "AREA_DESC":"Changed Area"}, "geometry":{ "rings":[[ [-122.2246,38.0566476371076], [-122.150655858915,38.026739954428], [-122.137749703146,37.961714833162], [-122.196398364369,37.9151967133423], [-122.278250155425,37.9254855017619], [-122.315947479981,37.984114591287], [-122.278335196333,38.0427896412311], [-122.2246,38.0566476371076] ]], "spatialReference":{"wkid":4269} } } |
See Also
Benchmark area calculation options.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriBABenchmarkOptions"
Value |
Description |
useAverageValues |
Calculate the benchmark area using average values of areas. |
useMedianValues |
Calculate the benchmark area using median values of areas. |
useNone |
No benchmark area. |
useOneOfTheTradeAreas |
Use specified trade area as a benchmark area. |
See Also
Benchmark report fields sorting options.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriBABenchmarkSortOptions"
Value |
Description |
sortByFieldDifference |
Sort by difference between field value and benchmark field value. |
sortByFieldIndex |
Sort by field index. |
sortByFieldOnly |
Sort by field value. |
sortByFieldPercent |
Sort by percentage of field value with respect to benchmark field value. |
sortNone |
No sorting. |
See Also
Enumeration of measurement units used in tasks operating
with drive time.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriBADriveTimeUnits"
Value |
Description |
esriCentimeters |
Linear units consisting of centimeters. |
esriDecimalDegrees |
Linear units consisting of Decimal Degrees. |
esriDecimeters |
Linear units consisting of decimeters. |
esriDriveTimeUnitsHours |
Drive-time units consisting of hours. |
esriDriveTimeUnitsMinutes |
Drive-time units consisting of minutes. |
esriDriveTimeUnitsSeconds |
Drive-time units consisting of seconds. |
esriFeet |
Linear units consisting of feet. |
esriInches |
Linear units consisting of inches. |
esriKilometers |
Linear units consisting of kilometers. |
esriMeters |
Linear units consisting of meters. |
esriMiles |
Linear units consisting of miles. |
esriMillimeters |
Linear units consisting of millimeters. |
esriNauticalMiles |
Linear units consisting of nautical miles. |
esriPoints |
Linear units consisting of points. |
esriYards |
Linear units consisting of yards. |
This type extends the esriUnits Type
See Also
Report summarization options.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriBAReportSummarizationOptions"
Value |
Description |
esriBABoth |
Prepare summary report for every feature and for all features selected. |
esriBAIndividualFeatures |
Prepare summary report for every feature. |
esriBAWholeLayer |
Prepare summary report for all features selected. |
See Also
Method of search for competitors' businesses closest to your businesses.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriBusinessesSearchMethod"
Value |
Description |
esriFindClosest |
Select the given number of closest competitors. |
esriWithinRange |
Select all competitors that fall within the given distance. |
See Also
Type of filling for floor and ceiling values in Customer Profile.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriCustomerProfilingFillingType"
Value |
Description |
esriCustomerProfilingCeilingValue |
Fill ceiling values. |
esriCustomerProfilingFloorAndCeilingValues |
Fill both floor and ceiling values. |
esriCustomerProfilingFloorValue |
Fill floor values. |
See Also
Type of customer prospecting analysis.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriCustomerProspectingAnalysisType"
Value |
Description |
esriCustomerProspectingConventional |
Conventional Analysis. |
esriCustomerProspectingPCA |
Principal Component Analysis. |
See Also
• Customer Prospecting Endpoint
Distance decay area type.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriDecayAreaType"
Value |
Description |
esriDecayAreaTypeDriveTime |
Drive time decay type. |
esriDecayAreaTypeRings |
Simple ring decay type. |
See Also
Distance calculation method.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriDistanceCalcType"
Value |
Description |
esriDistanceCalcTypeDriveDistance |
Drive distance method. |
esriDistanceCalcTypeDriveTime |
Drive time method. |
esriDistanceCalcTypeStraightLine |
Straight-line distance method. |
See Also
Type of analysis for finding similar sites.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriFindSimilarAnalysisType"
Value |
Description |
esriFindSimilarAnalysisConventional |
Conventional Analysis. |
esriFindSimilarAnalysisPCA |
Principal Component Analysis. |
See Also
Parameters of Business Analyst repository item.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="esriFolderItem"
Property |
Description |
folderType |
Type of repository folder. Type esriFolderType. |
itemName |
Item name. Type string. |
projectName |
Project name. Type string. |
workspaceName |
Workspace name. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "San Francisco Tutorial Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderTradeAreas", "itemName" : "Drive Time Polygons 1" } |
See Also
• Business Analyst Server Repository
Type of Business Analyst Repository Folder.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriFolderType"
Value |
Description |
esriFolderAnalyses |
Folder containing analysis results. |
esriFolderCompetitorLayers |
Folder containing competitor's business point layers (this is currently not used). |
esriFolderCustomData |
Folder containing user's custom data. |
esriFolderCustomerLayers |
Folder containing customer layers. |
esriFolderModelingResults |
Folder containing modeling results (this is currently not used). |
esriFolderModelsCalibrations |
Folder containing models calibrations (this is currently not used). |
esriFolderProjectSubsets |
Folder containing project subsets (this is currently not used). |
esriFolderReports |
Folder containing reports. |
esriFolderSegAnalyses |
Folder containing segmentation analysis results (this is currently not used). |
esriFolderSegProfiles |
Folder containing segmentation profiles. |
esriFolderSegStudies |
Folder containing segmentation study area layers (this is currently not used). |
esriFolderSegTGs |
Folder containing segmentation target groups. |
esriFolderStoreLayers |
Folder containing store layers. |
esriFolderStudyAreas |
Folder containing study area layers (this is currently not used). |
esriFolderTradeAreas |
Folder containing trade area layers. |
See Also
• Business Analyst Server Repository
Type of hull to be created around stores.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriHullType"
Value |
Description |
Complex |
Complex (Amoeba) hull that joins extreme points using elliptical arcs. |
Detailed |
Detailed hull that joins extreme points with straight lines. |
Simple |
Simple (convex) hull. |
Spline |
Detailed hull that joins extreme points with with a smoothed curve using cubic splines. |
See Also
• Customer Derived Areas Endpoint
Configuration options for rendering repository layer on a map.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="esriLayerItem"
Property |
Description |
LayerItem |
Repository layer item. Type esriFolderItem. |
LayerTransparency (optional) |
Layer transparency in percents. Type short. Default: 50. |
LayerName (optional) |
Layer name. It is used in Add Layers to Map utility in order to specify a name of the layer to be added to the default map. If this parameter is missing, the LayerItem.ItemName property value is used as a name of the layer. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "LayerItem" : { "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "San Francisco Tutorial Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderTradeAreas", "itemName" : "Drive Time Polygons 1" }, "LayerTransparency" : 30 } |
NOTE: Since Business Analyst Server 10.0, the syntax of LayerItem property of this type is corrected to match to its definition. An old incorrect syntax is deprecated.
