Class TextCriteria

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
QueryCriteria, Serializable

public class TextCriteria
extends Object
implements QueryCriteria, Serializable

Defines an attribute search. QueryHandler will search all the search fields for the given text.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String CRITERIA_TYPE
          The criteria type: "Text"
Constructor Summary
          Instantiates an empty object of TextCriteria.
TextCriteria(String searchText, boolean contains, List<String> searchFields)
          Instantiates an object of TextCriteria.
Method Summary
 String getCriteriaType()
          A String representing the query type e.g.
 String getDisplayFieldName()
          Gets the field name which can be used in the query result as a result node title.
 List<? extends LayerDefinition> getLayerDefinitions()
          Returns the list of LayerDefinition associated with this query.
 int getMaxRecordCount()
          Gets the maximum number of returning records in one query.
 List<String> getReturnFields()
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.getReturnFields()
 List<String> getSearchFields()
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.getSearchFields()
 String getSearchText()
          Sets the text to search.
 boolean isContains()
          Returns true if the search text can be part of the field value.
 boolean isFetchResultDetails()
          Returns true if all the feature details e.g.
 void setContains(boolean contains)
          Sets to true if the search text can be part of the field value.
 void setDisplayFieldName(String displayFieldName)
          Sets the field name which can be used in the query result as a result node title.
 void setFetchResultDetails(boolean fetchResultDetails)
          Sets to true to return all the feature details e.g.
 void setLayerDefinitions(List<? extends LayerDefinition> layerDefinitions)
          Sets the list of LayerDefinition objects associated with this query.
 void setMaxRecordCount(int maxRecordCount)
          Sets the maximum number of returning records in one query.
 void setReturnFields(List<String> returnFields)
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.setReturnFields(List)
 void setSearchFields(List<String> searchFields)
          Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.setSearchFields(List)
 void setSearchText(String findText)
          Gets the search target.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String CRITERIA_TYPE
The criteria type: "Text"

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public TextCriteria()
Instantiates an empty object of TextCriteria.


public TextCriteria(String searchText,
                    boolean contains,
                    List<String> searchFields)
Instantiates an object of TextCriteria.

searchText - the text for search.
contains - set to true if the text can be part of the field value.
searchFields - the field to search with.
Method Detail


public String getCriteriaType()
Description copied from interface: QueryCriteria
A String representing the query type e.g. "Identify"

Specified by:
getCriteriaType in interface QueryCriteria


public String getDisplayFieldName()
Description copied from interface: QueryCriteria
Gets the field name which can be used in the query result as a result node title.

Specified by:
getDisplayFieldName in interface QueryCriteria
the field name.


public void setDisplayFieldName(String displayFieldName)
Description copied from interface: QueryCriteria
Sets the field name which can be used in the query result as a result node title.

Specified by:
setDisplayFieldName in interface QueryCriteria


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public boolean isFetchResultDetails()
Description copied from interface: QueryCriteria
Returns true if all the feature details e.g. fields should be returned.

Specified by:
isFetchResultDetails in interface QueryCriteria


public void setFetchResultDetails(boolean fetchResultDetails)
Description copied from interface: QueryCriteria
Sets to true to return all the feature details e.g. fields.

Specified by:
setFetchResultDetails in interface QueryCriteria


public int getMaxRecordCount()
Description copied from interface: QueryCriteria
Gets the maximum number of returning records in one query.

Specified by:
getMaxRecordCount in interface QueryCriteria
the maximum number of returning records.


public void setMaxRecordCount(int maxRecordCount)
Description copied from interface: QueryCriteria
Sets the maximum number of returning records in one query.

Specified by:
setMaxRecordCount in interface QueryCriteria
maxRecordCount - the new value.


public boolean isContains()
Returns true if the search text can be part of the field value.


public void setContains(boolean contains)
Sets to true if the search text can be part of the field value.

contains -


public String getSearchText()
Sets the text to search.


public void setSearchText(String findText)
Gets the search target.


public List<String> getSearchFields()
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.getSearchFields()

Returns the list of search field names.


public void setSearchFields(List<String> searchFields)
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.setSearchFields(List)

Sets the list of search field names. Spatial operation is performed based on the specified return fields.


public List<String> getReturnFields()
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.getReturnFields()

Returns the list of return field names.


public void setReturnFields(List<String> returnFields)
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS Java Server 9.3, instead use LayerDefinition.setReturnFields(List)

Sets the list of return field names. Only the field names in the list will be returned in QueryResult.getDetails().


public void setLayerDefinitions(List<? extends LayerDefinition> layerDefinitions)
Sets the list of LayerDefinition objects associated with this query.

layerDefinitions - the list of layer definition objects


public List<? extends LayerDefinition> getLayerDefinitions()
Returns the list of LayerDefinition associated with this query.

the list of layer definition objects