View map details
Each map has details that provide additional information about the map. This information is provided when the map is authored, and includes information such as a title, author, description, rating, views, tags, and modification date. This information can be accessed in the application either while exploring maps before a map is opened or while viewing a map.
View details of an unopened map
To view the details of a map you have not yet opened, take the following steps:
Browse to the map of interest in the Map Hub.
To see the details about the Global Wetlands map, search or browse for that map in the Map Hub. An entry for the map appears with a thumbnail and some information, as shown in the following image.
- Tap the text about the map (title, author, and description) to display the details page.
For example, for the Global Wetlands map shown in Step 1, tap the Global Wetlands text.
The details are shown. From this page, you can also open and work with the map by tapping open
, or add the map to or remove the map from your favorites by tapping favorites (either
View details of the current map
Once you have a map open in the ArcGIS for Windows Phone application, you can view the map's details by taking the following steps:
Tap the contents icon
on the app bar to display the map contents.
The Map Contents pivot displays on the layers panel.
- Swipe to the details panel.
The details are shown. From this page, you can also add the map to or remove the map from your favorites by tapping favorites (either
). You can also pin the map to Start by tapping pin