Interface | Description |
IAGSObjectCreationProperties | Provides access to members that define creation properties of an ArcGIS Server object. |
IEnumGxObject | Provides access to members that enumerate through GxObjects. |
IEnumGxObjectFactory | Provides access to members that enumerate through GxObject factories. |
IGxAddGISServerCommand | Provides access to members that manages Add GIS Server command. |
IGxAGSCatalog | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server data sharing object. |
IGxAGSConnection | Provides access to members of GxObject that connects to an ArcGIS server (AGS). |
IGxAGSFolder | |
IGxAGSGeoDataServer | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server geodataserver object. |
IGxAGSGeometry | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server geometry object. |
IGxAGSGeoprocessing | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server geoprocessing object. |
IGxAGSGlobe | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server globe object. |
IGxAGSGlobeLayer | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a layer in an ArcGIS Server globe object. |
IGxAGSImage | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Image Server Service object. |
IGxAGSImage2 | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Image Server Service object. |
IGxAGSLocator | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server locator object. |
IGxAGSMap | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server map object. |
IGxAGSMobile | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server mobile object. |
IGxAGSObject | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server (AGS) object. |
IGxAGSObject2 | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server (AGS) object. |
IGxAGSObject3 | Provides access to members of GxObject that represents a ArcGIS Server (AGS) object. |
IGxBasicObject | Indicator interface that identifies an object that is considered a basic object type (for example, a folder). |
IGxCachedObjects | Provides access to members that load/release objects being cached for efficiency. |
IGxCatalog | Provides access to members that manages a GX catalog. |
IGxCatalogAdmin | Provides access to members that manage the behavior of the GX catalog object. |
IGxCatalogDefaultDatabase | Provides access to members that manages a GX catalog default geodatabase. |
IGxCatalogEvents | Provides access to events that the catalog can fire. |
IGxCatalogEventsDisp | Provides access to events that the catalog can fire. |
IGxCatalogWorkspace | Provides access to members that manages a GX catalog workspace. |
IGxContentViewControlCustom | Provides access to members that controls GxContentViewControlCustom. |
IGxDatabase | Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GX database object. |
IGxDatabase2 | Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GX database object. |
IGxDatabaseExtension | Provides access to members that manage a GX database extension. |
IGxDatabaseExtensionCompare | Provides access to members that defines whether something is a database extension. |
IGxDatabaseExtensions | Provides access to members that return GX database extensions. |
IGxDataElement | Provides access to all GxObjects to get their associated data elements. |
IGxDataElementHelper | Provides access to interface which allows GxObject implementers to partially or completely fill the properties of the peer data element. |
IGxDataGraph2 | Provides access to members that control data graph GxObject. |
IGxDataset | Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GX dataset object. |
IGxDefaultDatabase | Provides access to members that returns default state of a database. |
IGxDiskConnection | Indicator interface that identifies an object that represents a connection to disk. |
IGxDiskConnection2 | Provides access to members that manage properties of GX disk connection. |
IGxDisplayName | Provides access to the display name of GxObjects. |
IGxDocument | Provides access to members that returns the open status of a document. |
IGxExcelFile | Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GxExcelFile object. |
IGxFeatureDefinitionPackage | Provides access to members that manage a GX feature definition package object. |
IGxFile | Provides access to members that manages a file object. |
IGxFileFilter | Provides access to members that manage a file filter for various file types. |
IGxFileFilterEvents | Provides access to events that the ArcCatalog file filter can fire. |
IGxFileSetup | Provides access to members that sets up the properties of a file object. |
IGxFilterDataElements | Provides access to GxFilter data elements. |
IGxFilterSearchServers | Provides access to members that manage the properties of a GxFilterSearchServer object. |
IGxFolder | Provides access to members that return file system workspaces represented by this folder. |
