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dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.adapters.ComparisonTaskAdapter
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.adapters.GetSummarizationsTaskAdapter
Name of a hierarchy of data layers whose summarization variables are requested.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.adapters.ThematicQueryTaskAdapter
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.FindSimilarParameters
Name of data hierarchy to get demography for analysis from.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.SpatialOverlayParameters
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.BenchmarkReportParameters
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.DistanceDecayParameters
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.MarketPenetrationParameters
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.SummaryReportsParameters
Name of a data hierarchy used for generating summary reports.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.ThematicMappingLayer
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.ThematicMappingQueryTask
Name of a data hierarchy used for summarization.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.TradeAreaTaskParameters
Name of a data hierarchy used for generating summary reports.
dataHierarchy — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.utilities.GetSummarizationsParameters
Name of a hierarchy of data layers whose summarization variables are requested.
dataLayerID — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.CustomerProfilingParameters
ID of a standard data layer to profile customers by.
dataLayerID — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.CustomerProspectingParameters
ID of a geography layer to get demography for analysis from (required).
dataTable — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.customerstoresetup.CustomerStoreSetupByCoordinatesParameters
Data table containing a point record set.
dataTable — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.ProfileByImportFromTableParameters
The data table to import profile from (required).
dataTable — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.StandardLevelsOfGeographyParameters
A data table containing IDs of the geography level units to be exported to the output trade area layer.
decayAreasType — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.DistanceDecayParameters
Distance decay area type.
DecayAreaType — final class, package com.esri.baserver
The DecayAreaType class provides an enumeration of decay area types.
DECIMAL_DEGREES — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.DriveTimeUnits
Linear units consisting of Decimal Degrees.
decimals — Property, class com.esri.bacore.SummarizationInfo
The number of decimal places after the decimal point for this variable.
decimals — Property, class com.esri.bacore.ValueFormat
The number of significant digits after the decimal point.
decimals — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMValueCalculator
The number of significant digits after the decimal point for a value calculated by this calculator.
decimals — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.ValueCalculator
The number of significant digits after the decimal point for a value calculated by this calculator.
DECIMETERS — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.DriveTimeUnits
Linear units consisting of decimeters.
decodeResult(result:String, asyncToken:mx.rpc:AsyncToken) — method, class com.esri.bacore.client.AbstractClient
Decodes a result string to an object.
defineSegmentsExplicitly — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.GamePlanMapParameters
Method for defining segments explicitely or using Game Plan Chart.
DeleteFeaturesTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The Delete Features task deletes features in a repository feature layer.
DeleteFeaturesTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.DeleteFeaturesTask
Creates a new instance of the DeleteFeaturesTask class.
DeleteItemTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The Delete Item task deletes an item in the repository.
DeleteItemTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.DeleteItemTask
Creates a new instance of the DeleteItemTask class.
DeleteProjectTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The Delete Project task deletes a project.
DeleteProjectTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.DeleteProjectTask
Creates a new instance of the DeleteProjectTask class.
DeleteWorkspaceTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository
The Delete Workspace task deletes a workspace.
DeleteWorkspaceTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.repository.DeleteWorkspaceTask
Creates a new instance of the DeleteWorkspaceTask class.
depth — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.StdGeographiesFromTreeParameters
Depth of the geography level in the given branch (required).
description — Property, class com.esri.bacore.PointRecord
Point description string (optional).
description — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.ComparisonItem
Item description.
description — Property, interface com.esri.bacore.domain.IStudyArea
Study area description.
description — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.StudyArea
Study area description.
description — Property, class com.esri.baserver.GeocodeAddressRecord
Record description.
description — Property, class com.esri.baserver.ProfileData
Profile description XML string.
description — Property, class com.esri.baserver.RecordSetByAddress
Description field.
description — Property, class com.esri.baserver.TargetGroupData
Target group description XML string.
descriptionFieldName — Property, class com.esri.baserver.ShapefileInfo
Name of shapefile description field.
DesireLinesParameters — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses
The DesireLinesParameters class provides input parameters for the Desire Lines task.
DesireLinesParameters(outputTypes:com.esri.bacore:OutputTypes) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.DesireLinesParameters
Creates a new instance of the DesireLinesParameters class.
DesireLinesTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses
The Desire Lines task creates desire lines (spider diagrams) drawn from every customer to the associated store location.
DesireLinesTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.DesireLinesTask
Creates a new instance of the DesireLinesTask class.
DETAILED — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.baserver.HullType
Detailed hull that joins extreme points with straight lines.
developmentalSegments — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.GamePlanMapParameters
Array of Developmental segment IDs (used when segments are explicitly specified).
developmentalTargetName — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.segmentation.CoreDevelopSegmentsParameters
Developmental summary group name (required if useExistingTargetGroup=true).
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.bacore.adapters.TaskAdapterConfiguration
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.bacore.client.AbstractClient
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.bacore.client.AbstractTask
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, interface com.esri.bacore.client.IBATask
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.bacore.tasks.BAQueryTask
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMQueryTask
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.thematicmapping.ThematicMappingLayer
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.thematicmapping.ThematicMappingQueryTask
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.ThematicMappingLayer
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
disableClientCaching — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.stdgeographies.ThematicMappingQueryTask
If true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the REST request to prevent the request from being loaded from the browser's cache.
dispatchEventOnTask(event:flash.events:Event, asyncToken:mx.rpc:AsyncToken) — Static Method , class com.esri.bacore.client.AbstractClient
Dispatches an event on the requester task associated with the given async token.
