B U S I N E S S A N A L Y S T 10.2 R E S T R E N D E R I N G U T I L I T Y
Render Analyses Endpoint
Renders repository layer items and returns a map image.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
URL Example
Parameter |
Description |
AnalysesDescription (required) |
Layer items in the repository that will be rendered as an image. Type array of esriLayerItem. |
ImageDescription (optional) |
Image configuration options for rendering output. Type ImageDescription. The type of this parameter is changed since Business Analyst Server. |
MapDescription (optional) |
Map configuration options for rendering output. Type string. |
f (optional) |
Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, PJSON, XML. Default: HTML. |
token |
Authentication token. This parameter is required if your Business Analyst Server is secured. Type string. |
Variable of type MapImage. This return type is supported for XML output format only. For JSON or PJSON output formats, the response object is compatible with the ArcGIS Execute GP Task response syntax.
The MapDescription parameter contains string-serialized XML description of a map. If it is absent, the analyses are rendered on the default map.
If the ImageDescription parameter is absent, the default values for rendered image will be used.
Example Usage
The example below generates a downloadable image file from an existing feature layer stored in Business Analyst Server Repository.
NOTE: The example uses the "Drive Time Polygons 1" polygon layer already created in the Trade Areas folder of the San Francisco Tutorial Project of the Default Workspace.
{ "results": [ { "paramName":"OutputMapImage", "dataType":"GPRasterData", "value": { "url":"http://localhost/arcgisoutput/_ags_mapea4b407deae84baf94ad9d2b1ef40766.jpg", "format":"jpg" } } ], "messages": [ ] }
See Also