IGxFolderAdmin | Provides access to memebers that help find child GX folder. |
IGxFolderConnections | Indicator interface that identifies an object that contains folder connections. |
IGxGDSConnection | Provides access to members of GxObject that connects to a GeoData Server. |
IGxGeodatabase | Provides access to members of GxObject that connect to an Geodatabase object. |
IGxGISDataServers | Provides access to the list of GIS Data Servers registered on the system. |
IGxGISServersFolder | Provides access to members that manages the properties of a GISServers root folder. |
IGxGPTool | Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog geoprocessing tool object. |
IGxGPToolbox | Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog toolbox object. |
IGxGPToolset | Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog toolset object. |
IGxISCDef | Indicator interface that identifies the GxObject that corresponds to an ArcGIS Image Server Compiled Service Definition document. |
IGxLayer | Provides access to members that manage a GX layer object. |
IGxLayerSource | Indicator interface that identifies that the given GxObject can generate a layer for the underlying data source. |
IGxLocator | Provides access to members for retrieving the locator. |
IGxMap | Indicator interface that identifies a GxObject that corresponds to an ArcMap document. |
IGxMapPageLayout | Provides access to members that returns the page layer for a map document. |
IGxMetadataSupport | Provides access to information for metadata toolbar. |
IGxNewDatabase | Provides access to members that defines a new database shortcut. |
IGxObject | Provides access to members that are common to all GxObjects. |
IGxObjectArray | Provides access to members that manage an array of GxObjects. |
IGxObjectContainer | Provides access to members that manage child GxObjects. |
IGxObjectContainer2 | Provides access to members that manage child GxObjects. |
IGxObjectDeleteOptions | Provides access to members that specify behavior when deleting multiple objects. |
IGxObjectEdit | Provides access to members that edit/modify a GxObject. |
IGxObjectFactories | Provides access to members that manage a collection of GxObject factories. |
IGxObjectFactory | Provides access to members that define a GxObject factory. |
IGxObjectFactoryEdit | Provides access to members that modify the object factory's properties. |
IGxObjectFactoryFileExtensions | Provides access to a set of extensions handled by the factory. |
IGxObjectFactoryMetadata | Provides access to members that returns a GxObject from some metadata. |
IGxObjectFactoryPriority | Provides access to members that manages the priority of a GxObject factory. |
IGxObjectFilter | Provides access to members that defines a GxObject filter. |
IGxObjectFilterCollection | Provides access to members that manages a collection of GxObject filters. |
IGxObjectFilterCollectionAdmin | Provides access to members that returns the first passed GxObject filter in a collection. |
IGxObjectInternalName | Provides access to members that manage the name object that the GxObject represents. |
IGxObjectProperties | Provides access to members that return properties of the GxObject. |
IGxObjectSort | Provides access to members that manages the properties determining whether an object should be sorted or not. |
IGxObjectSortAlwaysOnTop | Provides access to the interface which makes the GxObject ALWAYS stay at the top of sort list (regardless of sorting order). eg. GxAddAGSConnection. |
IGxObjectUI | Provides access to members that represent the icons and menus for a GxObject. |
IGxObjectWizard | Provides access to members that invokes a wizard associated with the GxObject. |
IGxPasteTarget | Provides access to members for pasting objects. |
IGxPasteTargetHelper | Provides access to members that help pasting GxObjects. |
IGxPre70Coverage | Provides access to members that control the Gx Pre-7.0 Coverage. |
IGxPrjFile | Provides access to members that returns the properties of a PRJ file. |
IGxPrjFile2 | Provides access to members that returns the properties of a PRJ file. |
IGxRasterDataset | Provides access to members that provide information about Gx raster dataset. |
IGxRemoteConnection | Provides access to members pertaining to remote connections. |
IGxRemoteContainer | Indicator interface that identifies an object that contains objects from a remote source. |
IGxRemoteDatabaseFolder | Provides access to members that defines the remote databases folder. |
IGxRootObjectStartupProperties | Provides access to the startup properties for Gx Root Objects. |
IGxSelection | Provides access to members that manages the selection within the catalog. |
IGxSelectionEvents | Provides access to events that the ArcCatalog selection can fire. |
IGxShortcut | Provides access to members that manages the target of a shortcut object. |
