Package com.esri.arcgis.arcglobe

The ArcGlobe library contains the ArcGlobe application, including the GMxApplication, and GMxDocument objects.


Interface Summary
esriDefaultLayersMode New Document Default Layers.
esriGlobeDeployCacheOp Operations on the globe cache.
esriGMxCustomizationEvent GMx customization event types.
esriGMxDlgIDs The ArcGlobe dialog identifiers.
IGlobeDeployment Provides access to the Globe deployment.
IGlobeDeployWizard Provides access to the Globe deployment wizard.
IGlobeLayerProcessingDialog Provides access to the Globe Layer Processing Dialog.
IGMxApplication Provides access to members that control the ArcGlobe Application object.
IGMxApplicationAdmin IGMxApplicationAdmin interface.
IGMxApplicationEvents Provides access to events that the ArcGlobe application can fire.
IGMxDefaultLayers Provides access to Default Layers for New Documents.
IGMxDocument Provides access to members that control the ArcGlobe Document object.
IGMxDocumentEvents Provides access to the events fired by ArcGlobe.
IGMxDocumentEventsDisp Provides access to events fired by ArcGlobe.
IGMxDocumentInfo Provides access to members that control the ArcGlobe document information.
IGMxDocumentPriv Provides access to GMx Document.
IProtectNameArcGlobe Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.

Class Summary
Application ESRI ArcGlobe Application.
GlobeDeployCommand Command to run the deployment wizard.
GlobeDeployment The ArcGlobe deployment object.
GlobeDeployWizard The ArcGlobe deployment wizard.
GlobeLayerProcessingDialog Globe Layer Processing Dialog.
GMxDocument Provides access to members that control the ArcGlobe document.
GMxEffectsToolbarEnvironment ArcGlobe Effects Toolbar Enviroment.
GxFilterGlobes A filter for displaying/choosing ArcGlobe documents.
IGMxApplicationAdminProxy IGMxApplicationAdmin interface.
IGMxApplicationEventsProxy Provides access to events that the ArcGlobe application can fire.
IGMxApplicationProxy Provides access to members that control the ArcGlobe Application object.
IGMxDefaultLayersProxy Provides access to Default Layers for New Documents.
IGMxDocumentEventsBeforeCloseDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsCloseDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsDispBeforeCloseDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsDispCloseDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsDispNewDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsDispOnContextMenuEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsDispOpenDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsDispProxy Provides access to events fired by ArcGlobe.
IGMxDocumentEventsDispVBAResetEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsNewDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsOnContextMenuEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsOpenDocumentEvent Product Availability
IGMxDocumentEventsProxy Provides access to the events fired by ArcGlobe.
IGMxDocumentInfoProxy Provides access to members that control the ArcGlobe document information.
IGMxDocumentPrivProxy Provides access to GMx Document.
IGMxDocumentProxy Provides access to members that control the ArcGlobe Document object.
IProtectNameArcGlobeProxy Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
TOCGMxCatalogView ESRI TOC GMx Catalog View.
TOCGMxDisplayView ESRI TOC GMx Display View.
TOCGMxLegendSelectionView Product Availability
TOCGMxTypeView ESRI TOC GMx Type View.

Package com.esri.arcgis.arcglobe Description

The ArcGlobe library contains the ArcGlobe application, including the GMxApplication, and GMxDocument objects. A 3DAnalyst extension license is required to work with objects in this library.

For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires 3D Analyst Extension.