Interface TaskInfo

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GeocodeTask, GPJobResultsTaskInfo, MapToolsTaskInfo, PrintTaskTaskInfo, QueryAttributesTaskInfo, RoutingTaskInfo, SearchAttributesTaskInfo, SimpleTaskInfo, XMLSimpleTaskInfo

public interface TaskInfo
extends Serializable

The TaskInfo interface represents the metadata of your task class. It contains descriptors for the task itself as well as its parameters, actions and tools. It also contains information about how the task should be laid out.

If your task contains only parameters and actions, you don't need to explicitly create a TaskInfo. If your task contains tools, you'll need to minimally implement the getToolDescriptors() method. You can also implement the methods to return parameter and action descriptors should you want to display custom text or icons.

To provide a custom layout for your task, you'll need to implement the getTaskLayout() method.

Method Summary
 TaskActionDescriptorModel[] getActionDescriptors()
          Returns an array of TaskActionDescriptorModel objects for the actions in your task.
 TaskParamDescriptorModel[] getParamDescriptors()
          Returns an array of TaskParamDescriptorModel objects for the parameters of your task.
 TaskDescriptor getTaskDescriptor()
          Returns the TaskDescriptor object for your task.
 TaskLayout[] getTaskLayout()
          Returns the TaskLayout object for this task.
 TaskToolDescriptorModel[] getToolDescriptors()
           Returns an array of TaskToolDescriptorModel objects for the tools in your task.

Method Detail


TaskDescriptor getTaskDescriptor()
Returns the TaskDescriptor object for your task. The TaskDescriptor provides information about the task such as its class, visibility and title text.

the TaskDescriptor object for your task


TaskParamDescriptorModel[] getParamDescriptors()
Returns an array of TaskParamDescriptorModel objects for the parameters of your task. The param descriptors provide information about the parameter such as its name, type, renderer, etc.

an array of TaskParamDescriptorModel objects for the parameters of your task


TaskActionDescriptorModel[] getActionDescriptors()
Returns an array of TaskActionDescriptorModel objects for the actions in your task. The action descriptors provide information about the action such as its name, method, icons, etc.

an array of TaskActionDescriptorModel objects for the actions in your task


TaskToolDescriptorModel[] getToolDescriptors()

Returns an array of TaskToolDescriptorModel objects for the tools in your task. The action descriptors provide information about the action such as its name, method, client-side action, icons, etc.

Note that if your task contains tools, you must minimally override this method.

an array of TaskToolDescriptorModel objects for the tools in your task


TaskLayout[] getTaskLayout()
Returns the TaskLayout object for this task. The TaskLayout defines an interface to lay out the components contained in the task.

the TaskLayout object for this task