
Interface Summary
TaskActionDescriptorModel TaskActionDescriptorModel objects provide metadata for a task action.
TaskInfo The TaskInfo interface represents the metadata of your task class.
TaskLayout Defines an interface to lay out the components containted in the task.
TaskParamDescriptorModel TaskParamDescriptorModel objects provide metadata for a task parameter.
TaskParamValidator This interface is implemented by classes that define validation rules for a Task's parameter.
TaskParamValidatorModel The interface allows implemented class to get a reference of TaskParamValidator object.
TaskToolDescriptorModel TaskToolDescriptorModel objects provide metadata for a task tool.

Class Summary
AbsoluteLayout Defines an absolute layout.
AbsolutePosition Extends Position class to position the location of sub-components of task
ButtonDescriptor The ButtonDescriptor is an intermediary class and its primary purpose is to serve as a super-class with basic implementations for some methods for the TaskActionDescriptor and TaskToolDescriptor classes.
DefaultLayout A default layout class for subclass
Position An abstract class used to specify the position infomation of each component in a task.
SimpleTaskInfo The SimpleTaskInfo is the default implementation of TaskInfo such that all getter methods return null.
TabularLayout Defines a tabular layout to lay out the components of a task in a tabular.
TabularPosition The position class to define each sub-component
TaskActionDescriptor The TaskActionDescriptor class provides metadata for the task actions.
TaskDescriptor The TaskDescriptor class provides metadata for the task class.
TaskParamDescriptor The TaskParamDescriptor class provides metadata for the task parameters.
TaskToolDescriptor The TaskToolDescriptor class provides metadata for the task tools.
TaskUtils The TaskUtils class provides simple utility methods for accessing metadata for a task.

Exception Summary