See Also
Method of selection of a center point of a trade area.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriOverlapRemoverCenterMethod"
Value |
Description |
esriOverlapRemoverCenterMethodUseCentroid |
Use the trade area centroid. |
esriOverlapRemoverCenterMethodUseStoreLayer |
Use store location from associated store layer. |
See Also
Method of overlap removal.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriOverlapRemoverOverlapMethod"
Value |
Description |
esriOverlapRemoverOverlapMethodGrid |
Use the grid method. |
esriOverlapRemoverOverlapMethodThiessen |
Use the Thiessen Polygons method. |
See Also
Method of calculation of area weights in the grid overlap removal method.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriOverlapRemoverWeightMethod"
Value |
Description |
esriOverlapRemoverWeightMethodEqualWeights |
Use equal weights. |
esriOverlapRemoverWeightMethodUseArea |
Use areas as weights. |
esriOverlapRemoverWeightMethodUseWeightField |
Use a weight field. |
See Also
Report orientation.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriReportOrientation"
Value |
Description |
esriReportOrientationLandscape |
Landscape orientation. |
esriReportOrientationPortrait |
Portrait orientation. |
See Also
• Points in Polygon Report Endpoint
Enumeration of spatial relationship options used in Business Analyst Server REST.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriSpatialRelEnum"
Value |
Description |
esriSpatialRelUndefined |
The spatial relationship is not defined at the time of analysis. |
esriSpatialRelIntersects |
All spatial relationships are considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects |
Intersection of the feature envelopes is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects |
Intersection of the features using the underlying feature indices is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelTouches |
Intersection of the features by common boundaries is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelOverlaps |
Intersection of the features by overlap is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelCrosses |
Intersection of the features by overlap where the interiors of the features are not empty and have a lower dimension than the maximum dimension of both features is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelWithin |
Intersection of the features by overlap where the feature wholly contains the "search" feature is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelContains |
Intersection of the features by overlap where the feature is wholly contained within the "search" feature is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. |
esriSpatialRelRelation |
Intersection of the features by a custom spatial relationship is the only spatial relationship considered in the analysis. This option is currently not supported by Business Analyst Server REST. |
For more detailed information regarding the spatial relationship options, see this link.
See Also
• Standard Geographies from Extent Endpoint
• Standard Geographies List Endpoint
Method of aggregation data in rows having identic geography ID.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriStdGeographyType"
Value |
Description |
esriStdGeographyTypeFirst |
Use data from the first row. |
esriStdGeographyTypeSummarize |
Summarize data in all rows having identic geography ID. |
See Also
• Standard Levels of Geography Endpoint
Enumeration of linear measurement units used in Business Analyst Server REST.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="esriUnits"
Value |
Description |
esriCentimeters |
Linear units consisting of centimeters. |
esriDecimalDegrees |
Linear units consisting of Decimal Degrees. |
esriDecimeters |
Linear units consisting of decimeters. |
esriFeet |
Linear units consisting of feet. |
esriInches |
Linear units consisting of inches. |
esriKilometers |
Linear units consisting of kilometers. |
esriMeters |
Linear units consisting of meters. |
esriMiles |
Linear units consisting of miles. |
esriMillimeters |
Linear units consisting of millimeters. |
esriNauticalMiles |
Linear units consisting of nautical miles. |
esriPoints |
Linear units consisting of points. |
esriYards |
Linear units consisting of yards. |
Coordinates of extent rectangle.
Availability: Business Analyst
Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="ExtentCoordinates"
Property |
Description |
SpatialReference |
The spatial reference associated with this extent. Type SpatialReference. |
XMax |
Maximum value of longitude. Type double. |
XMin |
Minimum value of longitude. Type double. |
YMax |
Maximum value of latitude. Type double. |
YMin |
Minimum value of latitude. Type double. |
JSON Example |
{ "XMin": -84.020313, "XMax": -82.457595, "YMin": 41.983507, "YMax": 41.983507, "SpatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } } |
NOTE: For a list of valid WKID values, see Projected Coordinate Systems and Geographic Coordinate Systems.
See Also
Extent data.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="ExtentData"
Property |
Description |
Coordinates |
Extent coordinates. Type ExtentCoordinates. |
Extent |
Extent geometry. Type Geometry. |
Either Coordinates or Extent property should be specified and another must be omitted. The Coordinates property allows direct specification of the extent rectangle. The Extent property specifies the extent by a geometry.
JSON Example (using ExtentCoordinates) |
{ "Coordinates" : { "XMin" : -84.020313, "XMax" : -82.457595, "YMin" : 41.983507, "YMax" : 41.983507, "SpatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } } } |
{ "Extent" : { "rings" : [ [ [-82.457595,41.983507], [-82.457595,42.885916], [-83.733139,43.240413], [-84.949773,42.940422], [-84.943043,42.554298], [-84.020313,41.983507], [-82.457595,41.983507] ] ], "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } } } |
{ "Extent" : { "xmin" : -84.020313, "ymin" : 41.983507, "xmax" : -82.457595, "ymax" : 42.885916, "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } } } |
NOTE: For a list of valid WKID values, see Projected Coordinate Systems and Geographic Coordinate Systems.
