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objectToFeatureSet(decodedObject:Object) — Static Method , class com.esri.bacore.client.ConversionUtils
Converts a JSON-decoded object to an instance of the FeatureSet type.
objectToMapImage(decodedObject:Object) — Static Method , class com.esri.bacore.client.ConversionUtils
Converts a JSON-decoded object to an instance of the MapImage type.
oid — Property, class com.esri.baserver.EditFeature
Object ID of feature to be edited.
onClassificationChanged() — method, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMSymbolizationProvider
Dispatches the CLASSIFICATION_CHANGED event.
onClassificationChanged() — method, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization.Classification
Dispatches the classificationChanged event.
onLayerChanged(oldValue:com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping:TMLayer, newValue:com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping:TMLayer) — method, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMLayerComponent
Updates the state of object when associated thematic layer is changed.
onLayerChanged() — method, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMSymbolizationProvider
This method is invoked when thematic layer is changed.
OpenFeatureLayerParameters — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The OpenFeatureLayerParameters class provides input parameters for Open Feature Layer task.
OpenFeatureLayerParameters(item:com.esri.baserver:FolderItem) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.OpenFeatureLayerParameters
Creates a new instance of the OpenFeatureLayerParameters class.
OpenFeatureLayerTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The Open Feature Layer task returns a repository feature layer item as a serialized ESRI Feature RecordSet.
OpenFeatureLayerTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.OpenFeatureLayerTask
Creates a new instance of the OpenFeatureLayerTask class.
OpenSegmentationProfileTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The Open Segmentation Profile task opens a segmentation profile in the repository and returns it.
OpenSegmentationProfileTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.OpenSegmentationProfileTask
Creates a new instance of the OpenSegmentationProfileTask class.
OpenSegmentationTargetGroupTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The Open Segmentation Target Group task opens a segmentation target group in the repository and returns it.
OpenSegmentationTargetGroupTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.OpenSegmentationTargetGroupTask
Creates a new instance of the OpenSegmentationTargetGroupTask class.
options — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.MeanBenchmark
Benchmark options associated with this instance.
OTHER — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.BAValueType
The value isn't a number.
outOfRangeColor — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization.TMClassificationProvider
Color to show graphics whose thematic value is out of range.
outputAnalysisItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.AnalysisAndReportParameters
Configuration options for storing the output feature class in the repository.
outputAnalysisItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.AnalysisParameters
Configuration options for storing the output feature class in the repository.
outputAnalysisItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.CreateStdGeographiesParameters
Configuration options for storing the output feature class in the repository.
outputAnalysisItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.TradeAreaTaskParameters
Configuration options for storing the output feature class in the repository.
outputItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.ProfileByAreaSummationParameters
Configuration options for storing the output item in the repository.
outputItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.ProfileByImportFromTableParameters
Configuration options for storing the output item in the repository.
outputItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.ProfileByTableGeocodingParameters
Configuration options for storing the output item in the repository.
outputItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.TargetGroupParameters
Configuration options for storing the output item in the repository.
outputReportItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.AnalysisAndReportParameters
Configuration options for storing the output report in the repository.
outputReportItem — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.StandardReportParameters
Configuration options for storing the output report in the repository.
outputReportItems — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.SummaryReportsParameters
Array of FolderItem items specifying configuration options for storing output reports in the repository.
outputReportItems — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.TradeAreaTaskParameters
Array of FolderItem items specifying configuration options for storing output reports in the repository.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.geofence.GeofenceInfoParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.reports.SummaryReportsParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.SimpleRingsParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.baserver.adapters.BusinessSearchParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.AnalysisAndReportParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.AnalysisParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.businessessearch.SelectBusinessesParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.OpenFeatureLayerParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.CreateStdGeographiesParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputSpatialReference — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.TradeAreaTaskParameters
The spatial reference to return the output feature set in.
outputTypes — Property, class com.esri.bacore.client.BATaskParameters
Task output types.
OutputTypes — final class, package com.esri.bacore
The OutputTypes class specifies output options used in executing a Community Analyst Task providing multiple output results.
OutputTypes() — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.OutputTypes
Creates a new instance of the OutputTypes class.
outputUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.ThresholdRingsRadiiParameters
The output distance units the radii of threshold rings will be calculated in.
overlapMethod — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.RemoveOverlapParameters
Overlap removing method.
OverlapRemoverCenterMethod — final class, package com.esri.baserver
The OverlapRemoverCenterMethod class provides an enumeration of methods for selecting a center point of a trade area.
OverlapRemoverOverlapMethod — final class, package com.esri.baserver
The OverlapRemoverOverlapMethod class provides an enumeration of overlap removing methods.
OverlapRemoverWeightMethod — final class, package com.esri.baserver
The OverlapRemoverWeightMethod class provides enumeration of methods of calculation of areas' weights in the grid overlap removing method.
OVERLAPS — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.SpatialRelEnum
Query Geometry Overlaps Target Geometry.
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