B U S I N E S S A N A L Y S T 10.2 R E S T S T D G E O G R A P H Y U T I L I T Y
Standard Geographies List Endpoint
Returns IDs and names of geography levels which contain features matching the given search criterion.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
URL Example
Specific Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
AnalysisExtent (optional) |
Analysis extent restricting the search. Type ExtentData. |
SearchString (optional) |
A string to search in names of geography locations. Type string. |
SpatialRelationship (optional) |
Specifies a relationship for selection locations having intersection with the analysis extent. Type esriSpatialRelEnum. Default: esriSpatialRelUndefined. |
Other Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
ActiveDatasetID (optional) |
ID of the active dataset. Type string. Default: ID of the first available dataset. |
compatibility (optional) |
Business Analyst Server version the JSON output is compatible with. Type string. |
f (optional) |
Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, PJSON, XML. Default: HTML. |
IsFullErrorMessage (optional) |
Mode for composing error messages. Type boolean. Default: false. |
token |
Authentication token. This parameter is required if your Business Analyst Server is secured. Type string. |
Array of IDNamePair containing the lists of IDs and names of geography levels matching to the given feature search criterion.
NOTE: Since Business Analyst Server 10.0, the type of output list items for this endpoint is changed from StdGeographiesReturnedFeature to IDNamePair.
The StdGeographiesList endpoint searches in all standard geography levels for features which match the given search criterion. If a standard geography level contains matching features, the ID and Name attributes are appended to the resulting list.
The search criterion is specified with either the AnalysisExtent or SearchString parameter values. If both parameters are missing, ID and Name attributes of all standard geography levels are returned.
If the AnalysisExtent parameter is specified, the SpatialRelationship parameter specifies a way for selection of matching features which fall in this extent. The SearchString parameter value is ignored in this case.
The SearchString parameter can contain up to two comma-separated substrings. The first substring specifies the criterion for search in the location name field and the last substring specifies the criterion for search in the location ID field. If the second string is omitted together with delimiting comma, the search is applied to both location names and IDs with the same search criterion. The search is applied using logical "or" operation: a location matches the search criterion if either its name contains the name search substring or its ID contains the ID search substring. The case of an empty name or ID search substring means skipping search by name or ID, respectively. If both substrings are empty, any location of the standard geography level matches the search criterion.
Example |
Description |
"San,123" |
Searches location name containing "San" substring or location ID containing "123" substring. |
"123" |
Searches location name containing "123" substring or location ID containing "123" substring. |
",123" |
Searches location ID containing "123" substring. |
"San," |
Searches location name containing "San" substring. |
"," |
Searches any location of the standard geography level. |
Example Usage
The example below requests IDs and names of geography levels which contain features matching the given search criterion.
{ "results": [ { "paramName":"StdLevels", "dataType":"BAIDNamePairs", "value": [ { "ID":"US.Counties", "Name":"Counties" }, { "ID":"US.ZIP5", "Name":"ZIP Codes" }, { "ID":"US.CBSA", "Name":"CBSA" }, { "ID":"US.DMA", "Name":"DMA" }, { "ID":"US.Places", "Name":"Cities and Towns" }, { "ID":"US.CS", "Name":"County Subdivisions" } ] } ], "messages": [ ] }
See Also