Address information for geocoding.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="GeocodeAddressesData"
Property |
Description |
Addresses |
Array of address records. Type array of GeocodeAddressRecord. |
LocatorFieldsNames |
JSON Example |
{ "Addresses" : [ { "Description" : "Redlands Office", "Name" : "store1", "StoreID" : "1", "LocatorFieldsValues" : [ "380 New York St.", "Redlands", "CA", "92373" ] }, { "Description" : "La Jolla Office", "Name" : "store2", "StoreID" : "2", "LocatorFieldsValues" : [ "3252 Holiday Court", "La Jolla", "CA", "92037" ] } ], "LocatorFieldsNames" : [ "ADDRESS", "CITY", "STATE", "ZIP" ] } |
See Also
Address record for geocoding.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="GeocodeAddressRecord"
Property |
Description |
Description |
Record description. Type string. |
LocatorFieldsValues |
Name |
Record name. Type string. |
StoreID |
Store ID. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "Description" : "Redlands Office", "Name" : "store1", "StoreID" : "1", "LocatorFieldsValues" : [ "380 New York St.", "Redlands", "CA", "92373" ] } |
NOTE: Locator fields values in this example correspond to the "ADDRESS", "CITY", "STATE", and "ZIP" names of the geocoding fields, respectively.
See Also
Address information for geocoding.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="GeocodeData"
Property |
Description |
Table |
Data table. Type TableData. |
Fields (optional) |
Array of table fields linked with geocode fields. Type array of GeocodeField. |
The Fields property specifies what names of table fields will be used for address geocoding. If this property is omitted, a geocoder uses names of table fields matching with names of geocode fields.
JSON Example (using TableData with GeocodeAddressesData) |
{ "Table" : { "AddressesData" : { "Addresses" : [ { "Description" : "Redlands Office", "Name" : "store1", "StoreID" : "1", "LocatorFieldsValues" : [ "380 New York St.", "Redlands", "CA", "92373" ] }, { "Description" : "La Jolla Office", "Name" : "store2", "StoreID" : "2", "LocatorFieldsValues" : [ "3252 Holiday Court", "La Jolla", "CA", "92037" ] } ], "LocatorFieldsNames" : [ "ADDRESS", "CITY", "STATE", "ZIP" ] } } } |
{ "Table" : { "RecordSet" : { "Features" : [ { "geometry" : { }, "attributes" : { "Description" : "Redlands Office", "Name" : "store1", "StoreID" : "1", "ADDRESS" : "380 New York St.", "CITY" : "Redlands", "STATE" : "CA", "ZIP-5" : "92373" } }, { "geometry" : { }, "attributes" : { "Description" : "La Jolla Office", "Name" : "store2", "StoreID" : "2", "ADDRESS" : "3252 Holiday Court", "CITY" : "La Jolla", "STATE" : "CA", "ZIP-5" : "92037" } } ] } }, "Fields" : [ { "GeocodeField" : "ADDRESS", "TableField" : "ADDRESS" }, { "GeocodeField" : "CITY", "TableField" : "CITY" }, { "GeocodeField" : "STATE", "TableField" : "STATE" }, { "GeocodeField" : "ZIP", "TableField" : "ZIP-5" } ] } |
JSON Example (using TableData with esriFolderItem) |
{ "Table" : { "Item" : { "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "Default Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderCustomData", "itemName" : "customers" } } } |
JSON Example (using TableData with URL) |
{ "Table" : { "URL" : "http://localhost/arcgisoutput/customers.xls" } } |
See Also
• Customer/Store Setup by Geocode Table Endpoint
This type links a geocode field with a table field.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="GeocodeField"
Property |
Description |
GeocodeField |
Name of geocode field. Type string. |
TableField |
Name of table field. Type string. |
Use "ADDRESS", "CITY", "STATE", and "ZIP" values for names of geocode fields.
JSON Example |
{ "GeocodeField" : "ADDRESS", "TableField" : "MyAddress" } |
See Also
A pair of ID and Name properties.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="IDNamePair"
Property |
Description |
ID |
Item ID. Type string. |
Name |
Item name. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "ID" : "US.WholeUSA", "Name" : "Whole USA" } |
See Also
• Get Segmentation Levels Endpoint
• Get Standard Geography Levels Endpoint
• Standard Geographies List Endpoint
A pair of Key and Value properties.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="KeyValue"
Property |
Description |
Key |
Item key. Type string. |
Value |
Item value. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "Key" : "subtitle", "Value" : "Custom Report Title" } |
See Also
• Set Project Properties Endpoint
Enumeration of message types.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="MessageType"
Value |
Description |
Error |
Error message type. |
Info |
Information message type. |
Success |
Successful message type. |
Warning |
Warning message type. |
See Also
Geographic layer consisting of point features.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="PointLayer" base="DataLayer"
Property |
Description |
Points |
Array of points. Type array of PointRecord. |
SpatialReference |
The spatial reference associated with points of this layer. Type SpatialReference. |
Item |
Folder item. Type esriFolderItem. Available with Business Analyst Server. Inherited from DataLayer. |
RecordSet |
StdLayer |
Standard geography layer. Type StdLayer. Inherited from DataLayer. |
A point layer can be defined as a data layer by specifying either Item or RecordSet property or as a layer consisting of point records.
In the last case, the Points property should be specified and a spatial reference can be assigned to the SpatialReference property, but other properties must be omitted. The default coordinate system in this case is GCS_WGS_1984 (WKID 4326).
NOTE: Since available standard geography levels have a polygon geometry, the StdLayer property is useless in a point layer.
JSON Example (using array of PointRecord) |
{ "Points" : [ { "longitude" : -122.434615, "latitude" : 37.784298, "name" : "store1", "description" : "First store", "storeID" : "1" }, { "longitude" : -122.432871, "latitude" : 37.733342, "name" : "store2", "description" : "Second store", "storeID" : "2" } ], "SpatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } } |
JSON Example (using esrifolderItem) |
{ "Item" : { "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "Default Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderCustomerLayers", "itemName" : "Customers" } } |
JSON Example (using RecordSet) |
{ "RecordSet" : { "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint", "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 }, "features" : [ { "geometry" : { "x" : -117.194152, "y" : 34.057165, "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } }, "attributes" : { "STORE_ID" : "1", "NAME" : "store1", "DESCR" : "Redlands Office" } }, { "geometry" : { "x" : -117.232605, "y" : 32.870896, "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } }, "attributes" : { "STORE_ID" : "2", "NAME" : "store2", "DESCR" : "La Jolla Office" } } ] } } |
NOTE: The features must be of type esriGeometryPoint.
