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WARNING — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.MessageType
Warning message type.
weightField — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.ProfileByTableGeocodingParameters
The attribute field in the geocodeData table which contains weight value (e.g., sales) for each address record (optional).
weightField — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.RemoveOverlapParameters
The attribute field name in the input boundaries layer which contains weights.
weightMethod — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.RemoveOverlapParameters
Weight method used by the grid overlap removing method.
where — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMLayer
Query WHERE clause.
WHOLE_LAYER — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.baserver.BAReportSummarizationOptions
Prepare summary report for all features selected.
WITHIN — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.SpatialRelEnum
Query Geometry is Within Target Geometry.
WITHIN_RANGE — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.baserver.BusinessesSearchMethod
Select all competitors that fall within the given distance.
workspaceName — Property, class com.esri.baserver.FolderItem
Workspace name.
workspaceName — Property, interface com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.IRepositoryItem
Workspace name.
workspaceName — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.RepositoryItemParameters
Workspace name.
writeExternal(output:flash.utils:IDataOutput) — method, class com.esri.bacore.domain.PolygonStudyArea
The class implements this method to encode itself for a data stream by calling the methods of the IDataOutput interface.
writeExternal(output:flash.utils:IDataOutput) — method, class com.esri.bacore.domain.StudyArea
The class implements this method to encode itself for a data stream by calling the methods of the IDataOutput interface.
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