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BABaseParameters — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BABaseParameters class is the base class for parameters of Community Analyst Tasks.
BABaseParameters(taskName:String, resultType:com.esri.bacore.client:BAResultType) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BABaseParameters
Creates a new instance of the BABaseParameters class.
BAClient — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BAClient class is the base class for Community Analyst Clients.
BAClient(url:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BAClient
Creates a new instance of the BAClient class.
BACommand — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BACommand class provides the unified execution of a Community Analyst Task.
BACommand(name:String, taskName:String, execute:Function) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BACommand
Creates a new instance of the BACommand class.
BADataLayer — class, package com.esri.bao
The BADataLayer class is the base class for polygon and point feature layers used in the Community Analyst API for Flex.
BADataLayer — class, package com.esri.baserver
The BADataLayer class is the base "abstract" class for polygon and point feature layers used in the Business Analyst Server API for Flex.
BADataLayer() — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.BADataLayer
Creates a new instance of the BADataLayer class.
BADataLayer() — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.BADataLayer
Creates a new instance of the BADataLayer class.
BAOnlineBatchTask — final class, package com.esri.bao.tasks
The BAOnlineBatchTask class is responsible for executing a sequence of Community Analyst tasks.
BAOnlineBatchTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.BAOnlineBatchTask
Creates a new instance of the BAOnlineBatchTask object.
BAOnlineClient — class, package com.esri.bao.tasks
The BAOnlineClient class is the client class encapsulating a Community Analyst HTTP (REST) Service.
BAOnlineClient(url:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.BAOnlineClient
Creates a new instance of the client.
BAOnlineGenericTask — final class, package com.esri.bao.tasks
The BAOnlineGenericTask class is responsible for executing any Community Analyst task.
BAOnlineGenericTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.BAOnlineGenericTask
Creates a new instance of the BAOnlineGenericTask class.
BAOnlineTask — class, package com.esri.bao.tasks
The BAOnlineTask class is the base class for a Community Analyst task.
BAOnlineTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.BAOnlineTask
Creates a new instance of the BAOnlineTask class.
BAOnlineTokenProvider — class, package com.esri.bao.tasks.authentication
The BAOnlineTokenProvider class implements the token provider used with the Community Analyst tasks.
BAOnlineTokenProvider(authentication:com.esri.bacore.client:IAuthentication, url:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.authentication.BAOnlineTokenProvider
Creates a new instance of the BAOnlineTokenProvider class.
BAOnlineTokenService — class, package com.esri.bao.tasks.authentication
The BAOnlineTokenService class implements Community Analyst token-based authentication service.
BAOnlineTokenService() — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.authentication.BAOnlineTokenService
Creates a new instance of the BAOnlineTokenService class.
BAQueryTask — class, package com.esri.bacore.tasks
The BAQueryTask class is a wrapper for the ArcGIS Query task working in the Community Analyst-like style.
BAQueryTask(url:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.tasks.BAQueryTask
Creates a new instance of the BAQueryTask class.
BAReportHeader — class, package com.esri.bacore
The BAReportHeader class is the base class for a report header used in ReportOptions.
BAReportHeader(subtitle:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.BAReportHeader
Creates a new instance of report header options.
BAReportSummarizationOptions — final class, package com.esri.baserver
The BAReportSummarizationOptions class provides a enumeration of report summarization options used in summary reports.
BARequestError — class, package com.esri.bacore
An error of the BARequestError class is thrown in the execute method of Community Analyst Tasks if task parameters are incorrect.
BARequestError(message:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.BARequestError
Creates a new instance of the BARequestError class with the specified message.
BAResponseError — class, package com.esri.bacore
An error of the BAResponseError class is thrown in the response handler of a Community Analyst client if there were errors while parsing the response.
BAResponseError(message:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.BAResponseError
Creates a new instance of the BAResponseError class with the specified message.
BAResultType — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BAResultType class provides an enumeration of common result types parsed by Community Analyst Clients.
BaseComparisonTaskAdapter — class, package com.esri.bacore.adapters
The BaseComparisonTaskAdapter class provides the base abstract implementation of IComparisonTaskAdapter interface.