Properties of a geographic point.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="PointRecord"
Property |
Description |
Description (optional) |
Point description string. It is stored in the "DESCR" field. Type string. |
Latitude |
Latitude coordinate. It is stored in the "Latitude" field. Type double. |
Longitude |
Longitude coordinate. It is stored in the "Longitude" field. Type double. |
Name (optional) |
Point name. It is stored in the "NAME" field. Type string. |
StoreID |
ID of store associated with this point or ID of this point if this is the store point. It is stored in the "STORE_ID" field. Type string. |
StoreAddress |
Store address associated with this point. It is stored in the "STORE_ADDR" field. Type string. |
The StoreAddress parameter value is used in summary reports created with trade area tasks such as Simple Rings, Drive Time, etc.
JSON Example |
{ "Longitude" : -122.434615, "Latitude" : 37.784298, "StoreID" : "1", "Name" : "store1", "Description" : "First store", "StoreAddress" : "Some store address" } |
See Also
• Customer/Store Setup by Coordinates Endpoint
• Customer Derived Areas Endpoint
Tapestry segmentation profile data.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="ProfileData"
Property |
Description |
Description |
Profile description. Type string. |
Item |
Profile item. Type esriFolderItem. |
Segmentation profile specifies parameters for 65 clusters of Esri Data-Tapestry Segmentation. You can specify the segmentation profile either as an XML string using the Description property or as a profile item of the Business Analyst repository using the Item property. In the repository, segmentation profiles are usually stored in the special folder for segmentation profiles of the esriFolderSegProfiles type.
JSON Example (using esriFolderItem) |
{ "Item" : { "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "Default Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderSegProfiles", "itemName" : "MySegmentationProfile" } } |
JSON Example (using XML string) |
{ "Description" : "<ProfileData>...</ProfileData>" } |
NOTE: The profile XML string value has been abbreviated where "..." is noted. An example of full segmentation profile XML is shown below.
San Francisco Tapestry Segmentation Profile Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ProfileData> <Cluster ID="1" Name="Top Rung" Count="10181" Weight="1.5145316793137971" VolumeInfo="10181" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="2" Name="Suburban Splendor" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="3" Name="Connoisseurs" Count="6721" Weight="0.99981999967272661" VolumeInfo="6721" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="4" Name="Boomburbs" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="5" Name="Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs" Count="1550" Weight="0.23057893163111534" VolumeInfo="1550" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="6" Name="Sophisticated Squires" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="7" Name="Exurbanites" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="8" Name="Laptops and Lattes" Count="191874" Weight="28.543291566315244" VolumeInfo="191874" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="9" Name="Urban Chic" Count="33822" Weight="5.03138104879199" VolumeInfo="33822" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="10" Name="Pleasant-Ville" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="11" Name="Pacific Heights" Count="180317" Weight="26.824065299953435" VolumeInfo="180317" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="12" Name="Up and Coming Families" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="13" Name="In Style" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="14" Name="Prosperous Empty Nesters" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="15" Name="Silver and Gold" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="16" Name="Enterprising Professionals" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="17" Name="Green Acres" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="18" Name="Cozy and Comfortable" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="19" Name="Milk and Cookies" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="20" Name="City Lights" Count="3796" Weight="0.56469524159465412" VolumeInfo="3796" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="21" Name="Urban Villages" Count="1573" Weight="0.23400042545531902" VolumeInfo="1573" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="22" Name="Metropolitans" Count="3487" Weight="0.51872821586948337" VolumeInfo="3487" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="23" Name="Trendsetters" Count="93386" Weight="13.892157489873123" VolumeInfo="93386" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="24" Name="Main Street, USA" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="25" Name="Salt of the Earth" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="26" Name="Midland Crowd" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="27" Name="Metro Renters" Count="54502" Weight="8.1077502785542244" VolumeInfo="54502" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="28" Name="Aspiring Young Families" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="29" Name="Rustbelt Retirees" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="30" Name="Retirement Communities" Count="5223" Weight="0.77697661929633255" VolumeInfo="5223" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="31" Name="Rural Resort Dwellers" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="32" Name="Rustbelt Traditions" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="33" Name="Midlife Junction" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="34" Name="Family Foundations" Count="702" Weight="0.10442994193873741" VolumeInfo="702" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="35" Name="International Marketplace" Count="6955" Weight="1.0346299803189725" VolumeInfo="6955" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="36" Name="Old and Newcomers" Count="1285" Weight="0.19115737235224725" VolumeInfo="1285" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="37" Name="Prairie Living" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="38" Name="Industrious Urban Fringe" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="39" Name="Young and Restless" Count="1218" Weight="0.18119041208174097" VolumeInfo="1218" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="40" Name="Military Proximity" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="41" Name="Crossroads" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="42" Name="Southern Satellites" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="43" Name="The Elders" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="44" Name="Urban Melting Pot" Count="23184" Weight="3.4488657747972766" VolumeInfo="23184" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="45" Name="City Strivers" Count="5212" Weight="0.77534025268475693" VolumeInfo="5212" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="46" Name="Rooted Rural" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="47" Name="Las Casas" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="48" Name="Great Expectations" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="49" Name="Senior Sun Seekers" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="50" Name="Heartland Communities" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="51" Name="Metro City Edge" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="52" Name="Inner City