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QUANTILE — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization.TMClassificationType
Quantile classification type.
QuantileClassifier — final class, package com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization
The QuantileClassifier class distributes a set of values into groups that contain an equal number of values.
query — Property, class com.esri.bacore.StandardLayer
A query string.
query — Property, class com.esri.bacore.adapters.BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter
Query string applied to Get Summarizations task.
query — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.utilities.GetSummarizationsParameters
A query string filtering requested variables.
query — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.utilities.GetSummarizationsParameters
A query string filtering requested variables.
QueryTaskOutput — final class, package com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping
The QueryTaskOutput class provides the results of the execution of the thematic mapping query task.
QueryTaskOutput(layerInfo:com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping:IGeographyLayerInfo, features:com.esri.ags:FeatureSet) — Constructor, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.QueryTaskOutput
Creates a new instance of the QueryTaskOutput class.
queryTaskProvider — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMLayer
Provider of thematic mapping query task.
queryTasksCount — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMQueryTaskProvider
The number of query tasks associated with this layer.
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