BaseComparisonTaskAdapter() — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.adapters.BaseComparisonTaskAdapter
Creates a new instance of the BaseComparisonTaskAdapter class.
BaseEnum — class, package com.esri.bacore
The BaseEnum class encapsulates the general enumeration functionality.
BaseEnum(value:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.BaseEnum
Creates a new enumeration item.
baseFieldAlias — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMValueCalculator
Alias name of the base field.
baseFieldName — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMValueCalculator
Name of the base field.
BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter — class, package com.esri.bacore.adapters
The BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter class provides the base abstract implementation of IGeographiesQueryAdapter interface.
BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter() — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.adapters.BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter
Creates a new instance of the BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter class.
BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter — class, package com.esri.bacore.adapters
The BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter class provides the base abstract implementation of IGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter interface.
BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter() — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.adapters.BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter
Creates a new instance of the BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter class.
baseProfile — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.CoreDevelopSegmentsParameters
Base segmentation profile (required).
baseProfile — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.GamePlanChartParameters
Base segmentation profile (required).
baseProfile — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.GamePlanMapParameters
Base segmentation profile (required if segments are specified using Game Plan Chart).
baseProfile — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.MultiProfileBarChartParameters
Base segmentation profile (required).
baseProfile — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.ProfileComparisonChartParameters
Base segmentation profile (required).
baseProfile — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.TapestryProfileReportParameters
Base segmentation profile (required).
baseProfile — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.UnderstandingTargetCustomersParameters
Base segmentation profile (required).
BAServerBatchTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks
The BAServerBatchTask class is responsible for executing a sequence of Business Analyst Server tasks.
BAServerBatchTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.BAServerBatchTask
Creates a new instance of the BAServerBatchTask class.
BAServerClient — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks
The BAServerClient class is the client class encapsulating a Business Analyst Server HTTP (REST) Service.
BAServerClient(url:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.BAServerClient
Creates a new instance of the BAServerClient class.
BAServerGenericTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks
The BAServerGenericTask class is responsible for executing any Business Analyst Server task.
BAServerGenericTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.BAServerGenericTask
Creates a new instance of the BAServerGenericTask class.
BAServerTask — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks
The BAServerTask class is the base class for a Business Analyst Server task.
BAServerTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.BAServerTask
Creates a new instance of the BAServerTask class.
BAServerTokenProvider — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.authentication
The BAServerTokenProvider class is deprecated (it is replaced with the ArcGISTokenProvider class).
BAServerTokenProvider(authentication:com.esri.bacore.client:IAuthentication, url:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.authentication.BAServerTokenProvider
Creates a new instance of the BAServerTokenProvider class.
BAServerUtilityParameters — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks
The BAServerUtilityParameters class is the base class for Business Analyst Server Utility tasks working with the Business Analyst Server repository and default map.
BAServerUtilityParameters(taskName:String, resultType:com.esri.bacore.client:BAResultType) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.BAServerUtilityParameters
Creates a new instance of the BAServerUtilityParameters class.
BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter — class, package com.esri.bacore.adapters
The BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter class is a base provider of the Thematic Query task.
BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter() — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.adapters.BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter
Creates a new instance of the BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter class.
BATask — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BATask class is the base abstract class for any Community Analyst Task.
BATask() — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BATask
Creates a new instance of the BATask class.
BATaskCompletedEvent — class, package com.esri.bacore
The BATaskCompletedEvent event is dispatched when a Community Analyst Task is successfully completed.
BATaskCompletedEvent(name:String, result:any, messages:Array, requestUrl:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.BATaskCompletedEvent
Creates a new instance of the BATaskCompletedEvent class.
BATaskParameters — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BATaskParameters class is the base class for parameters of Community Analyst Tasks producing a complex output object such as TaskResultOutput.
BATaskParameters(taskName:String, outputTypes:com.esri.bacore:OutputTypes) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BATaskParameters
Creates a new instance of the BATaskParameters class.
BATaskUtils — final class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BATaskUtils class provides a collection of static utility methods useful in task parameters classes when working with converting parameters to URL variables.
