
Use the Server geoprocessing tools to generate, update, and delete MapServer and GlobeServer image caches.


Class Summary
ConvertMapServerCacheStorageFormat Converts the storage of a map service cache between the exploded (pre-10.0) format and the compact format.
CreateMapServerCache Creates the tiling scheme and preparatory folders for a map service cache.
DeleteGlobeServerCache Deletes an existing globe service cache and all tiles in it.
DeleteMapServerCache Deletes an existing map service cache, including all associated files on disk.
ExportMapServerCache Exports tiles from a map cache to a folder on disk.
ExtractData Extracts selected layers in the specified area of interest to a specific format and spatial reference.
ExtractDataAndEmailTask Extracts the data in the specified layers and area of interest to the selected format and spatial reference, zips the data and emails it to the specified address.
ExtractDataTask Extracts the selected layers in the specified area of interest to the selected formats and spatial reference, then returns all the data in a zip file.
GenerateGlobeServerCache Generates Globe data Caches based on ArcGlobe’s Data tiling scheme.
GenerateMapServerCache Generates a cache of static image tiles for an ArcGIS Server Map Service.
GenerateMapServerCacheTilingScheme Generates an XML tiling scheme file that defines the scale levels, tile dimensions, and other properties for a map service cache.
ImportMapServerCache Imports tiles from a folder on disk into a map cache.
ManageGlobeServerCacheTiles Creates and updates tiles in an existing globe service cache.
ManageMapServerCacheScales Updates the scale levels in an existing cached map service.
ManageMapServerCacheTiles Creates and updates tiles in an existing map service cache.
SendEmailWithZipFileAttachment Emails a file to an email address using a SMTP email server.
UpdateGlobeServerCache Updates an existing Globe Service cache to replace missing tiles, overwrite outdated tiles, or add new tiles in new areas.
UpdateMapServerCache Updates an existing Map Service cache to replace missing tiles, overwrite outdated tiles, or add new tiles in new areas or, in the case of a multi-layer cache, from additional layers.
UpdateMapServerCacheScales The Update Map Server Cache Scales tool is contained in the Server Tools tool box.

Package Description

Use the Server geoprocessing tools to generate, update, and delete MapServer and GlobeServer image caches.

The MapServer geoprocessing tools create tiling schemes to reference the tiles in a Map Service cache, create caches using all the instances of a Map Service, update caches when data changes or a cache needs to be expanded, and delete caches when no longer needed.

The GlobeServer geoprocessing tools create caches using all the instances of a Globe Service, update caches when data changes, and delete caches when no longer needed. Once caches are created they dramatically improve performance of serving maps to client applications.

Name Description
Caching Caching tools to let you generate, update, and delete MapServer and GlobeServer image caches.