B U S I N E S S A N A L Y S T 10.2 R E S T C U S T O M E R / S T O R E S E T U P T A S K
Create Record Set by Addresses Endpoint
Creates store or customer records by their postal addresses.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
RecordSetByAddressArray (required) |
Array of address records. Type array of RecordSetByAddress. |
FolderType (required) |
Records type. Type esriFolderType. |
f (optional) |
Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, PJSON, XML. Default: HTML. |
token |
Authentication token. This parameter is required if your Business Analyst Server is secured. Type string. |
Variable of type TaskResultOutput whose RecordSet parameter contains records with address attributes. This record set can be used as an input for Customer/Store Setup by Geocode Table and Profile by Table Geocoding endpoints.
The FolderType parameter specifies the record set type:
• esriFolderStoreLayers means store records (StoreID property of a record specifies a record ID, but CustomerID property is ignored);
• esriFolderCustomerLayers means customer records (CustomerID property of a record specifies a record ID and StoreID property specifies an ID of associated store).
Example Usage
The example below creates an address record set of 6 store locations.
{ "results": [ { "paramName":"OutputFeatureClass", "dataType":"GPFeatureRecordSetLayer", "value": { "fieldAliases": { "OBJECTID":"Object ID", "STORE_ID":"STORE_ID", "NAME":"NAME", "DESCR":"DESCR", "ADDRESS":"ADDRESS", "CITY":"CITY", "STATE":"STATE", "ZIP":"ZIP" }, "fields": [ { "name":"OBJECTID", "type":"esriFieldTypeOID", "alias":"Object ID" }, ... { "name":"ZIP", "type":"esriFieldTypeString", "alias":"ZIP", "length":256 } ], "features": [ { "geometry": { }, "attributes": { "OBJECTID":1, "STORE_ID":"1", "NAME":"pizza1", "DESCR":"Rush Street Store", "ADDRESS":"730 N. Rush St.", "CITY":"Chicago", "STATE":"IL", "ZIP":"60611" } }, ... { "geometry": { }, "attributes": { "OBJECTID":6, "STORE_ID":"6", "NAME":"pizza6", "DESCR":"North Avenue Store", "ADDRESS":"1927 North Ave.", "CITY":"Chicago", "STATE":"IL", "ZIP":"60622" } } ] } } ], "messages": [ ] }
NOTE: The response has been abbreviated where "..." is noted.
See Also
• Customer/Store Setup by Geocode Table Endpoint