Browse your content in ArcGIS Online

If you have services that you've added to ArcGIS Online, you can browse and add them to your map, either from within a map, or from the home screen.

Browse your content from within a map

Browse your content from the home screen

Browse your content from within a map

If you are viewing a map, click the Add Content Add Content button button on the Mapping toolbar, then click My Content at the top of the drop-down panel. Any root-level services and folders in your account are listed in the panel. If you are not signed in, then the panel will display a message indicating you must be signed in to see your content items.

You can click a folder to see the services it contains. When viewing the contents of a folder, click the back button to return to the root level list of folders and services.

My Content view of Add Content drop-down panel

Click the Add link next to a service to add the service to your map. For feature services you'll be prompted to choose which layers from the feature service to add to the map.

You can find out more information about the service before you add it to the map by hovering the mouse over the service in the list. For map services, you can add sublayers to the map as if they were feature services.

Learn more about viewing service information and adding services


ArcGIS Explorer Online is an online application that displays online data. If you have added content to ArcGIS Online that does not appear, then that content cannot be displayed in a map in Explorer Online. For example, ArcGIS layer files (.lyr) can be uploaded and shared by using the website, and then downloaded to a local machine and opened in desktop applications such as ArcMap and ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, but are not supported in Explorer Online.

Browse your content from the home screen

If you are viewing the home screen, click the My Content tab at the top of the screen and click Services in the second row of tabs to see any services you have added. If you have added folders to ArcGIS Online, after clicking My Content, click a folder name in the Folders list on the left to see the contents of that folder.

Summary information is shown for each service. Using the links shown next to each service, you can find out more details about the service, or add the service to a map.

Options for adding a service to a map from service summary

You can also browse services shared with a group of which you are a member. Click the Groups tab at the top of the screen, click the name of a group in the Groups list on the left, then click the Services below the group heading to see services shared with that group.


If you want to quickly find an item, but you cannot remember which group it is shared with, try searching for it.

Learn more about searching for content

You can also add a service to your content by using the Add Service button in the My Content tab.

Learn more about adding content to ArcGIS Online
