Add a service to your content
Adding a reference to an existing mapping service to your content in ArcGIS Online allows you to configure pop-up windows and symbology on the service and share the reference to that configured service with other users.
You can add a service directly to a map without needing to add it to your content first.
See an overview of finding and adding content to a map
To add a service to your content
- In the home screen, click the My Content tab.
You must be signed in to see your content items.
- Click Services in the second row of tabs. The home screen will show your existing ArcGIS Online content items that are supported by Explorer Online.
If you want to add a service to a specific folder that you have added to ArcGIS Online, click the folder name in the Folders list on the left of the home screen before clicking Services.
- Click Add Service at the top right of the screen, then choose the type of service you are adding:
- ArcGIS Server Web Service: Choose this option to add a reference to an ArcGIS map, image, or feature services. On the Add Service dialog box, enter the service endpoint in the URL box. Enter appropriate details in the Title, Summary, and Tags boxes, and click Add Service.
- OGC Web Service (WMS): Choose this option to add a reference to an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web mapping service (WMS). On the Add Service dialog box, enter the WMS service endpoint in the URL box and click Validate. Select the sublayers you want to include and click Next. Enter appropriate details in the Title, Summary, and Tags boxes and click Finish.
- KML: Choose this option to add KML or KMZ data. On the Add KML dialog box, either enter a URL into the URL box for the From a URL option or browse to a local file after selecting the From a file on your computer option. Enter appropriate details in the Title, Summary, and Tags boxes and click Add.
- ArcGIS Server Web Service: Choose this option to add a reference to an ArcGIS map, image, or feature services. On the Add Service dialog box, enter the service endpoint in the URL box. Enter appropriate details in the Title, Summary, and Tags boxes, and click Add Service.
The service item is now shown in My Content, allowing you to view details about the service, add it to a map, or share it with others.
Using your service
After you have added a service to your content, you might want to add it to a map. After adding it to a map, you can change the configuration of pop-up windows, the symbology of the features, set a scale range on the layer or filter the features in the layer.
Learn more about browsing your content
Learn more about configuring pop-up windows
Learn more about changing how features are displayed
Updating the service configuration
If you have changed the configuration of pop-up windows, feature symbology, or feature filtering for a layer based on an ArcGIS Online service, you can restore the configuration in the map to the original configuration defined in the service by clicking Reset Properties from Service.
If the layer is based on a ArcGIS Online service item that you are the owner of, you can update the configuration of the service item with the changes you make to the layer in your map. After doing this, when the service is added to other maps, the layer will automatically have the same configuration. Remember that the service item must be shared appropriately if you want other users to be able to make use of your configuration. To update the configuration in the service item, click Upload Properties to Service.
Describing and sharing your service
After configuring the service as required, you might want to add more information in the service description and share it with other users and groups.
Learn more about describing your service