IGxSpatialReferencesFolder | Provides access to members that manages the properties of a spatial reference folder. |
IGxTextFile | Indicator interface that identifies a GxObject that corresponds to a text file. |
IGxThumbnail | Provides access to members that manages the thumbnail of a GxObject. |
IGxToolbox | Provides access to members that manage tools for the current selection. |
IGxToolboxesFolder | Provides access to properties/methods of a catalog toolboxes folder object. |
IGxToolboxesRoot | Provides access to properties/methods of the root-level catalog Toolboxes object. |
IGxWCSConnection | Provides access to members to connect to an WCS server. |
IGxWCSCoverage | Provides access to members GxWCSCoverage object. |
IGxWMSConnection | Provides access to members to connect to an WMS server. |
IGxWMSLayer | Provides access to members GxWMSLayer object. |
IGxWMSMap | Provides access to members GxWMSMap object. |
IGxWorkspaceDatabase | Indicator interface for GxWorkspaceDatabase objects. |
IGxWorkspaceFolder | Indicator interface for GxWorkspaceFolder objects. |
IIMSConnection | Provides access to members to connect to an ArcIMS server (IMS). |
IIMSConnection2 | Provides access to members to connect to an ArcIMS server (IMS). |
IMetadataExport | Provides access to members that define a metadata exporter. |
IMetadataImport | Provides access to members that define a metadata importer. |
IMetadataValidator | Provides access to methods to validate metadata. |
IQuery | Provides access to members that let you modify a query. |
IRasterFormatFilter | Provides access to members that provide information about raster formats. |
IRemoteMetadata | Provides access to members to manipulate information specific to metadata stored in an ArcIMS Metadata Server. |
IRemoteMetadata2 | Provides access to allow user to decide whether to show dialog and to manipulate specific information on ArcIMS Server. |
ISearchResults | Provides access to members that manage the search result. |
ISearchResultsIdentifyObject | Provides access to members that identify an object in the search results layer. |
ISearchResultsLayer | Provides access to members that control the search results layer. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
ComplexNativeType | Native type for built up of other native types. |
DataGraphNativeType | Native type for a data graph. |
EnumGxObject | Provides access to a set of GxObjects. |
FdpFileNativeType | Native type for a fdp file. |
FileNativeType | Native type for a filtered file. |
FolderNativeType | Native type for a folder. |
GNSynchronizer | ESRI Geography Network Synchronizer object. |
GNValidator | ESRI Geography Network Metadata Validator. |
GPToolboxNativeType | Geoprocessing Toolbox Native Type. |
GPToolNativeType | Geoprocessing Tool Native Type. |
GxAddAGSConnection | The one and only GxAddAGSConnection object. |
GxAddAGSObject | The one and only GxAddAGSObject object. |
GxAddGDSConnection | The one and only GxAddGDSConnection object. |
GxAddIn | GxObject that represents an ESRI AddIn. |
GxAddInFactory | ESRI GxAddIn object factory. |
GxAddWCSConnection | The object of Add WCS connection. |
GxAddWMSConnection | The object of Add WMS connection. |
GxAGSCatalog | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server data sharing object. |
GxAGSConnection | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server connection. |
GxAGSConnectionFactory | ESRI GxAGSConnection object factory. |
GxAGSFolder | The ESRI GxAGSFolder object. |
GxAGSGeoDataServer | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geodataserver object. |
GxAGSGeometry | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geometry Server Service object. |
GxAGSGeoprocessing | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server geoprocessing object. |
GxAGSGlobe | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server globe object. |
GxAGSGlobeLayer | GxObject that represents a layer in an ArcGIS Server globe object. |
GxAGSImage | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Image Server Service object. |
GxAGSLocator | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server locator object. |
GxAGSMap | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Server map object. |
GxCadDataset | A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset. |
GxCadFactory | Gx Cad Feature Class and Drawing object factory. |
GxCatalog | GxObject that represents the catalog. |
GxCoverageDataset | A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset. |
GxCoverageFactory | Gx Coverage, Feature Class and INFO Table object factory. |
GxDatabase | GxObject that represents a database. |
GxDatabaseExtensions | GxObject that represents the database extensions. |
GxDatabaseFactory | ESRI GxDatabase object factory. |
GxDatabaseServerFolder | Container for Database Servers. |
GxDataGraph | GxObject that represents data graph. |