DistanceCalcType — final class, package com.esri.baserver
The DistanceCalcType class provides an enumeration of distance calculation methods.
DistanceDecayParameters — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports
The DistanceDecayParameters class provides input parameters for the Distance Decay task.
DistanceDecayParameters(outputTypes:com.esri.bacore:OutputTypes) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.DistanceDecayParameters
Creates a new instance of the DistanceDecayParameters class.
DistanceDecayTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports
The Distance Decay task calculates the market penetration of your customers for ring, drive-time or drive-distance polygons around stores.
DistanceDecayTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.DistanceDecayTask
Creates a new instance of the DistanceDecayTask class.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
The time or distance units of the radii parameter which is used to calculate the Drive Time trade/service areas.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.SimpleRingsParameters
The distance units of the Radii parameter which is used to calculate the ring-based trade/service areas.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.analyses.DesireLinesParameters
The distance units in which the distance to the associated store is calculated and saved in the attributes of the output feature class for every desire line.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.AverageDriveTimeReportParameters
The time or distance units which are used to calculate the average drive time or distance in.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.DistanceDecayParameters
The distance or time units of the radii property items which are used to calculate simple ring or drive time/distance trade/service areas.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.LocatorReportParameters
Units to report distances in.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
The time or distance units of the radii property which is used to calculate the Drive Time trade/service areas.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.GridsParameters
The distance units for the gridCellSize property.
distanceUnits — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.SimpleRingsParameters
The distance units of the radii property which is used to calculate the Simple Rings trade/service areas.
donut — Property, interface com.esri.bacore.domain.ILocationStudyArea
Whether non-overlapping donut-style area bands are created instead of overlapping areas that all originate from the same location.
donut — Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.LocationStudyArea
Whether non-overlapping donut-style area bands are created instead of overlapping areas that all originate from the same location.
donut — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
Whether to create non-overlapping donut-style Drive Time trade/service area bands instead of overlapping areas that all originate from the store/point origins.
donut — Property, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.SimpleRingsParameters
Whether to create non-overlapping donut-style ring-based trade/service area bands instead of overlapping areas that all originate from the store/point origins.
donut — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.reports.DistanceDecayParameters
An option specifying the creation of donut-style simple ring or drive time/distance trade/service areas instead of areas that all originate from the store/business point origins.
donut — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.CustomerDerivedAreasParameters
An option specifying creation of donut-style trade/service areas instead of areas that all originate from the store/business point origins.
donut — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
Whether to create non-overlapping donut-style Drive Time trade/service area bands instead of overlapping areas that all originate from the store/point origins.
donut — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.SimpleRingsParameters
Whether to create non-overlapping donut-style Simple Rings trade/service area bands instead of overlapping areas that all originate from the store/point origins.
donut — Property, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.ThresholdRingsParameters
Whether to create non-overlapping donut-style Threshold Rings trade/service area bands instead of overlapping areas that all originate from the store/point origins.
doUnlockClassification() — method, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.TMSymbolizationProvider
Unlocks the classification provided with this instance without raising events.
doUnlockClassification() — method, class com.esri.bacore.thematicmapping.symbolization.TMClassificationProvider
Unlocks the classification provided with this instance without raising the ClassificationChanged event.
DRIVE_DISTANCE — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.baserver.DistanceCalcType
Drive distance method.
DRIVE_HOURS — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.DriveTimeUnits
Drive-time units consisting of hours.
DRIVE_MINUTES — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.DriveTimeUnits
Drive-time units consisting of minutes.
DRIVE_SECONDS — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.DriveTimeUnits
Drive-time units consisting of seconds.
DRIVE_TIME — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.bacore.domain.LocationStudySubtype
Drive Time study.
DRIVE_TIME — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.baserver.DecayAreaType
Drive time decay type.
DRIVE_TIME — Constant Static Property, class com.esri.baserver.DistanceCalcType
Drive time method.
DriveTimeParameters — class, package com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas
The DriveTimeParameters class provides input parameters for the Drive Time task.
DriveTimeParameters — class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas
The DriveTimeParameters class provides input parameters for the Drive Time task.
DriveTimeParameters(outputTypes:com.esri.bacore:OutputTypes) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
Creates a new instance of the DriveTimeParameters class.
DriveTimeParameters(outputTypes:com.esri.bacore:OutputTypes) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeParameters
Creates a new instance of the DriveTimeParameters class.
DriveTimeTask — final class, package com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas
The Drive Time task creates trade areas based on the driving time or driving distance around point features.
DriveTimeTask — final class, package com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas
The Drive Time task creates trade areas based on the driving time or driving distance around store features.
DriveTimeTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.bao.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeTask
Creates a new instance of the DriveTimeTask class.
DriveTimeTask(urlOrClient:Object) — Constructor, class com.esri.baserver.tasks.tradeareas.DriveTimeTask
Creates a new instance of the DriveTimeTask class.
DriveTimeUnits — final class, package com.esri.bacore
The DriveTimeUnits class provides an enumeration of time and distance measurement units used in parameters of Community Analyst Tasks.
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