Explore a map

The map is one of the two main parts of ArcGIS Explorer Online: it displays geographical data and allows you to explore and interact with that data.

Some of the things you can do with the map are:

ArcGIS Explorer Online showing a map

Move the mouse cursor over the Navigator, shown as a north arrow at the bottom left of the map, to activate the Navigator and show controls for panning, zooming, and showing a scale bar and coordinate display.

The active Navigator

To hide or show layers already in the map, click the Layers tab in the left side panel to show the Layers panel, and uncheck layers you want to hide.

To search for and add data to the map, click the Add Content The Add Content button button on the toolbar to show the Add Content drop-down panel.

The Layers panel

Learn how to:

Use the Navigator

Save a map

Add content to the map

Create a bookmark in the map

Ask a question with a query
