B U S I N E S S A N A L Y S T 10.2 R E S T I N T E R F A C E
Using ArcGIS Data Types in Esri Business Analyst Server REST
Because Business Analyst Server REST's feature class geometry formats conform to the geometry schema defined by ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Server Web Services and REST geoprocessing tasks and services may be leveraged alongside Business Analyst Server and Business Analyst Online REST. Polygons and points drawn in mapping API User Interfaces may be used as parameter values to certain Business Analyst Server REST requests. The ArcGIS API for JavaScript, Flex, and Microsoft Silverlight/WPF have excellent documented examples of drawing toolbar components. These drawing toolbars create Geometry objects which are compatible with Business Analyst Server REST.
Described below are ArcGIS REST datatypes leveraged alongside Business Analyst Server and Business Analyst Online REST.
Datatype |
Description |
This is an abstract parent type of various geometry sub-types. Geometries are used to provide a spatial description of features and are fundamentally composed of coordinates. In Business Analyst Server REST, the most commonly employed geometry sub-types include Envelope, Point, Polygon, and Polyline.
NOTE: For more information on this datatype, please refer to the ArcGIS Server REST Geometry documentation |
An envelope contains the corner points of an extent along with a spatial reference. This is a sub-type of the Geometry type. In Business Analyst Server REST, it is used in properties of the ExtentData type.
NOTE: For more information on this datatype, please refer to the ArcGIS Server REST Geometry documentation |
This type contains properties of an image to be generated. In Business Analyst Server REST, it is used in properties of the RenderingParameters type.
NOTE: The JSON representation of this type is not published in the ArcGIS Server REST. For more information on properties of this datatype, please refer to this link |
This type contains settings of a map in the current document. In Business Analyst Server REST, an object of this type is returned by the GetDefaultMapDescription endpoint.
NOTE: The JSON representation of this type is not published in the ArcGIS Server REST. For more information on properties of this datatype, please refer to this link |
This type contains information about the generated map image. In Business Analyst Server REST, it is returned by Business Analyst tasks in the properties of the TaskResultOutput type and as a result execution the RenderAnalyses endpoint.
NOTE: The JSON representation of this type is not published in the ArcGIS Server REST. For more information on properties of this datatype, please refer to this link |
A point contains point coordinates along with a spatial reference. This is a sub-type of the Geometry type. In Business Analyst Server REST, it is used in parameters of the Return Standard Geography endpoint and in a RecordSet having a point geometry (see PointLayer type example).
NOTE: For more information on this datatype, please refer to the ArcGIS Server REST Geometry documentation |
A polygon contains and array of rings along with a spatial reference. This is a sub-type of the Geometry type. In Business Analyst Server REST, it is used in a RecordSet having a polygon geometry (see DataLayer type example).
NOTE: For more information on this datatype, please refer to the ArcGIS Server REST Geometry documentation |
A polyline contains an array of paths along with a spatial reference. This is a sub-type of the Geometry type. In Business Analyst Server REST, this geometry type is useless now.
NOTE: For more information on this datatype, please refer to the ArcGIS Server REST Geometry documentation |
This type is a lightweight and serialized representation of a data table or feature class. A data table is a collection of records with the same set of named attributes. A feature class is a collection of geographic features with the same geometry type, the same set of named attributes, and the same SpatialReference. Points, Polygons, and Polylines are frequently represented as Record Sets in Business Analyst Server REST.
NOTE: The JSON representation of this type is not published in the ArcGIS Server REST. For more information on properties of this datatype, please refer to this link |
The ArcGIS Server REST only supports spatial references that have well-known IDs associated with them. Given this constraint, a spatial reference object only contains one field—wkid.
NOTE: For more information on this datatype, please refer to the ArcGIS Server REST Geometry documentation. For more information on using this datatype, please refer to this link |