GxDataGraphFactory | Data graph GxObject factory. |
GxDataServer | The one and only Data Server object. |
GxDataset | GxObject that represents a dataset. |
GxDiskConnection | GxObject that represents a disk connection. |
GxExcelFactory | ESRI GxExcel object factory. |
GxExcelFile | GxObject that represents a excel file. |
GxFeatureDefinitionPackage | GxObject that represents a feature definition package. |
GxFeatureDefinitionPackageFactory | ESRI GxFeatureDefinitionPackage object factory. |
GxFile | GxObject that represents a file. |
GxFileFactory | ESRI GxFile object factory. |
GxFileFilter | The catalog's file filter. |
GxFilterAnnotationFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing annotation feature classes. |
GxFilterBasicTypes | A filter for displaying basic types, like the catalog, disk connections, folders, etc. Typically, other filters use this object internally. |
GxFilterCadAnnotationClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing Cad Annotation Classes. |
GxFilterCadastralFabrics | A filter for displaying/choosing Cadastral Fabric datasets. |
GxFilterCadDrawingDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing Cad Drawing datasets. |
GxFilterCadFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing Cad Feature Classes. |
GxFilterContainers | A filter for displaying/choosing containers (folders and databases). |
GxFilterCoverageAnnotationClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing coverage annotation classes. |
GxFilterCoverageFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing coverage feature classes. |
GxFilterCoverages | A filter for displaying/choosing coverages. |
GxFilterDataElements | A filter for displaying/choosing data elements. |
GxFilterDataGraphs | A filter for displaying or choosing data graphs. |
GxFilterDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset. |
GxFilterDatasetsAndLayers | A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset or layer. |
GxFilterdBASEFiles | A filter for displaying/choosing dBASE files. |
GxFilterDefaultDatabaseWorkspaces | A filter for displaying/choosing workspaces use as the default database. |
GxFilterDimensionFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing dimension feature classes. |
GxFilterFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing feature classes. |
GxFilterFeatureDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing feature datasets. |
GxFilterFeatureDatasetsAndFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing feature datasets or feature classes. |
GxFilterFGDBFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabase feature classes. |
GxFilterFGDBFeatureDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabase feature datasets. |
GxFilterFGDBTables | A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabase tables. |
GxFilterFileGeodatabases | A filter for displaying/choosing file geodatabases. |
GxFilterFiles | A filter for displaying/choosing files. |
GxFilterFileToolboxes | Object used to filter for file-based Toolboxes. |
GxFilterGeoDataServers | A filter for displaying/choosing geodataserver objects. |
GxFilterGeoDataServersAndWorkspaces | A filter for displaying/choosing geodataserver/workspaces objects. |
GxFilterGeoDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing geographic datasets. |
GxFilterGeometricNetworks | A filter for displaying/choosing geometric networks. |
GxFilterGlobeCaches | A filter for displaying/choosing Globe Layer Caches. |
GxFilterGlobeServers | A filter for displaying/choosing globe service objects. |
GxFilterGPServers | A filter for displaying/choosing gp server objects. |
GxFilterImageServerDataSource | A filter for displaying/choosing image service data sources. |
GxFilterImageServers | A filter for displaying/choosing Image Server Object. |
GxFilterInfoTables | A filter for displaying/choosing info tables. |
GxFilterLayers | A filter for displaying/choosing layers. |
GxFilterMapDatasetsAndLayers | A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset or layer in ArcMap. |
GxFilterMaps | A filter for displaying/choosing maps. |
GxFilterMapServers | A filter for displaying/choosing map server object. |
GxFilterMapServersTilingScheme | A filter for displaying/choosing map service tiling scheme. |
GxFilterMosaicDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing mosaic datasets. |
GxFilterNetworkDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing network datasets. |
GxFilterPersonalGeodatabases | A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabases. |
GxFilterPGDBFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabase feature classes. |
GxFilterPGDBFeatureDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabase feature datasets. |
GxFilterPGDBTables | A filter for displaying/choosing personal geodatabase tables. |
GxFilterPointFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing point feature classes. |
GxFilterPolygonFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing polygon feature classes. |
GxFilterPolylineFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing polyline feature classes. |
GxFilterRasterCatalogDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing raster catalog datasets. |
GxFilterRasterDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing raster datasets. |
GxFilterRelationshipClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing relationship classes. |
GxFilterRemoteMetadata | A filter for displaying ArcIMS Metadata Documents. |
GxFilterRemoteMetadataContainer | A filter for displaying containers of ArcIMS Metadata documents. |
GxFilterRoute | GxFilterRoute for selecting only polyline-m feature classes. |
GxFilterRunningMapServers | A filter for displaying/choosing running map server object. |
GxFilterSceneDatasetsAndLayers | A filter for displaying/choosing a dataset or layer in ArcScene. |
GxFilterSDCFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying and choosing SDC feature classes. |
GxFilterSDCFeatureDatasets | A filter for displaying and choosing SDC feature datasets. |
GxFilterSDCNetworkDatasets | A filter for displaying and choosing SDC network datasets. |
GxFilterSDCTables | A filter for displaying and choosing SDC tables. |
GxFilterSDEFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing SDE feature classes. |
GxFilterSDEFeatureDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing SDE feature datasets. |
GxFilterSDETables | A filter for displaying/choosing SDE tables. |
GxFilterSearchServers | A filter for displaying/choosing Enterprise Catalog Server objects. |
GxFilterShapefiles | A filter for displaying/choosing shapefiles. |
GxFilterSpatialReferences | A filter for displaying/choosing spatial references. |
GxFilterStreetMapFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying and choosing StreetMap feature classes. |
GxFilterTables | A filter for displaying/choosing tables. |
GxFilterTablesAndFeatureClasses | A filter for displaying/choosing tables and feature classes. |
GxFilterTerrains | A filter for displaying/choosing Terrains datasets. |
GxFilterTextFiles | A filter for displaying/choosing delimited text files. |
GxFilterTINDatasets | A filter for displaying/choosing TIN datasets. |
GxFilterToolboxes | Object used to filter for Toolboxes. |
GxFilterTools | Object used to filter for geoprocessing Tools. |
GxFilterTopologies | A filter for displaying/choosing topologies. |
GxFilterVerticalCoordinateSystems | A filter for displaying/choosing vertical coordinate systems. |
GxFilterWCSCoverage | A filter for displaying/choosing WCS Coverage. |
GxFilterWMS | A filter for displaying/choosing WMS service object. |
GxFilterWorkspaces | A filter for displaying/choosing workspaces. |
GxFolder | GxObject that represents a folder. |
GxFolderConnections | Container of folder connections. |
GxGDBRasterExtension | A Gx GDB Raster dataset Extension. |
GxGDSGeodatabase | GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection. |
GxGeoprocessingFileFactory | GX Geoprocessing File object factory. |
GxGISServersFolder | Container of GIS servers. |
GxIMSConnectionFactory | ESRI GxIMSConnection object factory. |
GxISCDef | GxObject that represents an ISCDef (ArcGIS Image Server Compiled Service Definition document). |
GxISCDefFactory | ESRI GxISCDef object factory. |
GxLayer | GxObject that represents a layer. |
GxLayerFactory | ESRI GxLayer object factory. |
GxMap | GxObject that represents a map. |
GxMapFactory | ESRI GxMap object factory. |
GxMetadata | GxObject that represents an XML file. |
GxMetadataFactory | A factory for creating GxMetadata objects to show XML files in the Catalog. |
GxNewDatabase | Shortcut to create new databases. |
GxObjectArray | GxObject that represents an array of GxObjects. |
GxPackage | GxObject that represents a layer or map package. |
GxPackageFactory | Layer or Map Package object factory. |
GxPCCoverage | GxObject that represents PC Coverage. |
GxPCCoverageFactory | ESRI GxPCCoverage object factory. |
GxPre70Coverage | GxObject that represents Pre-7.0 Coverage. |
GxPre70CoverageFactory | ESRI GxPre70Coverage object factory. |
GxPrjFile | GxObject that represents GxPrjFile. |
GxPrjFileFactory | ESRI GxPrjFile object factory. |
GxRasterDataset | A Gx Raster dataset. |
GxRasterFileSystemFactory | Gx Raster File System object factory. |
GxRemoteDatabaseFolder | Container of remote database workspaces. |
GxReport | GxObject that represents a report. |
GxReportFactory | Report object factory. |
GxSDCDataset | A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table. |
GxSDCFactory | Gx SDC object factory. |
GxSelection | GxObject that represents the catalog's selection. |
GxShapefileDataset | A Shapefile Feature Class or DBase Table. |