Tenants" Count="646" Weight="0.09609934827980679" VolumeInfo="646" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="53" Name="Home Town" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="54" Name="Urban Rows" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="55" Name="College Towns" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="56" Name="Rural Bypasses" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="57" Name="Simple Living" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="58" Name="NeWest Residents" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="59" Name="Southwestern Families" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="60" Name="City Dimensions" Count="0" Weight="0" VolumeInfo="0" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="61" Name="High Rise Renters" Count="3660" Weight="0.54446379985153692" VolumeInfo="3660" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="62" Name="Modest Income Homes" Count="439" Weight="0.065305903861973963" VolumeInfo="439" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="63" Name="Dorms to Diplomas" Count="3062" Weight="0.45550496042224209" VolumeInfo="3062" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="64" Name="City Commons" Count="4384" Weight="0.65216647501342573" VolumeInfo="4384" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="65" Name="Social Security Set" Count="34848" Weight="5.1840094254716824" VolumeInfo="34848" TargetID="1" /> <Cluster ID="66" Name="Unclassified" Count="194" Weight="0.0288595566041525" VolumeInfo="194" TargetID="1" /> </ProfileData>
Feature record specified by address parameters.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="RecordSetByAddress"
Property |
Description |
Address |
Postal address field. Type string. |
City |
City field. Type string. |
CustomerID |
Customer ID field. Type string. |
Description |
Description field. Type string. |
Name |
Name field. Type string. |
State |
State field. Type string. |
StoreID |
Store ID field. Type string. |
ZIP code field. Type string. |
JSON Example (store record) |
{ "StoreID" : "1", "Name" : "pizza1", "Description" : "Rush Street Store", "Address" : "730 N. Rush St.", "City" : "Chicago", "State" : "IL", "ZIP" : "60611" } |
JSON Example (customer record) |
{ "CustomerID" : "1", "StoreID" : "5", "Name" : "customer1", "Description" : "Ocean Beach Customer", "Address" : "5080 Newport Ave.", "City" : "San Diego", "State" : "CA", "ZIP" : "92107" } |
See Also
• Create Record Set by Addresses Endpoint
Parameters of rendering a task output as an image.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="RenderingParameters"
Property |
Description |
ImageDescription (optional) |
Specifies settings of the image to be generated. Type ImageDescription. |
MapDescription (optional) |
Specifies settings of a map of the current document. Type string. |
ZoomToLayer |
Specifies either zoom the map to image before rendering or not. Type boolean. |
The MapDescription property contains XML description of a map serialized to a string. See GetDefaultMapDescription Samples for details.
If the ImageDescription property is absent, the default values will be used. If the MapDescription property is absent, the default map will be used for rendering.
If ZoomToLayer property value is true, the map will zoom to the layer before rendering and the whole layer will be rendered to image. Otherwise, the current extent of the map will be drawn with the layer on it. It is recommended to set this option to true value.
JSON Example |
{ "ImageDescription" : { "ImageDisplay" : { "ImageDPI" : 1000, "ImageHeight" : 100, "ImageWidth" : 100 }, "ImageType" : { "ImageFormat" : "esriImageJPG", "ImageReturnType" : "esriImageReturnURL" } }, "ZoomToLayer" : true } |
Properties of a generated report.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="ReportInfo"
Property |
Description |
ReportFormat |
Format in which the report was generated. Type string. |
ReportURL |
URL to generated report. Type string. Available with Business Analyst Server 9.3.1 and Business Analyst Online 9.3.1. |
TemplateName |
Name of template the report was generated by. Type string. |
In Business Analyst Server, this data type is supported for XML output format only. See TaskResultOutput type for details.
JSON Example |
{ "ReportFormat": "PDF", "ReportURL": "http://localhost/arcgisoutput/_ags_T40BCACAF04FF28304944789C59B71.pdf", "TemplateName": "Benchmark Report" } |
See Also
Options of a report to be generated.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="ReportOptions"
Property |
Description |
AreaTitleField (optional) |
Area description attribute field name
in a boundary layer used as a source for summary report. Type
string. Available
with Business Analyst Server 10.0 and Business Analyst Online
10.0. |
LocationNameField (optional) |
Location attribute field name
in a boundary layer used as a source for summary report. Type
string. Available
with Business Analyst Server 10.0 and Business Analyst Online
10.0. |
ReportFormat |
Required format of report. Type string. |
ReportHeader (optional) |
Array of key/value pairs specifying header properties to be customized. Type array of KeyValue. |
StoreAddressField (optional) |
Store address attribute field name
in a boundary layer used as a source for summary report. Type
string. Available
with Business Analyst Server 10.0 and Business Analyst Online
10.0. |
StoreLatitudeField (optional) |
Store latitude attribute field name
in a boundary layer used as a source for summary report. Type
string. Available
with Business Analyst Server 10.0 and Business Analyst Online
10.0. |
StoreLongitudeField (optional) |
Store longitude attribute field name
in a boundary layer used as a source for summary report. Type
string. Available
with Business Analyst Server 10.0 and Business Analyst Online
10.0. |
TemplateName |
Report template name. Type string. |
The TemplateName property is used in summary reports only. This property is ignored in standard reports. Use the Get Report Templates lookup operation to query available summary report templates with available formats and header options.
The following report formats are now supported.
Format Name |
Description |
Comma separated values format. |
HTML format. |
PDF format. |
Simplified XML format. |
Excel 2007 format. |
XML format. |
Zipped HTML format. |
The S.XML format is the simplified version of the XML format in which all simple nodes having a unique tag relative to its parent are replaced with corresponding attributes of the parent. Additionally, text fields associated with data in the report template are attached to data fields as decriptions.
Since Business Analyst 10.0, five new parameters are available with this type. They specify a binding of source boundary layer fields with report header fields of summary reports. Their default values are tuned for using with summary reports to be generated with tasks producing trade areas:
Trade Area Task |
Default Binding |
AreaTitleField, StoreAddressField, StoreLatitudeField, StoreLongitudeField |
AreaTitleField, StoreAddressField, StoreLatitudeField, StoreLongitudeField |
— |
— |
AreaTitleField, StoreAddressField, StoreLatitudeField, StoreLongitudeField |
AreaTitleField, StoreAddressField |
AreaTitleField, StoreAddressField, StoreLatitudeField, StoreLongitudeField |
The ReportHeader array specifies additional options to customize headers of reports. The "subtitle" header option allows the user to customize the subtitle in all reports with a subtitle. Other header options allow the user to customize header values in summary reports only. The following custom header options can be specified for summary reports.