BatchTaskParameters — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BatchTaskParameters class provides parameters for a Community Analyst batch task.
BatchTaskParameters(taskProviders:Array, onStepComplete:Function) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BatchTaskParameters
Creates a new instance of the BatchTaskParameters class.
BatchTaskProcessor — final class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BatchTaskProcessor class is responsible for processing a batch task.
BatchTaskProcessor(batchTask:flash.events:IEventDispatcher, logError:Function, prepareCommand:Function, resultHandler:Function) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BatchTaskProcessor
Creates a new instance of the BatchTaskProcessor class.
BatchTaskResult — final class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BatchTaskResult class represents the result of a single task execution within the scope of a batch task.
BatchTaskResult(taskName:String, result:any, messages:Array, requestUrl:String) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BatchTaskResult
Creates a new instance of the BatchTaskResult class.
BAUtilityParameters — class, package com.esri.bacore.client
The BAUtilityParameters class is the base class for parameters of Community Analyst Tasks that produce a simple output.
BAUtilityParameters(taskName:String, resultType:com.esri.bacore.client:BAResultType, stringParameters:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.client.BAUtilityParameters
Creates a new instance of the BAUtilityParameters class.
BAValueType — class, package com.esri.bacore
The BAValueType class provides an enumeration of value types available with summarization variables.
benchmark — Property, class com.esri.bacore.adapters.ComparisonParameters
A benchmark to make comparison with.
benchmarkArea — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.BenchmarkItem
Benchmark study area.
benchmarkAreaOID — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
OID of area from the benchmarkLayer layer to be used as a benchmark area.
benchmarkAreaOID — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
OID of area from the benchmarkLayer layer to be used as a benchmark area.
benchmarkFeature — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.BenchmarkItem
Benchmark geography feature.
BenchmarkItem — class, package com.esri.bacore.domain
The BenchmarkItem class provides an item to be used as a benchmark in comparison reports.
BenchmarkItem(item:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.domain.BenchmarkItem
Creates a new instance of the BenchmarkItem class.
benchmarkLayer — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
Data layer used for calculating the benchmark area.
benchmarkLayer — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
Data layer used for calculating the benchmark area.
benchmarkOptions — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.BenchmarkItem
Options specifying an average or median benchmark.
benchmarkOptions — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.MeanComparisonItem
Benchmark options associated with this item.
benchmarkOptions — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
Benchmark area calculation method.
benchmarkOptions — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
Benchmark area calculation method.
BenchmarkOptions — final class, package com.esri.bacore
The BenchmarkOptions class provides an enumeration of methods used in the creation of a benchmark area.
BenchmarkReportParameters — class, package com.esri.bao.tasks.reports
The BenchmarkReportParameters class provides input parameters for the Benchmark Report task.
BenchmarkReportParameters — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports
The BenchmarkReportParameters class provides input parameters for the Benchmark Report task.
BenchmarkReportParameters() — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
Creates a new instance of the BenchmarkReportParameters class.
BenchmarkReportParameters() — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
Creates a new instance of the BenchmarkReportParameters class.
BenchmarkReportTask — final class, package com.esri.bao.tasks.reports
The Benchmark Report task requests a comparative report that benchmarks two or more trade areas based on selected volumetric data (typically demographic data).
BenchmarkReportTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports
The Benchmark Report task is a comparative report that benchmarks two or more trade areas based on selected volumetric data (typically demographic data).
BenchmarkReportTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportTask
Creates a new instance of the BenchmarkReportTask class.
BenchmarkReportTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportTask
Creates a new instance of the BenchmarkReportTask class.
BenchmarkSortOptions — final class, package com.esri.bacore
The BenchmarkSortOptions class provides an enumeration of report fields sorting options used in the creation of a Benchmark report.
bestLayer — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMLayer
Geography layer which is best to show for the current map extent.
binaryLogo — Property, class com.esri.bao.ReportHeader
Custom logo graphic specified as an array of bytes.
binaryLogo — Property, class com.esri.baserver.ReportHeader
Custom logo graphic specified as an array of bytes.
