ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

IGxBasicObject Interface

Indicator interface that identifies an object that is considered a basic object type (for example, a folder).

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.

CoClasses that implement IGxBasicObject

CoClasses and Classes Description
GxAddAGSConnection The one and only GxAddAGSConnection object.
GxAddAGSObject The one and only GxAddAGSObject object.
GxAddGDSConnection The one and only GxAddGDSConnection object.
GxAddWCSConnection The object of Add WCS connection.
GxAddWMSConnection The object of Add WMS connection.
GxNewDatabase Shortcut to create new databases.
NewIMSConnection GxObject that represents new ArcIMS Connection.
TxGPSConnectorWizard (esriTrackingAnalystUI) A wizard object that assists in defining the connection properties (i.e., communication parameters) with a locally connected GPS device.