Header Option |
Description |
"address" |
Store address text. |
"areadesc2" |
Area description text. |
"binarylogo" |
Custom logo graphic specified as MIME64 string. |
"latitude" |
Store latitude text. |
"locationname" |
Custom location name. |
"logo" |
Custom logo graphic specified as a complete URL reference. |
"longitude" |
Store longitude text. |
"reportstyle" |
Style to get the report in. Available styles are "Screen" and "Paper". |
JSON Example |
{ "ReportFormat" : "PDF", "TemplateName" : "Demographic and Income Report", "ReportHeader" : [ { "key" : "reportstyle", "value" : "Paper" } ] } |
Properties of a report template.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="ReportTemplateInfo"
Property |
Description |
Category |
Category of the report template. Type string. |
Formats |
Array of available formats for this report template. Type array of string. |
Headers |
Array of available custom header options for this report template. Type array of string. |
Name |
Template name. Type string. |
Title |
Template title. Type string. |
When referencing or listing a report as a parameter, the Name property value is used.
JSON Example |
{ "Category" : "Summary Reports", "Name" : "Age by Income Profile", "Title" : "Age by Income Profile", "Formats" : [ "PDF", "HTML", "ZIP", "CSV", "S.XML", "XLSX", "XML" ], "Headers" : [ "locationname", "address", "latitude", "areadesc2", "longitude", "reportstyle", "binarylogo", "logo" ] } |
See Also
• Get Report Templates Endpoint
Segment information properties.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="SegmentInfo"
Property |
Description |
Alias |
Segment alias name. Type string. |
ID |
Segment ID. Type string. |
Name |
Segment name. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "Alias" : "Top Rung", "ID" : "1", "Name" : "Top Rung" } |
See Also
Spatial/geographic filter restricting businesses search.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="SpatialFilter"
Property |
Description |
AnalysisExtent |
Spatial/geographic extent to filter search results. Type ExtentData. |
Boundaries |
Data layer with the polygon geometry to filter search results. Type DataLayer. |
Locations |
List of business locations to filter search results. Type array of string. |
In a spatial filter, all properties are mutually exclusive. Only one of these properties should be specified. The AnalysisExtent property allows restricting the search with a polygon or envelope geometry. The Boundaries property allows restricting the search with the polygon data layer geometry. The Locations property specifies a list of business locations to search.
Every business location is specified as a string containing comma-separated list of geography location names from top to bottom. For example, a business location at Redding, California, 96002 should be specified as "CA,Redding,96002". Allowable location names can be retrieved with the SelectLocations endpoint.
JSON Example (using ExtentData) |
{ "AnalysisExtent" : { "Extent" : { "xmin" : -84.020313, "ymin" : 41.983507, "xmax" : -82.457595, "ymax" : 42.885916, "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } } } } |
JSON Example (using DataLayer) |
{ "Boundaries" : { "RecordSet" : { "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolygon", "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 }, "features" : [ { "geometry" : { "rings" : [ [ [-117.07193,32.772579], [-117.23774,32.746418], [-117.232982,32.870448], [-117.07193,32.772579] ] ], "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } }, "attributes" : { "OID" : 1, "AREA_ID" : "1_1", "STORE_ID" : "1", "RING" : 1, "RING_DEFN" : "triangular_study_area", "AREA_DESC" : "area defined by three closed points" } }, { "geometry" : { "rings" : [ [ [-117.58154,33.66412], [-117.29076,33.66412], [-117.29076,33.56997], [-117.58154,33.56997], [-117.58154,33.66412] ] ], "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326 } }, "attributes" : { "OID" : 2, "AREA_ID" : "2_1", "STORE_ID" : "2", "RING" : 1, "RING_DEFN" : "rectangular_study_area", "AREA_DESC" : "area defined by four closed points" } } ] } } } |
JSON Example (using list of business locations) |
{ "Locations" : [ "CA,REDDING,96002", "CA,Red Mountain,93558" ] } |
See Also
List of IDs of features to be imported from a standard geography level.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="StdGeographiesFeaturesInLevel"
Property |
Description |
Detalization (optional) |
Depth of geography level of this feature in the geography levels tree. Type int. |
FeatureID |
LevelID |
Standard geography level ID. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "LevelID" : "US.Counties", "FeatureID" : [ "01021", "01045", "01121" ] } |
See Also
• Create Standard Geographies Endpoint
Properties of a standard geographies features.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="StdGeographiesReturnedFeature"
Property |
Description |
ID |
Feature ID. Type string. |
Name |
Feature name. Type string. |
StateName (optional) |
State name. Type string. |
StateAbbrev (optional) |
State abbreviation. Type string. |
Since Business Analyst Server 10.0, this type is compatible with the IDNamePair type—its FeatureID and FeatureName properties are renamed with ID and Name, respectively. The StateName and StateAbbrev properties are optional. They are returned with Standard Geographies by Attributes endpoint.
JSON Example |
{ "ID":"06059", "Name":"Orange County", "StateName":"California", "StateAbbrev":"CA" } |
See Also
• Return Standard Geography Endpoint
• Standard Geographies by Attributes Endpoint
• Standard Geographies from Extent Endpoint
• Standard Geographies from Tree Endpoint
Standard geography layer.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="StdLayer"
Property |
Description |
GeographyIDs |
Array of IDs of features requested from the geography level. If this object is null, all features from geography level are requested. This array could be composed from values of StdGeographiesReturnedFeature.ID property. Type array of string. Available with Business Analyst Online and Business Analyst Server. |
ID |
ID of a standard geography level. The list of available geography levels could be retrieved with Get Standard Geography Levels endpoint. Type string. |
Query |
Query string. Type string. |
Since Business Analyst Server 9.3.1 SP1, a possibility to join geography features into one combined feature is added. To do this, specify a comma-separated list of feature IDs in an item of the GeographyIDs array. Combined features are useful in Benchmark Report and in Summary Reports. The same feature ID can appear in a number of combined features simultaneously.