BOOLEAN — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.client.BAResultType
Boolean type.
borderSymbol — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMLayer
The symbol to draw borders around features.
BOTH — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.baserver.BAReportSummarizationOptions
Prepare summary report for every feature and for all features selected.
bottomValue — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization.RangeInfo
Information on bottom (minimum) value of the range.
bottomValue — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization.TMClassBreaksRenderer
Bottom bound of the whole classification range.
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.reports.SummaryReportsParameters
A custom geographic region of analysis that will be used in the Summary Reports analysis.
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.SpatialFilter
Data layer with the polygon geometry to filter search results with.
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.FindSimilarParameters
Target polygon layer whose sites are ranked on similarity to the master site.
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.SpatialOverlayParameters
The polygon layer whose features represent trade areas.
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.customerstoresetup.AssignCustomersByTradeAreaParameters
A polygon layer whose features represent trade areas (required).
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.AverageDriveTimeReportParameters
The polygon layer whose features represent trade areas (required).
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.MarketPenetrationParameters
A polygon layer whose features represent trade areas (required).
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.MeasureCannibalizationParameters
A polygon layer whose features represent trade areas (required).
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.SummarizePointsParameters
The polygon layer whose features represent trade areas.
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.SummaryReportsParameters
A custom geographic region of analysis that will be used in the Summary Reports analysis (required).
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.ProfileByAreaSummationParameters
A polygon layer used for area summation (required).
boundaries — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.RemoveOverlapParameters
The polygon layer whose features represent trade areas (required).
Boundaries — class, package com.esri.bao
The Boundaries class specifies a Community Analyst data layer with the polygon geometry.
Boundaries — class, package com.esri.baserver
The Boundaries class specifies a Business Analyst Server data layer with the polygon geometry.
Boundaries(dataLayer:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.Boundaries
Creates a new instance of a data layer with polygon geometry.
Boundaries(dataLayer:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.Boundaries
Creates a new instance of a data layer with polygon geometry.
boundaryIDField — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.PointsInPolygonReportParameters
Name of the unique area ID field in the boundaryLayer layer (required).
boundaryLayer — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.PointsInPolygonReportParameters
A polygon layer whose areas are used in the report (required).
BOUNDED — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization.RangeType
The range is bounded.
branchID — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.StdGeographiesFromTreeParameters
The ID of branch in the tree of standard geography levels (required).
buildNonOverlapped — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.DistanceDecayParameters
An option specifying creating non-overlapped areas, using Thiessen polygons.
buildNonOverlappedDriveTimes — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
An option specifying creation non-overlapped areas, using Thiessen polygons.
businessesSearchMethod — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.LocatorReportParameters
Method to search for the closest competitors.
BusinessesSearchMethod — final class, package com.esri.baserver
The BusinessesSearchMethod class provides an enumeration of methods to search for competitor's businesses closest to your businesses.
businessPoints — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.LocatorReportParameters
Point layer with competitors' business points (requred).
BusinessSearchParameters — class, package com.esri.baserver.adapters
The BusinessSearchParameters class provides parameters for SelectBusinessesParameters.
BusinessSearchParameters() — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.adapters.BusinessSearchParameters
Creates a new instance of the BusinessSearchParameters class.
BusinessSearchTaskAdapter — class, package com.esri.baserver.adapters
The BusinessSearchTaskAdapter class implements the Business Search Task adapter for Business Analyst Server.
BusinessSearchTaskAdapter() — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.adapters.BusinessSearchTaskAdapter
Creates a new instance of the BusinessSearchTaskAdapter class.
BusinessTypeFilter — class, package com.esri.baserver
The BusinessTypeFilter class specifies parameters of a business type classification filter.
BusinessTypeFilter(classification:String, codes:Array) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.BusinessTypeFilter
Creates a new instance of the BusinessTypeFilter class.
businessTypeFilters — Property, class com.esri.baserver.adapters.BusinessSearchParameters
An array of BusinessTypeFilter items restricting the search.
businessTypeFilters — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.businessessearch.SelectBusinessesParameters
An array of BusinessTypeFilter items restricting the search.
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