GxShapefileFactory | Gx Object Factory for Shapefile Feature Classes and DBase Tables. |
GxShortcut | GxObject that represents a shortcut to a GxObject. |
GxShortcutFactory | ESRI GxShortcut object factory. |
GxSpatialReferencesFolder | Container of spatial references (PRJ files). |
GxStreetMapDataset | A StreetMap feature class. |
GxStreetMapFactory | Gx StreetMap object factory. |
GxTextFile | GxObject that represents the text file. |
GxTextFileFactory | ESRI GxTextFile object factory. |
GxTool | Catalog object corresponding to geoprocessing tools. |
GxToolbox | Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes. |
GxToolboxesFolder | Catalog object corresponding to the System Toolboxes and My Toolboxes nodes. |
GxToolboxesRoot | Catalog object corresponding to root-level Toolboxes node. |
GxToolboxExtension | GX Toolbox object factory. |
GxToolboxFactory | GX Toolbox object factory. |
GxToolset | Catalog object corresponding to toolsets. |
GxVpfDataset | A VPF Feature Class. |
GxVpfFactory | Gx VPF Feature Datasets and Table object factory. |
GxWCSConnection | The connection of WCS service. |
GxWCSConnectionFactory | Gx Object Factory for GxWCSConnections. |
GxWCSCoverage | GxWCSCoverage object for the ArcCatalog. |
GxWMSConnection | The connection of WMS service. |
GxWMSConnectionFactory | Gx Object Factory for GxWMSConnections. |
GxWMSLayer | GxWMSLayer object for the ArcCatalog. |
GxWMSMap | GxWMSMap object for the ArcCatalog. |
GxWorkspaceFolder | GxObject that represents a workspace folder. |
IMSConnection | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Connection. |
IMSConnectionNativeType | Native type for an ArcIMS Connection. |
IMSFeatureClass | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class. |
IMSFeatureService | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Service. |
IMSFeatureServiceNativeType | Native type for a ArcIMS Feature Service. |
IMSGlobeServiceDescription | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Globe File. |
IMSGlobeSubServiceDescription | ArcIMS Globe Sub Service. |
IMSImageMap | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Image Map. |
IMSImageMapNativeType | Native type for a ArcIMS ImageMap. |
IMSMetadataDocumentNativeType | Native type for a ArcIMS Metadata Document. |
IMSMetadataService | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service. |
IMSMetadataServiceNativeType | Native type for a ArcIMS Metadata Service. |
LayerNativeType | Native type for a layer. |
MapNativeType | Native type for a map. |
MetadataNativeType | Native type for standalone metadata. |
NewIMSConnection | GxObject that represents new ArcIMS Connection. |
Pre70CoverageNativeType | Native type for pre-7.0 coverages. |
PrjFileNativeType | Native type for a prj file. |
RasterFormatBILFilter | The format filter for esri bil. |
RasterFormatBIPFilter | The format filter for esri bip. |
RasterFormatBMPFilter | The format filter for BMP. |
RasterFormatBSQFilter | The format filter for esri bsq. |
RasterFormatENVIFilter | The format filter for ENVI. |
RasterFormatFGDBFilter | The format filter for File Geodatabase Raster. |
RasterFormatGIFFilter | The format filter for GIF. |
RasterFormatGridFilter | The format filter for Grid. |
RasterFormatImgFilter | The format filter for IMG. |
RasterFormatJP2Filter | The format filter for JP2. |
RasterFormatJPGFilter | The format filter for JPG. |
RasterFormatPGDBFilter | The format filter for Personal Geodatabase Raster. |
RasterFormatPNGFilter | The format filter for png. |
RasterFormatSDEFilter | The format filter for SDE Raster. |
RasterFormatTifFilter | The format filter for TIFF. |
SearchResults | GxObject that represents the search result. |
SearchResultsIdentifyObj | An object for identifying the contents of a search results layer. |
SearchResultsLayer | A layer that lets you preview a search result in the Geography tab. |
SearchResultsLayerFactory | A factory for creating search result layers. |
SearchResultsRoot | A container for search results. |
ShortcutNativeType | Native type for a shortcut. |
WCSConnectionNativeType | The native type of WCS connection. |
WMSConnectionNativeType | The native type of WMS connection. |
WorkspaceFolderNativeType | Native type for a workspace folder. |
Enumeration | Description |
esriContentType | ArcIMS Metadata Server content type. |
esriDoubleClickResult | Object Filter Double-Click Result. |
esriFindDateOperator | Operators for comparing dates. |
esriFindDateType | Date that will be tested. |
esriFindEnvelopeOperator | Operators for comparing the dataset's extent to the search extent. |
esriFindFieldOperator | Operators for testing the contents of a metadata element. |
esriFindFieldType | Metadata elements whose values can be tested. |
esriGxDeleteOption | GxObject deleting options enum. |
esriSynchronizationOption | Options for setting when the Catalog creates and updates metadata automatically. |