JSON Example (using GeographyIDs property) |
{ "ID" : "US.ZIP5", "GeographyIDs" : [ "19703", "19706", "19707" ] } |
JSON Example (creating combined features) |
{ "ID" : "US.ZIP5", "GeographyIDs" : [ "19703,19706", "19706", "19706,19707,19708" ] } |
JSON Example (using Query property)
{ "ID":"US.ZIP5", "Query" : "ID IN ('19703', '19706', '19707', '19708', '19709', '19710', '19711', '19712', '19714')" }
See Also
Properties of a summarization variable.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="SummarizationInfo"
Property |
Description |
Alias |
Variable alias name. Type string. |
AvgBase (optional) |
Field name for the denominator that is used to help calculate the average value of this variable for the total value. The AvgBase and Percentage properties are mutually exclusive. Type string. |
Category |
Variable category. Type string. |
Decimals (optional) |
The number of decimal places after the decimal point for this variable. Missing property means zero number of decimal places. Type int. |
Groups (optional) |
Collection of groups this variable belongs to. Type array array string. |
IndexBase (optional) |
Value of this variable for the whole country for the year. If the AvgBase or Percentage property specifies a denominator variable, the IndexBase property specifies a ratio of this variable with respect to the denominator variable for the whole country for the year. Type double. |
Keywords (optional) |
Keywords associated with the variable. Type array array string. Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP2. |
LongDescription |
Variable long description. Type string. |
Name |
Variable name. Type string. |
Percentage (optional) |
Field name for the denominator that is used to help calculate the percentage for this variable. The AvgBase and Percentage properties are mutually exclusive. Type string. |
Units |
Variable units. Available units are "count" (variable without units), "pct" (variable with percentage units), "currency" (variable with currency units), and "other" (nonnumeric variable). Type string. |
Vintage (optional) |
The year or the range of years the variable belongs to. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "Name":"TOTPOP_CY", "Alias":"2010 Total Population", "Category":"2010 Key Demographic Indicators", "LongDescription":"2010 Total Population", "Decimals":0, "Units":"count", "Vintage":"2010", "Groups": [ "2010/2015 Demographics (Esri)" ] } |
See Also
Tabular data.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="TableData"
Property |
Description |
AddressesData |
Address data for geocoding. Type GeocodeAddressesData. |
Item |
Folder item. Type esriFolderItem. |
RecordSet |
Record set. Type RecordSet. |
URL to an external table. Type string. |
In a data table, all properties are mutually exclusive. One of these properties should be specified and others must be omitted. The AddressesData property allows specifying geocoding data table directly as an array of address records. The Item property allows specifying a data table stored in Business Analyst Server repository. The RecordSet property allows direct population of a data table with fields and records. The URL property refers to an external table.
JSON Example (using GeocodeAddressesData) |
{ "AddressesData" : { "Addresses" : [ { "Description" : "Redlands Office", "Name" : "store1", "StoreID" : "1", "LocatorFieldsValues" : [ "380 New York St.", "Redlands", "CA", "92373" ] }, { "Description" : "La Jolla Office", "Name" : "store2", "StoreID" : "2", "LocatorFieldsValues" : [ "3252 Holiday Court", "La Jolla", "CA", "92037" ] } ], "LocatorFieldsNames" : [ "ADDRESS", "CITY", "STATE", "ZIP" ] } } |
JSON Example (using RecordSet) |
{ "RecordSet" : { "Features" : [ { "geometry" : { }, "attributes" : { "Description" : "Redlands Office", "Name" : "store1", "StoreID" : "1", "ADDRESS" : "380 New York St.", "CITY" : "Redlands", "STATE" : "CA", "ZIP" : "92373" } }, { "geometry" : { }, "attributes" : { "Description" : "La Jolla Office", "Name" : "store2", "StoreID" : "2", "ADDRESS" : "3252 Holiday Court", "CITY" : "La Jolla", "STATE" : "CA", "ZIP" : "92037" } } ] } } |
JSON Example (using esriFolderItem) |
{ "Item" : { "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "Default Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderCustomData", "itemName" : "customers" } } |
JSON Example (using URL property) |
{ "URL" : "http://localhost/arcgisoutput/customers.xls" } |
See Also
• Customer/Store Setup by Geocode Table Endpoint
An item of a target group.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="Target"
Property |
Description |
Name |
Group name. Type string. |
Values |
Comma delimited list of segments belonging to the given target. Type string. |
Since Business Analyst Server 9.3.1 SP1, the REST specification for this type is made compatible with the SOAP specification. The old syntax is also supported.
JSON Example (new syntax) |
{ "Name" : "Core", "Values" : "1,2,3" } |
JSON Example (old syntax) |
{ "Core" : [ "1", "2", "3" ] } |
See Also
Tapestry segmentation target group data.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="TargetGroupData"
Property |
Description |
Description |
Target group description. Type string. |
Item |
Target group item. Type esriFolderItem. |
Target group data classifies 65 clusters of Esri Data-Tapestry Segmentation into targets. You can specify the target group either as an XML string using the Description property or as a target group item of the Business Analyst repository using the Item property. In the repository, target groups are usually stored in the special folder for target groups of the esriFolderSegTGs type.
JSON Example (using esriFolderItem) |
{ "Item" : { "WorkspaceName" : "Default Workspace", "ProjectName" : "San Francisco Tutorial Project", "folderType" : "esriFolderSegTGs", "itemName" : "Lifemodes" } } |
JSON Example (using XML string) |
{ "Description" : "<TargetGroupData>...</TargetGroupData>" } |
NOTE: The target group XML string value has been abbreviated where "..." is noted. An example of full target group XML is shown below.
Lifemodes Target Group Example |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <TargetGroupData> <TargetGroup name="Lifemodes"> <Comments>Standard target group</Comments> </TargetGroup> <Target name="L1. High Society"> <Cluster code="1" name=""/> <Cluster code="2" name=""/> <Cluster code="3" name=""/> <Cluster code="4" name=""/> <Cluster code="5" name=""/> <Cluster code="6" name=""/> <Cluster code="7" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L2. Upscale Avenues"> <Cluster code="9" name=""/> <Cluster code="10" name=""/> <Cluster code="11" name=""/> <Cluster code="13" name=""/> <Cluster code="16" name=""/> <Cluster code="17" name=""/> <Cluster code="18" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L3. Metropolis"> <Cluster code="20" name=""/> <Cluster code="22" name=""/> <Cluster code="45" name=""/> <Cluster code="51" name=""/> <Cluster code="54" name=""/> <Cluster code="62" nam e=""/> </Target> <Target name="L4. Solo Acts"> <Cluster code="8" name=""/> <Cluster code="23" name=""/> <Cluster code="27" name=""/> <Cluster code="36" name=""/> <Cluster code="39" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L5. Senior Styles"> <Cluster code="14" name=""/> <Cluster code="15" name=""/> <Cluster code="29" name=""/> <Cluster code="30" name=""/> <Cluster code="43" name=""/> <Cluster code="49" name=""/> <Cluster code="50" name=""/> <Cluster code="57" name=""/> <Cluster code="65" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L6. Scholars & Patriots"> <Cluster code="40" name=""/> <Cluster code="55" name=""/> <Cluster code="63" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L7. High Hopes"> <Cluster code="28" name=""/> <Cluster code="48" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L8. Global Roots"> <Cluster code="35" name=""/> <Cluster code="38" name=""/> <Cluster code="44" name=""/> <Cluster code="47" name=""/> <Cluster code="52" name=""/> <Cluster code="58" name=""/> <Cluster code="60" name=""/> <Cluster code="61" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L9. Family Portrait"> <Cluster code="12" name=""/> <Cluster code="19" name=""/> <Cluster code="21" name=""/> <Cluster code="59" name=""/> <Cluster code="64" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L10. Traditional Living"> <Cluster code="24" name=""/> <Cluster code="32" name=""/> <Cluster code="33" name=""/> <Cluster code="34" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L11. Factories & Farms"> <Cluster code="25" name=""/> <Cluster code="37" name=""/> <Cluster code="42" name=""/> <Cluster code="53" name=""/> <Cluster code="56" name=""/> </Target> <Target name="L12. American Quilt"> <Cluster code="26" name=""/> <Cluster code="31" name=""/> <Cluster code="41" name=""/> <Cluster code="46" name=""/> </Target> </TargetGroupData> |
Message occurred during a task execution.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="TaskMessage"
Property |
Description |
messageString |
The message text. Type string. |
messageType |
The message type. Type MessageType. |
JSON Example |
{ "messageType" : "Success", "messageString" : "OK" } |
See Also
Enumeration of task output options.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:simpleType name="TaskOutputType"
Value |
Description |
GetFeatureClass |
Specifies the output feature layer generation option. |
GetMapImage |
Specifies the output image generation option. |
GetReport |
Specifies the output reports generation option. |
If the GetMapImage option for task output is specified, the RenderingParameters parameter in the task parameters list can also be specified. If the last parameter is missing, the default rendering values are applied.
Task output results.
Availability: Business Analyst Online, Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="TaskResultOutput"
Property |
Description |
MapImape |
The image generated by the task. Type MapImage. |
RecordSet |
The analysis feature layer generated by the task. Type RecordSet. |
Reports |
Array of reports generated by the task. Type array of ReportInfo. |
TaskMessagesArray |
Messages occurred during the task execution. It is currently not supported. Type array of TaskMessage. |
In Business Analyst Server, the TaskResultOutput type is supported for XML output format only. For JSON or PJSON output formats, the response object is compatible with the ArcGIS Execute GP Task response syntax.
NOTE: Since Business Analyst Server 10.0, the report template name and output format are specified in the "paramName" property of the GPDataFile object representing ReportInfo data in JSON output format. In the example below, the "paramName" property is "Market Profile.PDF" which means the Market Profile report in PDF format.
JSON Example |
{ "results" : [ { "paramName" : "OutputFeatureClass", "dataType" : "GPFeatureRecordSetLayer", "value" : { "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolygon", "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}, "features" : [ { "attributes" : { "AREA_ID" : "1_1", "STORE_ID" : "1", "RING" : 1, "RING_DEFN" : "1", "AREA_DESC" : "0 - 1 Miles" }, "geometry" : { "rings" : [ [ [-90.218732, 29.972592], ... [-90.218732, 29.972592] ] ] } }, ... { "attributes" : { "AREA_ID" : "2_1", "STORE_ID" : "2", "RING" : 1, "RING_DEFN" : "1", "AREA_DESC" : "0 - 1 Miles" }, "geometry" : { "rings" : [ [ [-90.169868, 29.975535], ... [-90.169868, 29.975535] ] ] } }, { "attributes" : { "AREA_ID" : "3_1", "STORE_ID" : "3", "RING" : 1, "RING_DEFN" : "1", "AREA_DESC" : "0 - 1 Miles" }, "geometry" : { "rings" : [ [ [-90.177761, 30.00801], ... [-90.177761, 30.00801] ] ] } } ] } }, { "paramName" : "Market Profile.PDF", "dataType" : "GPDataFile", "value" : { "url" : "http://localhost/arcgisoutput/_ags_TF94AAE2E44F08ADDC4D2D861AD0E5.pdf" } }, { "paramName" : "OutputMapImage", "dataType" : "GPRasterData", "value" : { "url" : "http://localhost/arcgisoutput/_ags_T4F0C8E3514185962C43E3946DC3D3.jpg", "format" : "jpg" } } ], "messages" : [ ] } |
NOTE: The response has been abbreviated where "..." is noted.
Radii of threshold rings around a store.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="ThresholdRingRadii"
Property |
Description |
Radii |
StoreID |
Store ID. Type string. |
Objects of this type are returned by ThresholdRingsRadii endpoint in XML output format only. For JSON or PJSON output formats, a special result is returned.
JSON Example |
{ "Radii" : [ 0.313234, 0.626950, 0.722352 ], "StoreID" : "1" } |
See Also
• Threshold Rings Radii Endpoint
Parameters of a shapefile to be uploaded.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
xs:complexType name="UploadShapefileParameters"
Property |
Description |
DescriptionFieldName |
The attribute field name in the shapefile which specifies a description of features. Type string. |
SymbolizationFieldName |
The attribute field name in the shapefile which is used for symbolization. Type string. |
JSON Example |
{ "DescriptionFieldName" : "AREA_DESC", "SymbolizationFieldName" : "RING" } |
See Also